Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 11: The End…

Chapter 11: The End...


Clark rushed outside to see hundreds of Parademons flooding the skies!

He turned to his parents and quickly motioned for them.

“Mom! Dad! Hide in the basement! I’ll help everyone!”

“Clark! This is dangerous!”

“...I know mom...but if it’s dangerous for me, just what does it make for the normal people?”


“Lucas said it too. With great power, comes great responsibility! And right now, this is my responsibility!”

Clark no longer said anything and flew out! Fighting as many Parademons as he can take!

Seeing their son fighting in the skies, Jonathan and Martha held each other and prayed...soon, they also retreated to the basement, afraid that they would distract their son from saving others.

In the sky, Clark’s eyes were glaring red! Suddenly, a red heat ray shot out from his eyes! Taking down dozens of Parademons in a single go!

“Wow! Didn’t know that I can do that! Alright! One more!”

Clark’s eyes continued to shoot out heat rays as he flew and punched through the Parademons.

Still...the numbers only continued to grow by the minute!



Diana looked at the skies being covered by Parademons and couldn’t help but mutter.

“By the Gods…it has begun...”

Hippolyta looked solemn as well. She raised her sword up high and shouted.

“Amazons! The war has come! We must hold as many of these creatures that we can here! Do not let them pass to the world of man!”

“For Hera!”


The Amazons gave out their war cries and charged to the skies!

Their lassos either pulled the Parademons down or pulled themselves towards them! It was a full-on war!

As the Princess of the Amazons, Diana naturally joined as well.

Her sword stabbed through the Parademons left and right! She was like a Goddess of War!

While in battle, she muttered.

“So this is the war mother mentioned 3 years ago...I thought for sure she would invade Atlantis because of Lucas…”

What she didn’t know was that Hippolyta did intend to do just that but the Parademon’s attack was just a coincidence...of course, this is better left unsaid.

Hippolyta was right beside her and heard her mutter this, she slipped and nearly got hit by a Parademon…

Diana thought once again.

“ not worry. We will stop the attack that you will not suffer.”

With this resolve, she gripped her blade once again and shouted.




Arthur was busy ordering his men to attack the Parademons underwater who came out from the Mother Box that they kept sealed.

Mera stood by his side as she controlled the water to defeat as much Parademons as she can take!

“Atlanteans! We must hold here! Do not let these beings invade the surface world! This is our duty!”

Arthur swung his trident along with his brother Orm and charged to the Parademons!

Their mother joined Mera in controlling the water as well.

As the numbers continued to increase, Arthur slammed his trident to the ground and called out for the creatures of the Trench!

The war continued!

Mera was frustrated. She wanted to come to the surface world to check and see if they are okay but cannot leave here!

“ better be safe!”


Along with the Parademon’s attack, the Mother Box that a certain Star Labs scientist had suddenly had an abnormal reaction.

His son, Victor Stone, just happened to be present here as well and got caught up in the accident!

His body was in tatters and most of his body parts are...damaged…

“Son! No! No! This...this can’t happen!”

Silas shouted as he hugged his son’s body.

Suddenly, he remembered something and quickly ordered his people.

“Quick! Give me a hand! Bring my son to the Red Room!”

“B-but sir! That room is…!”

“Shut up! This is my son! Do as I say!”

“Y-yes sir!”

Silas and his people carried Victor to the Red Room where Silas began his work.

Soon, Victor regained a body...but it was not all human.

Victor had become a machine...part human...part machine…!

When he opened his eyes, his vision was filled with 1s and 0s...all were turned into data in his mind!


“Victor! Son! You’re awake!”

“...Dad...what did you do to me!?”

Victor shouted when he saw his body was covered with a silvery armor.

“I...I fixed you…”

“Fix!? You call this a fix!? I am no longer human!”

Victor stood up angrily.

His body reacted to that anger and turned his arm into a canon!

“W-what the!?”


A blast shot out from his arm and destroyed the wall nearby.

Though he was still confused about everything happening, as his brain is now part computer, it processed fast and quickly, he escaped from the hole in the wall.


He could hear his father calling but he ignored him!

All he could do at the moment was run!

When he was out of the building, he saw the endless sea of red in the sky and the Parademons that covered it as well.

“Those of! This can’t be! is humanity supposed to overcome this!?”

Having the Mother Box as his core, Victor naturally knew a lot of things. He knew what the Parademons are. He knew who Darkseid is...and he knew how powerful he is…

Despair and fear overcame him...and in the end, he recalled a man.

When he recalled him, his brain automatically projected an image of the business card that he gave him at that time.

“...No...what can he possibly do against this kind of being…”

With a sigh, Victor simply stood there in despair.

But this didn’t last long. He can feel the Mother Box inside him suddenly resonate and a video was projected to him without his control!

This video is actually not just limited to him.

Some Parademons around the world began to broadcast this video as well to show to the whole world!

Darkseid is coming!

In the video, they can see a huge titan-like monster with ash-grey skin and red glaring eyes that seem to burn you when you look at it!

At his back, a red-colored portal can be seen to be depicting an entirely different planet!

“Humans of Earth. I am Darkseid. To those still fighting, give up. Resistance is futile.”

Darkseid spoke in a solemn tone, even at the other end of the screen, his cold and suffocating aura could be felt by everyone!

But suddenly...another voice was heard.

This voice was different. It sounded young and playful…

“That’s funny, never thought of you as a live streamer, Darkseid. If you want a tip you should just say so. I’m rich anyway.”

Darkseid’s expression was as calm as ever, but his gaze was colder as he stared at the young man still standing under his oppression.

“Ant, if you do not wish to be stepped on, do not stand out.”

As he said that, Darkseid’s foot was raised and brought down! It happened so fast that you wouldn't believe it came from a giant!

Seeing this, everyone watching felt their hearts at their throats!

Especially those who knew who this young man was!


Deathly silence filled the surroundings as they stared at the screen.

Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard again.

“Now that’s just rude. Calling someone an ant the first time you meet. Did your mother not teach you any manners!?”

With a grunt, Lucas tossed the huge foot away!

Darkseid frowned but was not angry.

He was calm.

“Fine then. Name yourself, human.”

“Lucas Wayne! Son of Thomas and Martha Wayne! The little brother of Bruce Wayne! And the young master of Alfred Pennyworth!”

“...I do not understand why you need to mention all those insignificant names.”

“They are not insignificant! They are extraordinary people! And they are my family! They are the ones who made me the man I am today! So once I beat you up, you best remember their names, you overgrown piece of turd!”

Darkseid’s face twitched and he was finally annoyed.

“Enough of this! Die!”

Darkseid’s eyes glowed red and shot out his Omega Beams!

These beams, he can control at will even when they are shot!

Still, Lucas had no intention to dodge, his eyes glowed white as well and a heat ray blasted out!


An explosion occurred in the middle of the beams!

From the sky, water began to drip...soon, it was raining heavily!

But Lucas didn’t mind it and floated in front of Darkseid while his eyes still glowing white.

“Darkseid, get out of my world! You are not welcome here!”

“...Hmph, do not act so presumptuously!”

Darkseid’s eyes flashed again but didn’t shoot anything this time. Instead, he had a smirk, as if he had already won.

But that smirk turned into a frown.

Lucas knew what he was doing and smirked as well.

Right when they met, Lucas had already copied Darkseid in his blank character slot! He had gained a percent of Darkseid’s powers!

In truth, the reason why he talked so much bullshit earlier was to increase the Synchronization rate! He needed Darkseid to acknowledge him quickly!

And after that exchange of blasts, which Lucas used as a combination of Omega Beams and Superman’s Heat Vision, it was safe to say that Darkseid had acknowledged Lucas as a threat now!

His sync rate is now at...46%! And still rising!

“What’s wrong Darkseid? Did your balls turn blue?”

Darkseid growled.

“Human, do not be overconfident!”

“Alien, do not be so conceited!”

Darkseid punched and Lucas received his punch with one of his own as well.

Even with the combined strength of Superman and Wonder Woman, Lucas was still thrown out from Darkseid’s punch!

Lucas gritted his teeth and spread out his arms as he manipulated the water from the rain!

He formed a huge water dragon and shot it at Darkseid!

Darkseid’s eyes glowed and shot his Omega Beams at the water, instantly exploding it and evaporating it to mist!

As the two of them were covered in the thick mist, everyone watching could still hear the sound of fighting and the lights from their glares...still, they all felt nervous not being able to see clearly…

By the time the mist dissipated, Darkseid’s body was covered with various wounds...yet he still stood.

And in his hand...he was holding the head of a young man!

“You are a worthy opponent, Lucas Wayne. Sadly, there is only one of you on this planet. You cannot hope to defeat me. And now, your world will watch as I destroy their only hope!”

Darkseid let out an evil grin as his eyes continued to glow red.

Lucas attempted to chuckle at that but felt the blood in his mouth as he coughed.

“Heh- cough cough! You’re wrong...Darkseid…”

Though his voice was weak, it was still heard by everyone watching.

“I...may be alone...right now...but there are others...others who would stand up and fight...I believe in them...Heroes…they are out there…!”

“Hmph! What Heroes? Are they stronger than you? If so, where are they? Do not delude yourself, human.”

“...Maybe they’re not stronger...individually...but together...they will be stronger than any force in this world…!”

Lucas’s eyes glowed white again as the fire in his heart burned!

“Just you see, Darkseid! From my ashes, they will rise! I may not be able to kill you, but I only need to stop you! And when you come again...they will be ready…! And they will win!”

Lucas grabbed Darkseid’s hand and pried it open!

Darkseid could feel that his power seemed to have gotten a level higher than before and was confused.

Still, that did not make him careless.

His eyes lit up fiercely, ready to shoot his most powerful Omega Beam yet!

Lucas was the same! His sync rate with Darkseid had already gone to 76%! Combining Superman's Heat Vision, he shot out his most powerful attack!

“I’ll repeat again! Earth does not welcome you, Darkseid! Go back to hell!!!”


He was losing! His own Omega Beam was pushed back and he was thrown away, straight back to the portal to Apokolips!

Lucas did not waste any time and followed! He flew over to grab Darkseid’s Father Box which was attached to a piece of equipment in Apokolips!

With both hands, he grabbed at the ends of the box and exerted his strength!

“The Father Box! You fool! If you destroy that! You won’t be able to return!”

“I don’t need to return! I will make sure you stay in this hellhole with me!”

Lucas’ eyes glowed white again and blasted at the Father Box as he...ripped it apart!

The destruction of the Father Box caused an explosion that pushed Lucas and Darkseid away! Their conditions were unknown!

At this time, the video feed was also cut off! And all the Parademons seem to lose life as they all fell one after another!

The portals opened by the Mother Boxes were also closed down!

It was...over…! one was able to celebrate.

They just witnessed...the loss of a Hero!

But soon, people began to shout.




The shouts became louder and louder...soon, everyone was shouting the same name!

Lucas! The Hero who saved Earth!

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