Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 56: On all sides

Surrounding the Eternity Spire is the Imperial Palace of the kingdom of Asrugo. For the past few hours, all the most influential people in the kingdom have come out at the behest of their king. This palace with its high walls have stood guard since the days of Emporer Rotak Tar a thousand years ago. The courtyards is filling with servants and nobility arriving in the finest offerings available in the kingdom.

Notably, the Urdak clan who most barely consider human by the other nobles. Have arrived in a giant Matelic flying ship. The onlookers stare in amazement, they have only ever seen pictures of the M.O.P. Servant and nobility alike point at the massive flying Hall. None of them can decipher how such a platform flies. The more notably mages and artisans murmur about the vaunted machine engineer cores and their excellent production.

The finery carriages of local nobility is put to shame by the silent flying gentle landing place wing of a building. This infuriates the minor nobles to their wit's end. They have had an ongoing issue with Urdak savages ever since they were inducted into the banners of house Tar. Some younger nobles have been brought as part of their learning experience.

Almost run when the magically inclined Selierra clan arrives. A portal had been open in the sky. An impossibility given the various magically defences put up and maintained by the Selierra Company on behalf of the Royal Family. Besides which only the Selierra are allowed to travel through the palace by these means. Of course, since the Palace itself has even older and stronger defences they can only teleport the ten-kilometre wide courtyard.

Rows of carriages are brought to halt as these Selierian Wizards glide down cutting in line. The magic gear they use to fly a secret sold to only a select few. This continues for hours on end well into midday. The kingdom of Asrugo is run by a bloated and often congested bureaucracy. Most have been lead into the House of Lords. This common governance has not been this busy, even at the commencement of the Blood War numbers like these were nowhere to be seen.

The house itself is lined with rows of benches for command nobles. Balconies are built into the walls for High Nobles and a floating platform for the Royal family. The house is alive with murmurs besides the odd jab at the falling fortunes of some noble line. Everyone is talking about the same thing the prophecied arrivals of Immortal Beings.

A servant walks his voice is soft and clear speaking a pronounced accent. The language of high society. The servant wearing the colours of house Tar says, "Presenting his Royal Highness, Darlok Tar." The servant had urged his majesty to allow him to express his kings' full honours. Only to be might with the typical refusal.

A man gifted by the gods walks silencing the room. His bright ginger hair matches only his volcanic red eyes. His skin is deathly pale as touched by the Light Lord himself. Still, he has an impressive physique. All the people face their king and salute. While no longer a Military dictatorship a lot of the old ways still hold true especially to those who lost during the schism. The voice of the servant had been brief but everyone in the hall the house of lords heard him clearly.

Clanks of chairs and people as the king puts his people at ease. Looking over at the arrogant Selierian balcony. Darlok nods indicating for one of them to start the purpose of this meeting. An irregularity as they haven't done any reading of the honours. An age-old tradition from a bygone era that only houses like Selierra have a long history.

A youngish woman with minute features stands after the elders took a little too long to stand. The servant next to the king reads her info screen and says, "Her baroness Lady Organa Selierra level 202 Spellsong, The heir to..." The servant is rushed once more by the king..."By your command my lord. Her baroness has the floor." A murmur of outrage is quickly stifled by Organa.

Organa says, "Humbled guests as we have the time of prophecy has arrived. The signs have all been confirmed the arrival of the Immortal beings as foretold in the ancient scrolls. The return of Ogrid and his minions of madness. These are all signs of the coming trouble. We have prepared many years for this day and I am here to yo all that we have confirmed the final omen. The coming years will be of great turmoil...

Ru Urdak a boyish with muscles too big for his head says, "We know all that woman. If we wanted to hear the fairytales of the past I would be sucking on my mother's nipples." The servant's mouth is wide in disbelief. none of these people respects proper decorum. The king has refused to observe the way of Kings. THis girl with her silver tongue didn't acknowledge his majestic and that fine strapping brute of the boy has no manners whatsoever.

Organa says, "By the Light, I thought you were done breast feeding by now, Little wolf!" If Ru could he would throw his war axe at her. She has called by his star name something sacred and deeply personal. The servants and lower nobles chuckle. Ru though is no fool and choose his next words well.

Ru Urdak says, " Be that as it may, quoting old children stories is no solution. By order house Urdak, as granted by his majesty, I implore this house to come to terms. Death is coming for us I will would at least like some plan of action, not listen to the ramblings of a girl who is yet to kill spill her own blood." Gasps fill the room though done elegantly calling bringing up her virginity is wrong. After she is the youngest ever Spellsong at only thirteen years old. It is why Darlok tolerates both of them. They are excellent members of the younger generation just like himself.

"Here! Here!" says a number of nobles displeased at having an unblooded talk at the house of lords. Chats in magically bubbles are already going on. The bubble not only keep their conversation private it also allows Lord snot sitting to engage with another. This is great for scheming and it doesn't disrupt the overall atmosphere.

Darlok Tar says, " You are both right. I want all of you to go back t your lands and take control of these immortal. They will be a powerful resource in the upcoming wars. As for Ogrid and his kind I want his head on a spike."

One brave foolish noble from a fallen house says, "Blasphemy, you speak heresy!" A few of the others seated next to him move their chairs away too late. Four swords fly into the Noble and kill everyone around him. Seven people lie dead the blood oozing out of their cut-up bodies. With a wave of her hand magic weaves appear all over the body leaving only the blood and destruction as proof of what just happened.

The kings' servant says, "Duke Layto you may speak." Duke Layto of house Sandworm is a blacked hair grizzled faced warrior of a man. He stands salutes his kings showing the crest of loyalty.

Duke Layto says, "My lord these immortal beings cannot be trusted. We must expel them all and restore our kingdom." Those that share his views smack their thighs as done in the traditional way. Many have already enacted similar policies by whatever means necessary.

Darlok Tar says, "We are bound by our oaths. While I know you do not outright break the oaths. You fail to uphold the meaning of the oath. I have never interfered in how you all run your lands as long as you meet your obligations.

Organa says, "plus it's stupid to let this resource go. They are after the only ones who can clear the spire for us." Her family have sacrificed nearly a million lives over the ears trying to clear the spire dungeon.

A low born noble says, "That spire is death trap just as these immortals are some are not even human. Would you have us have dealings with unreasonable Giants and those murderous vile and cunning Blood Elves? Who until a month ago were still hunting us for sport." His territory is one of the westerns that saw most of the war with the Blood Elves.

Darlok says, " Those filthy mud races will be purged from our kingdoms. But first, we must survive at all costs. Our world has shown us many faces and we have had to make a living from that. This is a chance to bring the glory of old help me restore our pride and educate our enemies at home. Go out into the streets and do what must be done for the preservation of our and way fo life."

Unbeknownst to most Organa has been Spellsinging since Darlok starting talking making everyone in the house of lords highly receptive to his commands. Her voice almost sounded like music in the background so no one even noticed her influence on them.

Cries of here here and vigorous thigh-slapping fill the house lords. Three friends smiling at each other as their plan have finally been set into motion.

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