Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord


I was walking to school while munching on a piece of toast. After dad…no, I supposed he is just that man now, had done what he did. I was forced to change schools. Mother had found a place to live with some of the money she got from the divorce. Luckily it was near her side of the family. They were distraught over the divorce and how we were treated, but they were poor themselves. They couldn’t offer anything except emotional support.


I finally arrived at the gates for the school and walked in. Even though it was a public school, they, like many others, had adopted the style of schooling seen in Japan. As I was walking towards the entrance, I saw Aria. She used to be a good friend until she found out about my past and then spread it around, using it to bully me.


“Well, well, if it isn’t the fallen princess. How’s life with us, poor commoners?”


Aria throws a taunt in my direction while she and her posse move to block my movement.


“Aria, I’m not in the mood right now.”


“Well, too bad because I am in the mood. Maybe if you lick my feet, I’ll let you pass.”


“Fuck you! You became a real bitch; you know that?”


Aria was not happy with my response.


“At least your mother knows her place. Whoring around with rich men just to survive.”


At those words, something inside me snapped. I started laughing this insignificant ant that just insulted my precious mother. I remember the terrified look on her face before my vision went red. Once I came back to my senses, I was standing over Aria’s body, her face was covered in blood, and my fists hurt like hell. Looking around, I also saw two of the three other posse members lying on the ground in the same state.


Shit, I was trying so hard to control my emotions. That was why I joined a local gym in the neighborhood. I would work there part-time, and they would give me Muay Thai and Krav Maga lessons. Something to focus my mind on and to de-stress. I didn’t tell mom about it because she didn’t want me to work, so I would always use the excuse I was going to a friend’s house.


Once I heard some of the faculty members run my way, I knew I was screwed. I will probably be suspended, and mom will find out about my real activities.


I am sitting in front of the principal with three other very beat up students. I look over at Aria, and she just flinches and looks away. I don’t know what I did to her, but it traumatized her…and I think I like it.


“So, Miss Allen, what do you have to say for yourself?”


“I know my actions are inexcusable. I accept responsibility for them, but they were not unprovoked either.”


Hearing my response, he turns to Aria and speaks.


“Miss Greenwood, what is your response?”


She looks both at the principal and me before stuttering her response.


“I…I…It was all my fault. I started it. I have been bullying Yuki for a while now.”


Both myself and the principal were shocked at this sudden confession. I expected her to make up an excuse, and I think he did too. Damn, now I really want to know what I did to her.


After thinking for a moment, the principal spoke up with our verdict.


“It is clear that you are taking responsibility for your actions, and you are promising students. So the four of you will be suspended for one month. All your schoolwork will be sent home and must be completed on time. You will remain here until your parents come and pick you up.”




I had just finished talking with Alex about some of our plans once we joined the game when I heard my phone ring. I walked over to our outdated landline and answered.


After saying a few acknowledgments, I hung up the phone. I knew Alex could read my expressions because she hurried over towards me.


“Sarah! What happened?”


“Its Yuki. She got into a fight at school. From what I understand, she was being bullied.”


“Poor child. I hope she is ok. I walk with you to school. Shame, I didn’t drive today.”


Walking for about thirty-five minutes, we arrived at the school and walked to the principal’s office. Walking in, I saw Yuki and ran over to her and hugged her.


“Yuki, are you alright? You’re not hurt anywhere?”


 I look over at Alex and follow her liner of vision. Sitting down are three other girls, all of which look like they were mauled by a small car.


The principal gets our attention and discusses the punishment of my daughter. He also showed the video of the fight, which is now circulating on MeTube. It was shocking because I didn’t know she knew how to fight like that, such brutal efficiency.


Finalizing the paperwork, we walk back home. There was an awkward silence in the air, that is until Alex broke it.


“So you really beat the snot of them, didn’t you?”


I could see Yuki was embarrassed and didn’t quite know how to respond.


“Uh…yeah, I did, Auntie.”


“They were bullies too. Dang, I wish I did that when I was in high school.”


I decided to stop Alex from further encouraging future fights; I broke into the conversation.


“Yuki, dear. Where did you learn to fight like that?”


With that simple question, I could see the fear in her eyes. Like she knew I wouldn’t like the answer.


“It’s ok, sweetie. I won’t be mad at you.”


Giving a sigh of relief, she responded.


“I work part-time at a gym, and they pay me fighting lessons. It also helps me to calm myself.”


“How do you manage to work part-time, go to school, and do class projects at your friends? Wait…Yuki…you don’t have any friends, do you?”


“No, mom…I don’t. That girl I beat used to be my friend, but she became a bully instead.”


We walk in silence the rest of the way home, trying to think of some way help my daughter. Arriving at home, I lead Yuki to our small living room.


“Yuki, I have some news for you. So, sit down and listen.”


I then recap everything Alex and I talked about regarding my new job. It was funny to watch her facial expressions throughout the conversation.


“So, I think it would be a good idea if you also joined me. I know I said you couldn’t get a job, but this way, we can spend time together and still earn money. Your Aunt Alex will join us too, and we even thought of making…what were they called again, Alex?”


“They are called guilds. We will make a guild for family and friends only.”


“Yes, what she said. Since you are suspended for a month, this will give you something to do, but only once you finish your schoolwork. That way, you can release some of that pent-up stress.”


Yuki jumped out of her seat and hugged both me and Alex. She also promised to do better and help us as much as she could.


We had an excellent dinner, thanks to Alex, and we discussed our plans for the game as our VR pods should be arriving tomorrow.

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