Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7210

Chapter 7305 Profit-driven

It doesn’t matter if a stranger, or someone who is unknown, takes the lead.

Because it does no harm to their interests.

They are all people with their own guilds, and most of them are the bosses of the guilds, or the signs of the guilds.

In the “Swordsman Love Online” game, because of the combat power of high-end cultivators, compared with low-end cultivators, it is almost a crushing existence. Their top combat power is even more terrifying.

Everyone is the core of their own guild. Their every move directly affects their guild. Once they are surpassed by others, especially those from the guild, the impact on them, as well as the guild, will be very great.

In today’s game world of hundreds of millions of people, the benefits generated every second are hundreds of thousands, which is a very large number. The contribution of hundreds of millions of people is terrible. Although the game is completely free, it does not mean that players will not spend money in the game.

Regarding the art of spending money, why those other game companies are inferior to Lin Feng? In addition to the inferior game technology, it also lies in Lin Feng’s research on the game. Lin Feng really has the taste of the players.

Games cost money, that is very normal. No player denies this.

It’s just that each player’s economic foundation leads to different players’ attitudes towards spending money. However, with the growth of the global economy and the strong outbreak of emerging economies, the money at the disposal of this player is also increasing day by day.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Lin Feng asked the players to spend from the smallest amount of money.

The threshold of 1 yuan and several convenient consumption methods make it easy for players to spend it. 1 yuan per person, this is more than 400 million players, that is 400 million yuan. Assuming one yuan is spent every day, that year would be 146 billion.

This money, for all players, hardly has too much difficulty. After all, it’s only one yuan a day.

Of course, not all players are willing to spend a dollar a day, after all, spending money is small, you always have to make people feel useful.

This is the cleverness of Lin Feng.

That is, it is worth every penny you spend. That is, for every penny in the game, you can immediately see the progress of the character. As long as you can see the progress of the characters, then you will choose to spend money.

Of course, if you spend money to buy props directly, that is not feasible. At least in Lin Feng’s view, this is a very low-end profit-making method. Because no matter how you spend money, in the end, you can’t spend a small amount of money to improve, you have to spend a lot of money to improve.

In this situation, it is difficult for players to have any motivation to continue spending money. Except for those local tyrants.

Therefore, Lin Feng would not use such low-level means to accumulate money. Lam Fung will allow every player, no matter how much money he spends, to improve himself. The only difference lies in the amount of improvement. Moreover, Lin Feng will not allow players to directly promote, but spend money to promote directly.

That’s really fun. But why players have feelings for the game is by no means the feelings of spending money.

The money spent is waste paper. If the money is spent, then it is spent. This does not mean that you will be very emotional. Especially in the virtual game world, no matter how much money is spent, the feelings between you and the game characters are also very shallow, and you can’t have strong feelings just like this.

In this game, only when we get along with each other for many years, will we have feelings. Especially if you have witnessed the bit by bit of the game characters with your own eyes, that is the deep feeling. That’s why many people haven’t played games for a long time, and when they mention it at the end, they always do everything. This kind of sentiment is something that no one else can see.

Therefore, what Lin Feng does is to make all players spend money. It is not a direct improvement, but a variety of ways to improve, and then how much you improve depends on your personal ability, hard work, and a little luck.

In other words, you have one yuan, but the promotion you get may be 10 yuan or even 100 yuan. On the contrary, if you spend 100 yuan, you may only get a 50 yuan increase.

In the middle, you need to pay, not just a little bit of the mouse, just a little money.

Therefore, players can make money through the game, but at the same time spend a lot of money, and they are happy.

Naturally, for these guilds at the top of the pyramid, they are naturally the most profitable existence. And their top combat power is the guarantee of the guild’s ability to make money.

This is also a very different game mode from other games.

All games under Lam Fung’s “Second World” have completely different game modes, allowing players to choose different game pleasures. Although there will be intersections, they will not form direct competition, but will expand their market together. .

At this moment, the top combat power of these top guilds could not be restrained.

Start crossing the robbery!

Of course, there are people who choose to cross the catastrophe silently, or choose to cross the catastrophe openly.

For individuals, the benefits of silently crossing the robbery are greater than publicity, because once you fail, you may be able to get it back. On the contrary, you have to go through the catastrophe fairly, and once you fail, these items can serve others.

Moreover, there is another reason. That is when crossing the robbery, others can attack.

Of course, at present, no one has tried it. After all, up to now, only Mr. Chu has crossed the catastrophe, and the rest have not crossed the catastrophe. Whether it can be attacked or not is a theory. But in theory, there is no safe zone in the game.

Any place, anyone, can attack.

For these guild bosses, that is another matter.

Their success in publicly overcoming the robbery is a deterrent and a symbol of force.

Because he went to the fairy world. Will begin to cultivate their own forces in the fairy world. Before a handful of people succeed in crossing the robbery, these people will become extremely powerful in the immortal world. Then, if people from the same guild enter the fairyland, they can naturally be protected by it. The more people in this guild, the stronger it is, but the more benefits it can bring.

On the contrary, if you, as a symbol of the guild, pass through the robbery silently, no one knows that it will be of no benefit to the guild.

Of course, all these prerequisites are the success of crossing the catastrophe. On the contrary, if you fail to cross the catastrophe, then everything will be completely empty, and the guild will also be a very heavy blow. Because once your fighting power fails, the guild will lose a powerful pillar of strength. This is a natural blow to the guild. If no one can replace it in a short period of time, the guild will begin to decline.

And, even if it is replaced, but no one of you goes to the fairy world, and other guilds go to the fairy world, the butterfly effect that will be produced will be extremely large.

It is very possible that your guild is good in the cultivation world, but when you go to the immortal world, you will become a scum. On the contrary, the realm of cultivation is a bit close, but the realm of immortality is awesome, it will also attract people.

After all, players can break the barriers of the world through real communication.

(Today’s two changes are over and continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)

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