Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 500: Precautions

It took some time before the two couples returned to normal, they were curious to know what Liu Yang would do with these soul-related abilities.

"Boy, what are you going to do with these skills? Although we know you will not use it to do bad things, we're still curious to know about it." The matriarch spoke.

"Auntie, I know this subject is a little tricky, but I need those skills as it will be needed to deal with the Remnants. My three wives who have the ability to see the future told me about it." Liu Yang did not lie about it, he actually asked Sara Cuts and Hai Lan about it, even though they could not see much about the future, they still managed to see some images.

"I see ... Boy, we can lend you these skills for a while, but you have to pay a price for that. Even if we are the clan leaders, the ancestors' permission is still necessary." The matriarch spoke, she did not think much of this matter, if she and the emperor can help in this matter, they will do their utmost to help Liu Yang.

"Auntie, you do not have to worry about the price, as long as it's not abusive, we the Faction of the Explorers can afford it." Liu Yang said in a casual tone, he made it seem like he did not care about the price.

"Okay, just wait a few hours." His two in-laws took out a communication device and said some things, after a few minutes, they receive a message.

"Boy, the ancestors agreed to give a copy of some soul-related skills to you. But the price is two pills of median longevity." The matriarch spoke, although the price was not too excessive, it was still very expensive, that was also the emperor's thought.

"No problems. When I get the scrolls I will ask one of our members to deliver them to the pills. Auntie, this should not be a problem, right?"

"No problem, I'm not afraid you'll go back with your words"

"I thank you for your confidence"

"Boy, what are you going to do for years to come? According to your earlier words, it is only a few years before the Remnants leave the Submerged Cave"

"I'll be training for now, because I need to improve as quickly as possible. While I'm away, I hope the uncles and aunties can help me with something."

"Boy, what would you like us to do?"

"I hope the auntie and uncle try to stop other people from entering the courtyard where I'm living because I'll be training and I would not want to be interrupted unless it's an extremely urgent matter." Liu Yang spoke in a serious tone, though not to need it, he still wanted to warn his in-laws.

"Alright, we can arrange that. And even if we did not do anything, women next to you would protect you anyway." The matriarch spoke with a tone of complaint because of his infidelity, for he was still the husband of her daughters, and any father and mother would be upset because of the infidelity of their sons-in-law. She and the other three on the spot knew that Liu Yang's women were with him, and each was extremely powerful.

"I thank the uncle and auntie again. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. Thank you for hearing my requests. "Liu Yang joined hands with the two couples before using spatial distortion and disappearing from the scene.

"Honey, what do you think?" The matriarch's husband asked with a serious tone, he knew something dangerous would happen, otherwise, Liu Yang would not be in such a hurry.

"I do not know, I just know something very dangerous will happen. I've never seen that boy as anxious as today." The matriarch spoke in a worried voice.

"It's true, although Liu Yang is quite casual, this is the first time I see him that way. It seems that he did not reveal some things, I think his women saw more things than just leaving the Remnants of the Submerged Cave." The emperor spoke.

"Darling, what do you think it could be?" The Empress spoke in a worried voice, although the four of them did not interact much with Liu Yang, they still cared much about him, since he was their son-in-law.

"I do not know, but we can know that it will be extremely dangerous. The only thing we can do now is to get stronger to help Liu Yang overcome that challenge. Currently, Liu Yang and his faction are much stronger than our two clans together, so he has the greatest possibility of fighting head-on against the Remnants." The emperor spoke solemnly.

"I also think so, but others should also know that Liu Yang is training the closed doors, and they must have understood a few things. So we do not have to worry about others, for now, let's just strengthen ourselves and help the two clans get stronger for now." The matriarch spoke.

"Yes. Big sister, we need to go back to the clan temporarily." The Empress spoke.

"Alright, I'm aware that you have many important matters to complete and you can not stay long in the Xiao clan. I thank you for having stayed this time." The two couples joined hands and said goodbye.

"Honey, what are we going to do now?" The matriarch's husband asked.

"Let's just keep trying to get stronger." The matriarch spoke, but there was a slight flush on her pretty face. Her husband understood what she meant, and just hugged her delicate waist before using the spatial distortion. The couple returned to their room before using the Dual Leveling ability.


While the two couples were doing their own thing, Liu Yang was in the courtyard of Xiao Xi playing with his children, some were still babies, other children and others were adults with their own children. The children of Liu Yang who already had their own families were inside the tower because it would be very dangerous for them to leave.

Liu Yang sent his shadow clones to the Nine Worlds, he brought back the mothers and fathers of his grandchildren who had abandoned their husbands and wives before. After being extremely punished, they regretted a lot and decided to follow Liu Yang back, but on condition that if something like that happened again, they would be killed by him. Regardless of his children and grandchildren ask for mercy.

The other children of Liu Yang had the super clans and sects behind them, for their mothers were the daughters of the masters of these groups. So no problem for them they stayed in the courtyard.

Liu Yang wanted to play a little with his children and grandchildren just before returning to train, he also personally visited the women who were inside the tower who had impregnated by him, such as the women of the dryads race. Liu Yang did not know if he laughed or cried because his children born to the dryad women were all girls. There was not a single boy.

This event shocked the dryads, for they never imagined that such a thing would happen.

After looking at the status of these children, Liu Yang wondered why. For the dryads he impregnated were all NPCs, and the children who were born were all reborn people of the Tenth World. This showed that Liu Yang must have been able to finish a quest and allowed the Dryad race to be chosen as one of the races before being reborn.

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