Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 63: Dungeon Part 4 :A Dragons Fire vs The Suns Flame

Tyr has undercover of panic used a utilisation skill. The reason he always reads his skills over and over again is he has been marking the skills that can be used together. All the most powerful players will be so because they have Physical, Mental and Spirit power all in equal measure. By utilising skill in this manner players produce a powerful effect. 

Utilisation is available for every class and can be used if one understands the basic idea expressed behind it. For now, most players, are still trying to get to grips with their classes most haven't yet realised the importance of this ability. Of course, Styx knows this and let them know as a master coder his innate understanding had nothing to do with Utilisation but rather a calculation about the Rulership class. 

SKY Ocean Hunter smiles just known his feelings had been confirmed. Celestials are connected to one another. At least they are Tyr's warmly flickered in him then dimmed down again. 

Lux says, "Are you, alright love?" SKY Ocean Hunter shakes of the distraction swings into what must be his thirtieth monster already. The small pack are swift nimble and attack without warning before slipping away. The worst part is that the players are always interfering his team has already imparted lessons on about sixty players. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Yeah everything is fine, I just wanna find that encampment and get started. The flies are irritating." The flies are the other players even now they are being stalked by another group of players. This constant buzzing of low-level riff-raff means they haven't been able to focus on the monsters. 

Lux says, "You can lets loose on those small fires once she is in positions I can handle this last monster on my own. A roar sends SKY Ocean Hunter into action unleashing his domain skill to waste his enemies...

A kaleidoscope of gold, green and silver scales. Coalesse into a thirty-meter long Crysopel it hisses with a mouth filled with golden tipped razor-sharp fangs. Amazed and afraid Nineth Immortal sends Tyr the results of [Monster Analyses]

[Ancient Crysopel - weakened]

Level 15

Health 2500/10 000

Ailment - [Forced evolution] 

Tyr lets loose a breath he has thirty seconds to clear this enemy before his Mp and SP run dry. A by-product of his domain being fire and his immunity means all this fire gives him an increased regen rate. doubling it from 22.5 and 24.5 to 45 and 49 respectively. With a total pool of ninety each. Fifty MP of which is used by Fire force, while fifty SP is used by Fire enchant. 

Maddening growls of heat licking the Dragon melting his scales. The freshly evolved higher Dragon coils its body closer, its gaze reaching Tyr. Tyrs body stiffens from [Gaze] with the improved effect it also deals damage. Tyr loses sixty health while the Crysopel eyes are set ablaze. The direct strike on a vital spot blinds the creature. 

Lucinda with her mouth agape large than a broken dam. Stammer says, "how did that happen he didn't even move." While Nineth Immortal has the right IDea she opens the battle logs and sees [Scorch] had activated. The skill is from Tyr Sovereign of war class under SKY Ocean Hunter command all Vice chapter leaders must know the skills of the Chapter leader like their own. The skill deals half the damage Tyr receives back to the damage dealer. The only thing she doesn't understand is why it's full damage. According to the forum skill that reflects damage are not counted in the critical and vital hits. 

Tyr moves forward at his currently he can't even express half the strength of utilization and that is before passive like [Through the fire and flames] kick in. Tyr swings his burning spear the Crysopel has no choice but move its body as a value of two hundred and fifty escapes from it. Hissing rolls of its body folding behind it. It Launches a full Dragons breath Tyr makes sure to move away from the Tunnel. 

    ---Message from Tyr to Team---

/Tyr - When it back is to you guys fire from a distance...DO!!!NOT!!!LEAVE THE TUNNEL!!!

  ---End of Message---

The waves of green fire shots into Tyr. His passive [Suns' Shadow] protecting him from the damage. He swings his spear.  The fire slowly consumes the weapon, ashes from it falling to the ground like the life force of the Crysopel. [Strike!] the Crysopel tries physical damage its head thrown forward slams into the wall. Tyr side steps the overgrown Crysopel and is running his burning spear on its side. Three hundred life lost a wide bloody flesh severing blow. Tyr fire reaches deep into the Crysopel. Another Strike This time from its Tail hits Tyr he losses sixty-six health unfortunately for him it is too soon for His [Scorch] to activate again.  Lift himself from the wall that is quickly melting he lunges spear fire into the Crysopel. Both Dragona and celestial roar! To empower themselves The Crysopel using every skill it has in the book to try and kill this puny human. 

Its tail strikes out madly multiple times trying to dim the ever-growing flame. Rolls of its body coil and recoil trying to cut off and any avenue for this fire to keep breathing. Manic roars interspaced with sporadic breaths of fire. Engulfing the entire pit in skin melting fire. Parts of its body hardened as it flings them into Tyr. Cuts healing, blood drying only to reopened by skill or counter.

Tyr slides and slices, dodges and drives. For every three of his attacks, the Cryspoel maybe can glance at him once. His heat radiating off his spear alone makes it fight in a conservative manner. Its hardened scales melt like butter before Tyr Spear and the constant attack singe any hope of winning this fight. 

Sounds of cannons and a crossbow are fire their damage is less than twenty but they don't stop. Every bit of damage counts right now. The sisters especially are mesmerised by the glories ball of fire in front of them. Tyr, wield his spear like a dance partner each makes space for the other in a wondrous dance of death. [Strike] is dodged again frustrating the dying Crysopel. Tyr attacks slicing and dices his flames eating away at the beautiful Kleadiascope of colourful scale. 

The monster recoils before trying to use [Fountain of fire], Tyr is unaffected by the skill. to its dismay, this gives Tyr and the girls a full fifteen seconds of free acting since the Crysopel can only cancel the spell halfway through. Litres of life falling to the ground. Scorched bleeding and desperate it tries to flee. The ground around spitting apart, Tyr quickly and with mercy plunges his spear through the Crysopel. Unlike its body with which can melt into the ground, the spear prevents it from going further and deals it damage over time. 

Tyr watches as the poor creature struggles to save itself from its hellish doom turning to Nineth Immortal it growls something meant only for her. She rushes forward out of the tunnel her tattoo glowing brighter as the monster dies. Tyr also extinguishes himself unable to continue much longer. The figures is still warm when Nienth Immortal arrives. Her dragon tattoo head fills itself in leaving nine empty scales. 

A series of notifications pop up on her heads up display. Nineth Immortal is dazzled by the title she just received. 

Rena says, "I thought there would be an egg." Her shield like that of her sisters looking like it has been through the wringer. Scorched black from the flames the fierceness of the Tiger, Leopard and Lion spirit weapons is now lacklustre. 

Lucinda says, "Look at my baby she is brand new." Lucinda is about aesthetics, it's why she agreed to become a spirit guardian. The Wraith Lord had shown her how they would look, by fusing his cathodes animal spirits. Into the sisters' spirits, they would each show aspects in their animal spirit in their armour, weapon and shield. 

Amalya's smiles are more perplexed than before, it seems Tyr has been holding back for their reason. Even if this is her first game. She already knows not to fall those people who claim to be able to power level you. Overwatch has destroyed, banned and deleted many player profiles who have used external game cheats. However, during Unity was when all players learnt the true cost of bussing.

In front of them is a small lavishly arranged mound of loot. This is loot quality is the best they have ever seen so far. The ten dragon scales are of a medium quality being partly evolved has increased many of their base stat at the expense of even higher quality. There is also some potions and parchment of some sort. Best of all is the single silver coin sitting in front of them...


Author Note: Been without power for a while hopefully it will be back before the end of the day. This cheater was finished on a tablet so I can't make it through my spell checking and I don't have access to my skills sheet without excel. Will be back I. A few to edit please like and vote with you'll power stones. 

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