Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 21: Kryptonian

Chapter 21: Kryptonian

Contrary to how the meal started, it actually went smoothly in the end. We were able to discuss about the club and what to do with it.

Pamela, Selina, Harley, and Barbara are the co-owners of the club while I provide them with the funds. You can say that I also own the club but I didn’t really want to have much to do with it so I just gave the rights to them. I’m only giving them money for the startup and they will return the same amount when they can.

I told them there was no need to do it but Pamela and Barbara strongly disagreed. Selina and Harley were all for it since not having to pay suited them well. In fact, their eyes had changed when they looked at me when I said that…

I feel bad about my brother. Hopefully Selina doesn’t really fall for for Harley, she’s just a sexy clown freak. It’s fine to pay attention to her, but it’s better to ignore her.

In any case, I conceded to Pamela and Barbara about paying me back. The only thing I could tell them was they didn’t need to rush it and there’s also no interest.

After the meal, the three villain girls were about to leave when Pamela saw Barbara clinging to me.

She looked at Barbara coldly and asked.

“Oi, aren’t you going home?”

“Hm? I can just sleep in Lucas’ place.”


A vein popped on Pamela’s head as she quickly pulled on my other arm.

“Too bad for you, he’s not going home tonight.”

Hearing that, Harley cheered.

“Yay! We’re gonna have-”

“No we’re not!”

Pamela immediately denied Harley, making her pout and also cling to me.

“It’s not fair! The three of us agreed that we’ll share everything right!?”

Oi! Does that even include me as well!?


I felt the softness in both my arms and wasn’t able to retort.

Damn, for a sexy clown freak, she sure is packing serious weapons…

However, this thought only lasted a moment when I remembered she used to be Joker’s girl.

No way I’m putting my thing in that.

While thinking of such things, Pamela and Harley started to pull me to each side.

I sighed and figured this can’t continue any longer.

Using Martian Manhunter’s powers to phase through, I was able to break free from their grasp and appeared behind Pamela.

Smiling, I carried her in a princess carry and said.

“Sorry guys, there’s still a lot we need to talk about. I will see you all later.”


Pamela was taken by surprise and didn’t know how to respond.

Barbara pouted.

“Can’t you take me as well!?”

“Err...that...does it no longer hurt?”

“I...I can still use my mouth! I saw how Diana did it earlier, I think I can do it too!”

I broke into a sweat. What the hell is Diana teaching her!?

Perhaps seeing me hesitate, Harley seemed to notice something and also raised her hand.

“Ooh ooh! I can use my mouth too! And my tits!”

“Ahem, we’re leaving!”

Quickly taking only Barbara and Pamela, the three of us sped away and left!

Whew, it’s dangerous if I keep hanging around that Harley...I might just give in and die!

I arrived back at the Wayne manor and sneaked in the two girls in my arms.

Dick seemed to have seen me though and had a wonderful expression…

Embarrassed, I just pretended I didn’t see him and quickly pulled the girls to my room.

Pamela sat on the bed and pouted while glaring at Barbara.

“Why did you have to take her too?”

“Hehe, it’s fine. Even though you two are from opposite sides, I still hoped you will get along well.”

“And you think us two sleeping with you will do that?”

I stopped speaking.

...Is there even a right answer for this?

For now, let’s just nod…

“Well...isn’t there a saying about everyone is equal when naked?”

Pamela snorted.

“Funny. Get naked and see how I prove you wrong!”


She showed an evil smile and licked her lips.

“I am still going to dominate you even if we’re both naked.”


There was nothing else to say.

Naturally, I stripped as ordered!

Barbara shook her head but still stripped as well.

Vines appeared on the ground and started to curl around my arms and legs.


Pamela smiled as she stripped and let the plants cover her body instead.

She approached closer to me and whispered in my ear.

“I told you I will dominate you.”


<Insert your best imagination here!>

The night lasted quite long.

Looking at Pamela and Barbara’s naked bodies curled on the bed on both my sides, I smiled.

Suddenly, Pamela started frowning and trembling.

“N-no...I was wrong...I won’t...dominate you...anymore…”


Laughing at Pamela who seemed to be having a bad dream, I sighed.

She did try to take the initiative earlier but it seems she’s gotten tired after the second time and from then on, I took the initiative.

The result was this…

...And I even held back a lot since I was afraid I might break her…

Barbara laughed at her back then too while saying something like ‘Even an Amazon warrior and an Atlantean wasn’t able to satisfy him, you think you can dominate him!?’.

Since she started jeering at Pamela, I thought it was best to let her join in too so that they will both get along.

I don't think she would be able to walk properly for a while…

While thinking of such things, I dozed off and started to sleep.

The next day, both Pamela and Barbara are still beside me even though they were already awake.

Seeing me wake up, the two girls glared at me with hateful eyes.

“Good morning?”

“Muu...why did you have to be so rough last night! I can’t stand!”

“Me too…”


It was the morning and naturally, my member is standing tall again.

The two girls glared at it and gnashed their teeth, seemingly wanting to just bite it off.

Feeling their thoughts, I quickly covered it with my hands and tried to calm them down.

“W-well, this is just how it is every morning. Don’t worry about it, it will calm down soon without doing anything...just uhh, put some clothes on.”

In a normal scenario, it will indeed calm down by itself after a while. But if these two continued to be naked beside me, it was unknown whether it would calm down or not…

Pamela and Barbara looked at each other.

“Should I contact Diana and Mera?”

“Are you sure? You said the three of you can’t handle him as well.”

“Then...let’s find Lena and Thea as well?”

“Six women...that should be enough...right?”

Hearing their conversation, I started to sweat.

Are you kidding me!? Even I can't possibly  handle all six women at once!...Probably!

Plus, there was still something I have to do and I don’t want to remain in bed having sex all day…

I cleared my throat and stood up.

“No need! It will go down on its own so...just don’t call everybody…”

“Really? It doesn’t look like it will calm down at all.”

Pamela stared at it with doubtful eyes.

I just wore my clothes quickly and fled! If I stayed, they might just start doing something and by then, it wouldn't calm down anymore!

Sighing, I passed by Dick who happened to walk by as well.

There was a strange look in his eyes…

“Uncle Luke...awesome!”


Damn, did this kid peeped!?

I ignored him and pretended not to understand while quickly walking to take a shower.

After a while, it finally calmed down so I dried myself and had breakfast.

Pamela and Barbara were able to walk now with some difficulty but they managed to reach the dining room to eat as well.

Dick nudged at me again.

“Uncle Luke...she is Poison Ivy...right?”


“...Uncle Luke...awesome!”


What is wrong with this kid’s head!?

I ignored him again and quickly finished the meal.

Since the two were still having trouble walking, I carried them while flying to make sure to get them home properly.

I dropped Barbara off at her house and escaped before Commissioner Gordon arrived and interrogated me.

When I dropped Pamela off at their hideout, Harley jumped at me so I handed Pamela to Selina before quickly flying away!

Finally alone, I sighed.

“Damn, in a way, Harley is scarier than facing Darkseid...At least Darkseid wouldn't give me STD…”

Wait, why does that sound wrong…?

Shaking my head, I looked to a certain area and flew that way.

Mount Justice.

It was time to implement the Young Justice plan.

Though the members might be different this time, the idea itself is still good.

I already looked. There is no such thing as Cadmus now or the existence of Superboy as well.

Though maybe I just didn’t see or know it. But with Lex Luthor now being a true ally of the Justice League, he no longer thought about defeating Superman so there was no need to perform experiments like creating Superman’s clone.

Of course, I still haven’t fully trusted him and had my guard up just in case.

Hm? Oh yeah. Superboy might not exist, but there is still Supergirl, right?

Judging from the timeline, she should already have arrived years ago and was taken in by the Danvers. I just don’t know how old she is now.

Just as I was thinking that, I felt something approach the earth’s atmosphere and frowned.

Using the communicator that my brother gave me, I spoke to them.

“Justice League, this is Lucas. There is an unidentified vessel approaching earth. I was passing by so I’ll go take a look.”

“Understood, Batman’s Little Brother.”

I heard Batman’s voice at the end so I also added.

“Bro, change my codename already!”



I can already see Batman’s smug smile while ending the call...that damn brother, don’t blame me if I get my hands on your cat!

Sighing, I shook my head and approached the vessel falling to earth.

Seeing it up close, I saw it had a logo of Superman on it.

The House of El? But...was there someone else who had survived?

Whatever, let’s catch it first and talk to the guy inside.

I used Superman’s freeze breath to cool the vessel as it was heated up from entering earth’s atmosphere and also to slow it down as I caught it.

After catching it, I didn’t land immediately and flew towards Superman’s Fortress of Solitude instead.

I turned the communicator back on again and spoke.

“This is Lucas again. Superman, are you there?”

“I’m here. What is it?”

“I’m at the Fortress of Solitude. It seems the vessel is something from your planet.”

“Huh? Fortress of what now? Wait, did you just say the vessel is from my planet!?”


What? Did Clark not know about this place yet!?

Feeling that it was too troublesome to explain over the phone, I told him to come here instead.

Superman seemed to have left in a hurry and Batman was also coming along.

While waiting, I opened the vessel to see who was inside.


Opening it, I saw a woman with blonde hair and nice curves.

Is this...Kara? Why is she only arriving now? And she also looks about 18-19 years old already?

I thought she arrived on Earth years ago and even expected her to only be about 13 years old or something.

Then, Kara’s eyes started to open.

Her mouth moved and spoke in Krypton’s language.

“Who…? I?”

Thanks to Blackfire’s being synched, I had already learned Krypton language as well when I touched Superman back then.

I smiled to calm her down as I spoke in her language.

“Hi. My name is Lucas Wayne. You just landed on our planet, Earth. How are you feeling?”

“Lucas...Earth…? I...what was I…?”

Kara held her head with her hand as if she was in pain.

“T-that’s planet is already…!”

Tears started to form in her eyes as she remembered her home planet.

I sighed and stroked her head to calm her down.

“Can I ask what is your name?”

“Kara...My name is Kara Zor-El.”

Sure enough, she is indeed Kara.

I smiled again.

“Kara then. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

Kara stared at me for a while before noticing something.

“You...speak Krypton?”

“En...actually, I just learned it yesterday. You see, there is also one other Kryptonian here on Earth. He is coming here now.”

“Another Kryptonian!? Ah! Is it Kal-El!? Did he safely reach Earth!?”

I nodded.

“Un. That’s right. Here, he is also known as Clark Kent as he was adopted by the Kent family back then. Other than that, he is known as Superman as well.”

“Clark Kent? Superman?”

Kara tilted her head in confusion but before I could explain, Superman and Batman who rode the Batwing had arrived.

Superman landed in front of us and looked at Kara in surprise.

“Kara!? Is it you, Kara!?”

“...Kal-El? Why do you much older?”

“You too...why do you look like you haven’t aged a day?”

The two asked each other but no one answered.

I smiled wryly and explained.

“Most likely, Kara here was sucked into the Phantom Zone which paused her time. Somehow, she managed to get out of it and landed here on Earth after many years.”

Though I explained it, the two of them still seemed not able to understand.

At this time, Batman spoke.

“What’s happening? Lucas, when did you learn to speak in Krypton?”

Ah, I forgot we were still speaking Krypton even now…

I coughed and explained what happened to Batman. Afterward, he nodded.

“I understand the situation now. For now, we should talk somewhere else.”

“I agree...wait, hold on! What is this Fortress of Solitude!? Why is there a mark of my emblem on the front door!?”

...Maybe I shouldn’t have brought Kara here...I feel like this is going to be a long talk...

Supergirl enters the scene! Another waifu! Wooo!

Gonna start posting this on webnovel now. If I got lazy, I might stop midway and continue another day :P

As for Ultimate Fruit update...well, it's getting late so I may update someday this week instead.

See ya next chap!

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