Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 61: Interlude

The pristine scent of freshly cut grass lingers in the conference room. Rowena is floating on a bed of clouds in which displays of clothing and fashions from all across the Solar system are being shown. Below are John baptist and Sihle who are sitting on a Japanese style tea table sipping Kumis. Unlike traditional Kumis this artificial milk is flavoured and coloured since there are no horses anymore anywhere. 

Mei and Athena are actually listening to everything Raul is saying. He walks like a senator in the Forum. The fabric of his Corte, Faja and Huipil all are the same colour of black and appear more like a Toga. 

Raul says, "I don't think you realise how important the Red Iron Island is to us as a guild." He is trying to get the others on board with conquering the Whole instead of just taking part in the Shifting Island Event. 

Athena says, "Then explain and don't do what Sihle does..." she waves her hands about like how sihle does when he is talking..." he only tells us the tip of the iceberg." Athenas' file on him like Raul is the thinnest. Those two are adept at keeping information a secret. John Baptist on the other hand has no interest in such obfuscation and prefers the hammer approach. Blunt and always in your face. 

Raul lays a distrusting on eye on her. His investigations into her have turned up nothing which should be a good sign. He just can't get this feeling about her out of his head. Even Asa isn't giving him this much of a headache. Asas' personal information is locked behind layers of encryption he sees only on high-value individuals. Rubbing his ever clustered head he says, "Through a little probe we, As in Shadow and I have managed to ascertain. The real value of Red Iron Island lies in controlling it."

Sihle says, "That's true..." He only says these few words to agitate Athena he didn't her caricature of him. Plus Mei giggled at it adding salt. He smiles like a real menace. On the girls faces clearly understanding what he has done.

Mei says, "You see barely a bread crumb." She sticks her tongue out at him. Sihle sips his Kumis enjoying the warm tingle. 

John Baptist says, "I'm sure the land claim can help, but we still have to fight players for encampments." john Baptist speaks with a neutral considered tone. Asa perks her head up she was lying down watching the new cycle through. 

Athena says, "Yeah especially us who are going to the South Beach will have to face wave after wave of players."

Rowena says, "yeah plus with how we plan to set up teams it puts us at a disadvantage. Having one of each base class is the current party trend we should at least consider it." John, Sihle and Raul all shake their heads. If they alone could decide they would have gone with only three-man teams. The girls including Sihles; sister out voted the three lads and at least ensured five teams. 

Raul, "Amor please If I knew what is in the island that makes it so important is would tell you. The clue I have is about The Shifting Islands themselves. We know that of the fifteen islands off the coast a few of them are special. The forum even hints at Grey skull island elemental value. so many of the players are rushing there." 

Sihle taking a finishing gulp of Kumis relieves his friend and says, "Red Iron is important to us because according to the book. 'A history of conquest' The shifting Islands are all constructed by long lost race. The Pirate King Amine the Elm has only been able to carry on her attacks because she is in control of a Shifting Island." 

Athena says, "Those pirates that are attacking the ferries to the various islands." It is one of the reasons that Sihle was able to push back his Nine village quest because John had secured a raft design. Now he only has to focus on getting high-quality material so he rushes the mission with quality over quantity. 

Rowena says, "yeah and have you seen their ships. Those bloody things look like floating clams." She saw the first players who were rushing to the islands complain about the ridiculous strength of the pirate's ships. 

Asa sats, "that's nothing look at these ships." Emeka_Mordi  again made waves when they posted pictures about a ship in the Imperial Wharf. Where they had been brought to discuss the Power stone mine. The ship is part sea monster, lots of spells are being cast on to prevent the further deterioration of the flesh components. Bonesmiths, Shipwrights and other professionals are working on the ship. 

Sihle spits in disgust, he hates the Dutchman series of Boats. I Odyessy the Flying Dutchman is a production company that specialises in Unlife ships. The Whalor-X9300 Series of ships are being commissioned by...

Sihle yawns as Raul says, "again cool but off-topic. The Red Island is ours." Sihle searching his memories finds that the Guild Everest owned the island in the Past. What Raul is saying is true Red Island is super special even more than Raul realises.   

Sihle says, "We need a multi-pronged attack. Given the excitement around the island, we will have to secure the Encampments all at once." 

Raul says, " Why though the Dungeons with the Red Island rewards are already listed why should we fight Dungeons." 

Athena says, "You guys said we should stick and your first suggestion is to split up again." 

Asa says, "Yeah a solid outline at least tell us and we can decide if it's something we want to do." 

Sihle says, "Okay don't say it like that. I'm not hiding anything for suspense really as the information comes in I make it up. I'm done with plans you guys tend to destroy any plan I think. I fact I think you guys do it purpose ask me for a plan only to jump off a cliff.  " Everyone laughs at Sihles' outburst he truly could have a great cohesive human empire shattering team but no he has to work on the fly and go with the flow of his mad friends . 

John says, "It's not like that it's just that sometimes you like to play it safe. Remember Tarala we could have won that." Age of Mythology is an older MMO and Johns' favourite so far. 

Raul says, "You still on about that Hermano, please let it go." Tarala was a disaster of a campaign. 

Sihle says, "Fine then let's all out then. Everyone take a coast the encampments. Are the fertile lands the old man is looking for its why the monsters build there. THen we will raid all the dungeons at once on hard mode. "

Mei says, "If that's true are we not wasting our land claims if we use them n the encampments." 

Athena says, "No I don't think soo..." She sends them the page about how land claims works and the recommended implications system. 

John says, "If what I'm reading is correct we need to increase our number like Locust." The land claim works on a first-come basis. As long as you lay claim first a player cant claim the same place.

Rowena says, "Yeah we do if we control important lands ourselves we can use new players buffers." This is only possible because the monsters on Red Island reward Land claims. The only saving grace is that like all games the best lands are owned by monsters. 

Raul says, "We can a make a huge splash that will let us recruit a lot of players. We can bring them to the island with the rafts we don't to use the ferry." 

Sihle says, "So are we in agreement then, The plan as it stands we each take a coast. Then we level up and grind to the encampment. We take them over and fight towards the Dungeons. The dungeon will be a coordinated attack for the best effect which should give us a huge recruitment boost!" 

John says, "Just about we also have to make sure to keep an eye on any rising power around us. We already made a small splash we forming our guild and given how rare they appear to be some might try to build themselves by standing on us." 

Athenas says, "They will learn that we are spike that no elephant can stand on." The girls have those glints of fury in their eyes. A den of hunger wolves happy for the battle to come. 

Raul says, "It's decided then by the end of the day today the whole of Lugiria will be in awe of us." They all nod and go about preparing themselves. 

Sihle smiles this is better than he thought if they do this properly he can rush John to do his missions and that should give another of the keys. So far his nine village mission has another and Rauls' has the lead of the other the last key is the Western side of the island but that is also the deadly side of the island.

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