Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 33 - Little tadpole looking for mother

   Now that things in school are settled, Wan Feng can fully consider his money-making plan.

   Relying on Xiaorenshu alone can only maintain his normal expenses, no matter what the family asks for money, even if there is a surplus, it is far from his goal.

   And this road will not last too long.

   After all, the current situation in the countryside is like this. The students don’t have much spare money. This is the beginning of the New Year. They still have a little money for the New Year. If the money is spent, they will have no money.

   It’s time to expand the way of business, but there is a cloud in Wanfeng’s head for a while.

   Today is Wednesday, and the school is closed in the afternoon.

   Luan Feng came immediately.

   “I heard that you have bought a new book again. Would you like to show me this book?” Luan Feng is like a cat selling cute in front of Wanfeng, so if Wanfeng says nothing, she might roll on the ground.

   “Looking at a book, does it mean you have such a seductive look? It’s just that the book is not here. If you want to read it, you have to wait in the afternoon and wait for me to bring one back for you to see.”

   “What new books have you bought this time, is there anything interesting?”

   “Wow! Are there any books I bought that look bad? I solemnly recommend a little tadpole to your mother. It’s absolutely beautiful.” Wan Feng’s face was serious and Baoxiang was solemn.

   “Little tadpole is looking for his mother? Is there such a cartoon?”

   “It seems to be.”

   “No! It’s boring.”

   How dare this woman say that the tadpole is boring to find his mother! Does she know what a tadpole is? What a deep meaning!

A smirk appeared on Wanfeng’s face.

   “Why does your smile make my heart tremble?”

   Your heart is trembling. If you really understand why the tadpole is looking for a mother, your heart will tremble even more.

   However, Wan Feng did not dare to explain, fearing that Luan Feng would scratch him.

   The aunt who had finished eating came out from the east room where she lived.

   “Didn’t you have a holiday in the afternoon? I’ll take you to drop by.”

   Wanfeng looked at my aunt suspiciously, is she so kind to take herself to visit? Besides, she won’t go to work this afternoon?

   “You and I will go to your second aunt’s house as a company.”

  Sure enough, good things didn’t happen to him. Wan Feng hadn’t planned to go, but he swallowed his refusal when he saw his auntie’s face like a man.

   The second aunt is naturally Wanfeng’s mother’s younger sister. Her home is not far away. It is in Cuitun, south of Wahou, belonging to the Pingshan brigade. It is just across the hill to the south of the ditch.

  Pingshan Team is the two poorest teams in the Warriors Commune and Jiangwei Team, and even Pingshan Team is not as good as Jiangwei Team.

   My uncle works as a worker in the county cement factory, and earns 20 to 30 yuan a month. Although it is not a surplus in the countryside, it is also acceptable.

   There is a little girl in the second aunt’s family named Xiaohui. She was six years old and looked at Wanfeng timidly in tattered clothes.

   “Take my brother to the cooperative for a stroll, okay?” Wan Feng asked Xiaohui.

   Auntie and Auntie are pulling the parents’ inner boy without pulling.

   The adults may say when they will talk, but Wan Feng has no patience to listen to them talking about those useless gossip.

   “My mom won’t let it.”

   “Leave her alone, we just sneak out.”

   Xiaohui blinked twice and nodded with big eyes. –

   The two sneaked into the street quietly, and then screamed.

The cooperative from Eryi’s house to Pingshan brigade is much closer than the cooperative from Wanfeng’s grandma’s house to the Jiangwei brigade, because Cuitun is where the Pingshan brigade’s team is located. The cooperative is located at the village head of the Cuitun brigade, facing A country dirt road.

   Therefore, it didn’t take long for Wanfeng and Xiaohui to come to the cooperative.

   The team of the Pingshan Team is comparable to that of the Jiangwei Team. At least it has two rows of tiled houses. The front row is the team headquarters, opening the door from the middle of the house, and the rear row of houses is the cooperative, surrounded by high courtyard walls.

   When Wan Feng led Xiao Hui into the compound, Wan Feng heard the sound of the machine humming from the east half of the first row of houses.

   This is obviously a voice that can only come from a factory.

   This was beyond Wanfeng’s expectation. In his memory, except for the establishment of an oil mill a few years later, the Pingshan Brigade seemed to have no industry born. So where did the sound of this machine come from?

   Wanfeng probe looked inward from the window of the sounding machine.

  Pingshan brigade has two rows of tiled houses, and the next row of tiled houses is the supply and marketing cooperative of Pingshan brigade.

  The front row of brick houses is the headquarters of the Pingshan brigade. There is a doorway in the middle that divides the row of brick houses into two parts, the east and the west.

  The sound of the machine is the half of the tiled house on the east side.

   This half of the room is about 20 meters long and there are eight machines side by side in it. The height of the machines is about 1.78 meters. Below is a base with a width of about seventy or eighty centimeters square. There is a platform at the highest point of the machine, on which some broken glass is piled up. The glass is burnt red and turned into liquid, and threads of silk flow down.

   Wanfeng frowned and thought for a long time, but couldn’t figure out what this was for. He really didn’t have any storage of this machine in his memory.

   Since he didn’t know what he was doing, Wan Feng didn’t take it seriously, and led Xiaohui into the cooperative.

   In the cooperative, Wan Feng bought Xiaohui a dime worth of sugar cubes, bought a pound of peach and started talking with the people in the cooperative.

   “What does the factory outside produce?”

   The reason why the seller answered Wanfeng’s question was definitely not because Wanfeng had spent 30 cents here, but because there was no one else in the store, and probably answered with an attitude of being idle or idle.

   “Glass wire.”

   “What’s the use of pulling out the glass filament?”

   “I don’t know, it seems to be used by a factory in Ronghuashan Township.”

   Glass fiber is also called glass fiber, which seems to be of little use in the countryside, but Wan Feng remembers that it seems to be used in many chemical industries.

   “Where does this glass fiber factory get so much broken glass?” Wan Feng asked casually.

   Broken glass is needed to draw glass filaments. I wonder if this drawing factory collects broken glass?

   “We mainly use off-the-shelf blanks, but because of the high cost, we also collect some broken glass. Our cooperative collects broken glass for five catties and a penny.”

   Two cents is a catty!

   Wanfeng suddenly felt his heart light up, and his heart couldn’t help speeding up its beating frequency.

   Wanfeng didn’t say anything, he bought a box of butterfly cigarettes and led Xiao Hui out of the cooperative.

  Since the cooperative was purchased for this glass-drawing factory, there must be a price difference in the middle. If he can find the leader of this factory to talk about, wouldn’t he make the difference?

   After leaving the cooperative, Wanfeng entered the glass fiber factory.

   The glass fiber factory has a separate yard. Just behind the workshop, a small yard of three to four hundred square meters was built with stones in the large yard of the brigade, and there are several simple houses.

   There is nothing in the yard except a dilapidated bicycle leaning on the left wall.

   Wanfeng led Xiaohui into the office.

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