Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord

Waking Up

I awoke once again to the pod door sliding open. Breathing in the fresh air, I start to remove the sensors from my body. I notice once again that my underwear is entirely soaked.


(I should just use the pod naked. I got a feeling I will be having a lot of sex.)


I start to think about Lenora and how cute she was. I begin to wonder to myself if I may be falling for her. To be honest, I don’t think I would mind it.


I get out of my pod and grab a fresh pair of underwear and some clean clothes. I walk into the bathroom and undress and take a quick shower to freshen up. After getting out and dressing, I walk into the kitchen to start dinner.


I had decided to make spaghetti for dinner. I would typically make my own sauce for it, but since I have to save as much money as possible, I instead have to use a jar.


(I should trade some of my gold in for money.)


Just as I finished cooking dinner, Yuki had finally come down the stairs.


“Dinner is ready. Come grab a plate.”


“Thanks, mom.”


“So, mom. How did you enjoy your first day in the game?”


“It was a lot more fun than I thought it was. I made the mistake of thinking that one hour in the game was one hour in real life. I did, however, make some money, so I will convert that tomorrow.”


“Hahaha! That’s funny, I’m sorry I should have told you about the time ratio. Anyway, what race did you choose?”


(Shit! I can’t tell her what I chose or even what I did in the game. That is way too embarrassing.)

“Oh boy, I cooked way too much food; I am so full. I am getting tired; it feels like I had a long day. Would you clean up when you are done, please?”


I put my plate in the sink and rush off to my bedroom. Truth is, I was still hungry, but I wasn’t going to sit there for that awkward discussion. At least not just yet, I need to change my race.


Yuki sat at the table with a bewildered look on her face.

(Did mom just ignore me?)


I flop down onto my bed and bury my face into my pillow and scream.


(Oh my god! If Yuki knew what I was and what I did, she would think I was a pervert. I don’t think I could ever face her again.)


I get off the bed and decide to call it for the night. The pod does have a sleep mode that lets you play the game while in REM, but I feel like I should sleep in my own bed and have dreams rather than play the game.


The next morning I wake up and take my morning shower. I get out and wrap a towel around me and walk over to the mirror. Looking into it, I take my hand and wipe some of the fog off of it. I grab my toothbrush while gazing into the mirror.


All I see is a plain woman with blond hair down to my shoulders, wet and sticking to my back and neck. I look at least ten years older than I am, but I know that is due to the stress and alcohol abuse during the divorce.


(If only I looked more appealing. Kaito wouldn’t have left me.)


Thinking those thoughts for a moment, my sadness turns to rage. I ball my hand up into a fist and punch the mirror. The mirror breaks in the bottom right corner, and I cut my hand up.


(NO! It’s his fault. He is a shitty husband and father and a piece of shit person. Maybe that’s who he always has been, and I just never noticed.)


My rage soon turns to sorrow as tears, and blood flows into the sink. I soon start thinking of my time in the game, and Lenora and the unknown catgirl pop up in my head. I start thinking about how it was fun doing those things with them and how much enjoyment I get from the game.


(Fuck it. It’s a game, so I am going to have fun. Fuck Kaito and fuck his parents.)


With those thoughts, I doctor up my bruised and bloodied hand and continue with my personal hygiene. I start to blow dry my hair while brushing it when I get an idea. I decide instead of a bun, I let fall freely. I take my hair straightener out and start to straighten my hair and style it a little. I know I am not going anywhere, but I do it for myself.


Once I am done, I go to the kitchen and start breakfast. Shortly after, Yuki comes downstairs in her pajamas.



“Morning, mom. Your hair looks nice, you should do that more often.”


“Good morning, and thank you. You’re up earlier than usual. Excited to get back in the game?”


“You know me too well. Yeah, I am, I met a friend in the game, and I hope to go questing with them.”


“That’s great, sweetie. Just remember to do your homework before it is due.”


“I will. I am gonna hop in the shower real quick before breakfast.”


I continue making breakfast, and just as I finish it, Yuki comes back out, drying her hair with a towel.


“Hey mom, did you know the mirror is broken?”


“Yeah, I slipped when I got out of the shower earlier, and my hand hit the mirror.”


Yuki spots my bandaged hand, and I swear that I could see some doubt in her eyes for a moment.  She continues drying her hair as she sits at the table.


“Just be careful, mom. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”


I walk over to her and place a plate of food down. I then ruffle her hair and give her a kiss on top of her head.


“Thanks, sweetie. I’ll try to be more careful.”


After breakfast, we head back into our rooms and go to our pods. I decided to strip down naked this time, considering the mess I made last time. I also place down a towel just in case I get messy. I get in the pod, hook up the sensors, close the door, and start it up.


I see the familiar white room again, and in front of me is a notice.



Later today, the game will be undergoing maintenance and will push out a stability and improvement patch. We have heard your feedback and are dedicated to ensuring we provide a rich and fulfilling experience for everyone.


For more details on the patch, please visit our website.


After tapping on ok, I find myself waking back up in my hotel room. I get out of the bed and stretch my body for a bit. I look at my self in the mirror, admiring my looks.


(I feel so much more comfortable in this body than I do my real one. I still need to change my race before I meet up with Alex and Yuki.)


I look down with mixed feelings about the extra feature this body comes with.


(Well…maybe I could stay an elf. I mean, would they even care?


Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I get dressed and decide to head over to the old man’s store and train some with him.




On the moon orbiting the earth, Scarlet was sitting at a table enjoying some tea. Across from her sat Eri as the two of them chatted.


“So Eri, you are saying that this mortal you found is interesting?”


“Yes, mistress. She even asked me to be friends with her. After she left my domain and went to the mortal world, she had quite the adventure. She even managed to obtain a demon’s and an angel’s essences, which afterward they fused.”


“Oh? That does sound interesting. So you are saying even though she was weak, she managed to kill a demon.”


“Yes, her and one other person.”


“I might need to see her for myself.”


Scarlet stood up from her chair and walked closer to the earth. She closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again.


“Oh my! She is interesting. She has the soul of a dominator and is also a jilted lover. I see her attachment to her daughter is quite strong. The woman has a strong will. I can have fun with that.”


She turns back towards Eri and sits back down and continues to enjoy her tea.


“Eri, dear. Would you help cultivate little Gwyn for me? I have taken a liking to her and would like to see her get stronger. Maybe I should also push her towards revenge on that pathetic excuse for a mortal.”


The two entities continued to talk about one mortal, while said mortal was oblivious to any grand plans made for her.

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