Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 6: No Worries About Food

Brandon was lying under a tree, slowly thinking about where he had run. A rabbit-like creature jumped out and hit the nearby tree with a bang.

Brandon was stunned. Did food just come to me running? He was speechless at the turn of fate.

I almost fucking died without catching the prey and when I was lying on the ground to rest, the prey came to me automatically. Just when Brandon was about to get philosophical, he suddenly heard something. He turned his head and listened carefully for a while.

Brandon suddenly stood up excitedly, it was Skyler!

Brandon no longer cared about anything else, he let out a sharp scream, slapped the ground, and called Skyler. After a few seconds, a green bird flew over. When it saw Brandon, it flew over with a whoosh and chirped non-stop.

Although Brandon could not understand what it was saying, he could clearly understand what it was feeling. He knew its mood at the moment, joy. The cry when Skyler would be happy was particularly melodious, but when she would be angry, it seemed a bit short. Although neither of them understood each other's language, sometimes it seemed like they had a clear understanding of each other.

Although Brandon and Skyler had a good connection, for now, it was really difficult to communicate with each other without knowing her language. After talking to Skyler for a long time and using a lot of body language, Skyler finally understood. Under the leadership of Skyler, the avian guide, Brandon finally found his way back with rabbit in his mouth.

When he returned to the cave, the sky was completely dark as if any light was devoured by the cosmos. Brandon patted Skyler's head, put the rabbit on the ground, and prepared to make dinner.

Brandon stretched out his claws as sharp as kitchen knives. They were like small daggers and had strong lethality. He used his paws to skin the rabbit starting from its abdomen. He cut a thin slit, then ripped open the rabbit's abdomen, took out the internal organs, dug a small hole in the ground outside and buried it. Let the fishy smell leak out so it doesn't attract some dangerous carnivorous creatures.

After the rabbit was disembowelled and its internal organs removed, Brandon pulled out a giant banana leaf and wrapped the entire rabbit.

Then, he searched around and quickly gathered up a pile of whitened charcoal fragments that had been burnt. Among them were some black and yellowish charcoal pieces that had not been burned through. He gathered them together.

Walking outside the cave and looking around, Brandon continued to lower his head and began to look for the dead branches that were often broken and fell to the ground for various reasons scattered in the jungle.

He picked up a large pile and placed them next to the fire pit. Brandon was digging on the ground for a while, removing the dead leaves, twigs, and some shallow mulch on the surface, and began to dig out the sticky soil slightly deeper on the surface. After digging out enough soil, Brandon glued it to the rabbit wrapped in a banana leaf.

The soil on the ground seemed very soft and sticky. After a while, the entire rabbit was evenly wrapped in a thick layer of soil, making it a heavy ball.

Skyler couldn't understand what Brandon was doing at all. She jumped left and right curiously and chattered without knowing what he was saying. But Brandon was determined to not pay attention to her.

Brandon had almost completed the preparation work now. He placed the mud balls in the middle of the fire pit, and piled some light dead branches and hay on top of them, being careful not to let the branches crush the mud balls.

After everything was completed, Brandon began to add matches and began to increase the firepower. Skyler looked around curiously, but Brandon ignored her.

He used branches to carefully lift the fire and control the flames. He did not add many branches at one time and kept the fire burning slowly. He was careful to not let the flame be either too big or too small so the heat can spread evenly around the mud ball. Fire crackles coming from the flame could be heard.

After burning for more than an hour, and then covering it in the red charcoal fire for a long time, Brandon used a branch to pull out the white clay ball that had been burned.

Brandon waited for a while. He held a stick and carefully cracked open the mud shell wrapping the rabbit.

Suddenly, a finger-tickling fragrance wafted out. He slowly peeled off the banana leaf. He opened it layer by layer, it was dripping with alluring grease.

After tearing it open, Brandon found that the rabbit was fully cooked, even though it was the first time he has used this method to cook it. But there were still a few places that were a little burnt. It was obviously a little overcooked, but he was still very satisfied.

He quickly tore off a piece and put it in his mouth. Although there was no seasoning, no salt, no ginger, garlic, or anything else on it, Brandon still felt that he had eaten the most delicious food in the world and put it in his mouth. It felt smooth, tender and delicious.

He felt proud of himself. With a wide, inflated chest, he tore off a small piece and gave it to Skyler who was chirping next to him.

Brandon immediately started finishing the rest of it.

This cooking method is known to all Chinese. Although the preparation is simple, the food produced is extremely delicious. Brandon had tasted this famous dish many times back then, and he only had a rough idea of how to make it. Unexpectedly, he made it today and it turned out to be pretty similar. It was a taste without words...

The next day, at the time of early morning, Brandon left the cave and was looking for a plant in the jungle. This kind of plant was not difficult to find. Since he was very familiar with the surrounding environment.

After walking for about half an hour, Brandon had found his target this time - a vine-like plant with knots on it. It had big and small fruits. This plant was very similar to a gourd, but its fruits were in long rows, and the whole fruit was like an elongated water drop.

Brandon came out today to find a container to hold water. In this way, drinking water would not be so troublesome in the future as he would not have to run a long distance every day anymore.

When the fruit is immature, it is plump and juicy and is loved by many herbivores. But once it matures, the shell becomes very hard. The inside also begins to dry up, and in the end there is only a pile of fibers left. With a little processing, it could become a perfect container.

Brandon observed carefully and quickly found his suitable target. After Brandon picked two fruits, he suddenly found that the sky was getting a little dark. After looking through the crowded leaves, he found that the sky was covered with dark clouds and it looked like it was going to rain. He ran towards the cave entrance without caring about anything else.

Once it rains, it means trouble. The cave may leak, it may collapse, or it may be flooded with water. Who knows what headaches may happen? Brandon was getting more and more anxious and took bigger and bigger steps.


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