Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 30: Clash with Crystal Beings

Ariana's mind flowed in harmony with the orb, and within seconds, her hair, dancing in the wind, ceased its movement, just like the imposing aura surrounding her began to gradually diminish. Ariana fixed her gaze on the orb before her, rapidly catching her breath; it was evident that this action had left her exhausted.


[Your creation is integrated with the laws of the universe....]


[You have established your own rules for Arcadia; the laws of the universe have adapted to these rules]

[You introduced and integrated the rule of power into Arcadia; items, abilities, and living beings will be automatically classified by the System in a ranking based on their power level]

[Item "Orb of Glimmer" successfully created]

[Name: Orb of Glimmer]

[Tier: Divinum] [Utility Item]

[Creator: ???]

[Description: When infused with mana and directed at something, it reveals its tier, hidden abilities, and can be used to upgrade your class or ability]

Ariana contemplated the System notification with seriousness, picked up the orb, and threw it again in the direction of the desert. She had decided to follow the System's advice, modifying fundamental aspects of Arcadia on her own. From this moment forward, all System classifications for skills, items, and living beings would be governed by the new rules set by Ariana.

The Goddess felt a satisfaction in realizing that it was relatively easy to induce the laws of the universe to adapt to her changes. She had imagined facing resistance, and that the laws would continue to impose their own guidelines. However, now everything was under the new rules she had defined.

Ariana experienced a peculiar satisfaction in witnessing positive development in her world. However, this satisfaction was accompanied by a shadow of unease. She recognized that, until now, her ability to create was supported by the System, which acted as a kind of facilitator for her visions and creativity.

This time, however, the sense of satisfaction was deeper and more genuine because she had used her own power more directly. By creating the Orb of Glimmer and shaping the rules of Arcadia, Ariana realized the difference. She aspired to feel this satisfaction when creating something entirely independent, born exclusively from her own divine power, an accomplishment that transcended System intervention.

With the implemented changes, Ariana now had to wait and see how things would unfold from now on.

In the desert, the group of humans continued on their journey, following the direction indicated by Ekiles, who was still intrigued by the glow he had seen the night before. Determined, they decided to explore the mysterious source of light.

As the hours passed, daylight gave way to the darkness of the night. However, to the group's surprise and joy, they arrived at their destination on time. The sight before them was nothing short of extraordinary. Even Noah, Ekiles, and Theo, with over a century of experience, had never witnessed something so breathtaking.

Before them stretched a stunning landscape, filled with enormous crystals. Some were small and delicate, while others rivaled mountains in size. These crystals shimmered like huge mirrors, forming a gigantic crystal forest.

The group could do nothing but admire the view. One of the healers, positioned in the center of the group, took a step forward and picked up a small crystal in front of her, murmuring, "So... beautiful...". The beauty of the scene was overwhelming.

Theo acted quickly, putting his hand on the healer's shoulder and signaling her to return to the group. "Be careful. We don't know this place; leaving like that can be fatal," he warned.

Ekiles, realizing Theo's prudence, added, "And the small scorpions we faced a short while ago also had these same crystals in their bodies." Mentioning the scorpions cast shadows on the faces of the group members. Remembering the scene where hundreds of these beings attacked them left a mark of permanent fear.

As they considered that these scorpions might have come from this place and that there possibly were more of them, the group contemplated the idea of turning back. Theo, sensing the concern on each face, reassured them: "Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you."

The group ventured deeper into the crystal forest, where the beauty reached a new level. Nighttime light danced gently on the crystals, creating a spectacle of colors resembling multiple miniature rainbows.

Despite the wonder surrounding them, the group members remained cautious. Scorpions occasionally appeared, but surprisingly, they seemed to ignore the group's presence, providing relief to the more apprehensive ones.

While one of the mages was distracted by the stunning landscape, he spotted a small light near him. In an instant, ecstasy turned to terror when he realized that the light emanated from a translucent figure made of crystal. A sudden scream broke the silence of the forest, causing everyone in the group to prepare for imminent danger.

Noah, concerned about the sudden exclamation, asked, "What happened?". The young mage, still recovering from the shock, replied, "I saw something... it was strange, looked like a human, but it had no eyes or mouth, and I could see through it."

Ekiles, recalling his own experience, added, "It was probably the strange being I saw that day."

From the darker parts of the crystal forest emerged two humanoid figures made of crystal, casting an intimidating shadow over the group. The light reflected on the delicate outlines of the creatures, revealing a lovely silhouette in one and a large, robust form in the other. Both twisted their necks sinisterly toward the group, anticipating an imminent attack.

The crystal creatures, moving with surprising speed, unleashed their attacks. One of them launched sharp crystal blades toward the group, while the other raised an energy field that distorted the space around, confusing the senses of the group members.

Theo, realizing the imminent threat, acted quickly. He nocked one of his special arrows, which glowed with ethereal energy. With sharp precision, he released the arrow, cutting through the air toward the crystal creatures. Upon hitting its target, the arrow exploded in a release of magical energy, disturbing the creatures' abilities.

For Noah, it was clear that the forest was dangerous and inhabited by hostile beings.

The battle unfolded like a magical choreography, with spells colliding in the air and resplendent crystals reflecting flashes of mana. Noah advanced fearlessly, delivering precise strikes with his sword.

One of the creatures, injured by the combined attacks, emitted a resplendent glow that obscured the area. When the light dissipated, the creature transformed into a myriad of small crystals that fell gently to the ground.

However, the battle was not over yet. The second creature intensified its attacks, summoning crystal pillars from the ground and firing energy projectiles. Theo, with his bow now on his shoulder, took a dagger and entered the melee.

While the group watched the three veterans in action, they could hardly believe the intensity of the fight. Swift blows and abilities escaped their visions, making it difficult to follow the combat.

Noah focused his energy on a single strike, delivering a vertical cut that broke through the creature's defense. The crystal figure trembled before fragmenting into an explosion of light, dissolving into shining particles that dispersed in the night breeze.

Silence returned to the crystal forest, only interrupted by the group's panting breaths as they processed the intensity of the encounter.



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