Reborn as a Villain in Tales of Demons and Gods

Chapter 2: Meeting Ninger Again

When Xiao Ninger heard some footsteps approaching, she became alert and took out her dagger.

"Who is it? Show yourself!"

"Hi, Xiao Ninger."

"It's you, Shen Yue. What are you doing here?" Xiao Ninger felt confused, what would a young master from Sacred Family be doing here?

"I was just trying to practice my skills using the Horned sheep and found you so I thought I would say hello." 'I can't tell her I came here to find her now, can I? With my reputation, I might sound like a rapist .'

"Oh, ok." Though she still held some doubts. ‘Why would a young master from a noble Family need to come to a forest to train. He should have many trainers and resources at home.’

"By the way, you seem to be in pain. Are you okay?"

"What, what do you mean? I am just fine." She started to panic a little, nobody can know about her condition.

"Don't worry. I just thought that you are feeling pain on your feet. You feel it more when you try to train your soul force right?"

"What…what did you say? How…how did you know?"

"I read about it in some ancient books. With your symptoms, I think you have an illness called Arctic disease. You also should have bruises on your body. As your body leans toward yin and training under the moon with this disease can worsen your condition."

"Really…? Can it be treated?". The cold and beautiful girl who seems to intimidate the boys around her now looked pitiful. She just realized she may have admitted to having the symptons.

"Yes, the symptons will become worse as you train your soul force. You can use Daoyin technique to massage affected areas. You should stop training, and ask someone in your home to apply the massage on your body. You can be completely cured in about ten days."

"Oh, thank you so much, Shen Yue. I… can… can you keep it a secret?"

"No problem, I will not tell anyone", 'I feel a little disappointed, isn't she going to ask me to treat her. I guess I don't look as reliable like the mc.'

As he turned around and walked away, he heard a small voice, "Wait!"

He turned around trying to suppress his excitement.

"Can you help with the massage?"

'Yes, I have hit the jackpot!' "Are you sure? I will have to touch the affected areas to do the massage? I think there must be bruises in sensitive areas as well" 'I am trying so hard to keep a straight face'.

"Oh…no…no problem. It's just… nobody will know right? I don't mind if you don't tell anyone." She was definitely blushing now. Shen Yue's heart skipped a beat. 'How cute and beautiful! How retarded can MC be to throw this girl away. Since he doesn't want her, she will be mine.'

"Yes, of course, nobody is supposed to know. I can help you if you are fine with it.". He is trying to stay calm, but his heart is beating hard with anticipation.'

"Thank you…I will repay this favor someday.", She seemed so different from her cold and unapproachable personality in class.

Shen Yue started to massage her feet using the technique as shown by the Library. It only took a few minutes to finish the technique, but he still lingered about a few seconds more to just prolong this intimacy. When he started to massage a bruise on her upper chest, her face, ears and  neck were all turning red. He didn't linger too long as he himself was nervous. She was wearing a pink bra. He could see her cleavage but he couldn't turn his eyes away it as he massaged. When Xiao Ninger saw that gaze, she blushed even redder which made her look very enticing.

"Are…are… you done?"

"Oh... Yes…yes, I am done", He felt flustered. He tried to keep his cool but he can already feel his erection under his pants. He quickly put his gaze away and stood up'

"Remember, do not practice your soul force for now. You should feel better after a few days of massage. Let us meet again at western part of the forest. There shouldn't be anyone going there since there are no herbs or monster beasts to hunt." 'I needed to change the location so we don't run into Nie Li later.'

"Yes, thank you very much. I will not forget this favor.", She was not looking him in the eye. A faint blush could still be seen. After a few breaths, she turned back into a cold face with no emotions.

Shen Yue then bid  her goodbye and walked back home. 'I feel a bit disappointed. In the story, she made small talk with Nie Li and asked him who he liked and so forth. I guess she didn't fall straight for me after all. Whatever, I get to at least spend time with her the next few days'.

When Shen Yue got back home, he started to think of what he should do next. 'According to the story, Nie Li will start getting close to Yi Zi Yun by giving her advice on cultivations in the library. I shouldn't worry about Yi Zi Yun for now. Even if I am engaged to Zi Yun, I also can't antagonize Nie Li like in the story. I must first think of surviving the coming disaster to my family.’

‘Hold on, if I remember correctly, at next week's class, Nie Li will accuse one of the my family's clan fire inscriptions as plagiarized and that will cause some trouble to my family. That should also be the reason why my engagement with Zi Yun got cancelled. I must prevent this.'

Next day, Shen Yue decided to go find his aunt and explained to her about the inscription and its origins and even tried to add some weight to his words by saying how he eavesdropped Nie Li's conversations with his friends. He warned her that Nie Li was planning to challenge her in class trying to attack the reputation of our family so she shouldn't take the bait. She was stunned at first then furious at Nie Li but finally agreed to not talk about it in class. 'Well, that's one crisis avoided'.

Shen Yue has just achieved Bronze rank and is now capable to choosing a demon spirit. But he decided to increase his soul force as high as possible before choosing one. His family library has many books on Silver, and Gold levels. Some books on black gold and very few on legend rank.

Shen Yue collected all the books on silver rank levels from his family library and recorded them in his Heaven's Library. He then went on to the academy's library to record the books on Silver rank novels. The library was quiet since there was no one around. After he recorded all the books enough for the library to compile a perfect Heaven technique for Silver rank, he went back home and cultivated.

He cultivated through the whole day and night before he felt an enormous increase in his soul force. He quickly grabbed a soul stone and tested his soul force. As expected he has broken through to silver rank. Normally, it would take months or even years for a normal person to cultivate through bronze and silver ranks depending on their aptitudes. But with the help of Heaven's Library, he raised his soul force to two levels in about two days. That was the power of the Heaven's Library.  As long as there was enough books and information on the cultivation method, the Library would compile the perfect way to cultivate with no detours. Moreover, Shen Yue could feel that his soul force was purer than before.

'I must be the only one of my age with soul force of Silver rank in entire Glory City. I should now get a demon spirit and that would raise my fighting strength multiple times. But what spirit would be fitting for me? Right, according to the story there will be an excursion to some ruins with young master from Divine family. This is where Nie Li got something precious. I must think of a way to join that expedition and maybe try to get something.’

‘First, let me get the most precious demon spirit my family can get. I can't let them know I have already broken through to Silver rank. I will just replace or even add the demon spirits I find in the future. Alright, I must go meet my sweetheart, Ninger, in the forest for her treatment. Hehe'

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