Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1140: The King Of The Depths Desperation

Chapter 1140: The King Of The Depths Desperation

Nyx and Arachne attacked the King of the Depths from behind, Maria's plan was in motion. She had used her powers with everyone else, while letting the two children sneak behind him using her Spatial-Manipulation abilities, by literally teleporting them behind him as he put his efforts into stopping the rest! All while his divine domain collapsed, giving Maria and her allies, now boosted with her recent transformation, the upper hand.


Nyx roared ferociously, once more conjuring the powers of her Divine Concept combined with her Phantom Dragon Summoning Magic, combining them together into gigantic armament, further boosted by the power of her new form's swarm and poison characteristics.

Using these powers, she conjured giant weapons made of phantom, poison, and destruction, and fired them against her foe, the King of the Depths rapidly responded, his body was half- regenerating and changing and the other seemed to be slightly similar than before, albeit half of it was giving a golden glow.

"Tch! Don't think this can hurt me!"

He swung his hand, as giant waves of holy radiant light hit Nyx's attempts at attacking him, only for the waves, barrier-like in nature, to shatter into glass pieces, her projectiles reached his flesh and skin, exploding and leaving behind large wounds which his light then covered, trying to stop his bleeding.


"UGH...! How did you get so powerful?! You were nothing but weaklings before!"

However, he had yet to taste Arachne's power, the giant red and azure-colored crab-like spider attacked him from behind, her giant pincers overflowing with oceanic and nightmarish powers, combining them into Nightmare Seas.

Not only her attacks were strong, but they were filled with nightmares that disrupted the formation of his new body, shattering the radiance trying to metamorphose some of his body parts, and weakening him severely.


The King of the Depths, as Maria had investigated, was a being composed of the bodies and souls of ancient Ocean Titans and Sea Dragons!

But this also meant it had multiple souls merged together into this abomination, by using Nightmare powers, further combined with the power of the Ocean Essence, Arachne was able to target all of these weak spots.


With a furious and painful roar, the King of the Depths punched Arachne several times with his many limbs, right before crushing her into the floor beneath with a whip attack using his various tails!


Even if they were dealing damage to him, it didn't mean that this monster had grown any weaker. He was mightily strong, so powerful he even overwhelmed Arachne, an already almost matured Calamity that could plunge an entire continent into chaos and destruction. "Arachne!"

Nyx panicked but was quickly surprised as the King of the Depths started recovering from his dizziness and pain, playing a more active role on his fights without relying on his decaying domain anymore, he rushed towards Nyx, kicked her, and then blasted her away with a dragon breath.



Both Nyx and Arachne fell into the bottom of the domain, as countless dragon heads and titan hands tried to tear them to shreds and eat them to help the King of the Depths regain some of the power he lost.

"No! AGH!"


The two tried to free themselves but the incoming attacks were endless, everywhere they stepped into were giant hands and draconic jaws! Arachne kept trying to destroy them with her high stats and skills, creating spiderwebs that trapped and cut through them, while Nyx fired beams of destruction and conjured armies of phantom dragons to her aid.


Maria rushed towards their help, extending her long hair-tentacles, and wrapping them around them, quickly lifting them up after Jonathan appeared and cut through all of the monstrous apparitions from the domain.


"Now, take them!"

Maria nodded, quickly dragging the girls back and letting Jonathan take care of the Domain, who quickly started cutting big parts out of it one after another with his blade and his giant, titan form.

"I'll destroy this annoying domain once and for all! {Eclipsing Heaven}!"

The Hero of Light combined his powers with Moonlight, awakening into an even stronger power he had been wishing to tap into since that time Maria granted him her soul abilities, an eclipse of moon and sun, together as one.


A single slash of pink, gold, and silver color slashed through it all, the entire decaying domain stopped decaying because it was simply split apart into countless tiny pieces, and then



"My Domain?!"

The King of the Depths groaned, half of his body was melting away by the radiance spilling out of his body, his metamorphosis was interrumpted, and he had now become an incomplete abomination, even more than before.



With a furious roar, his entire body kept releasing more and more shockwaves of pure radiance, shaking the entirety of the seas, Maria and her family started pushing through it anyways, unifying their power together.

"What's wrong? Did you thought I would let you evolve mid-fight?! You didn't even have someone to protect you while you did that!"

Maria conjured her weapons once more, several dozens of weapons made out of her own powers materialized, being wielded by all her arms and tentacles. And then she unleashed an onslaught of attacks, flaring with Yin and Yang Ki, their perfect harmony skyrocketing her damage dealt and defense penetration.



The King of the Depths was groaning in fury, Maria's attacks pushed him, back, only for him to swing his countless limbs against her, the two exchanged blows, for a moment seemingly looking rather even, yet the King of the Depths started gaining the advantage, piercing, slashing, and cutting through Maria's body several times.

"{Ocean Titan's Divine Palms}! {Sea Dragon's Devastating Fangs}!"

But it wasn't as if her attacks came alone, the power of her new transformation granted her

the ability to enchant her attacks, Ocean Titan and Sea Dragon Spirits constantly appearing with each blow, punching, and biting through her foe's body over and over again!

"{Divine Oceanic Spirit Blessing}!"

And she wasn't even done yet, as a blessing of divine oceanic power further enchanted her weapons, making them grow in size as they absorbed the seas around them.

"T-That power...!"

The King of the Depths finally started to panic.

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