Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 24: Meet the Team

Chapter 24: Meet the Team

It took a while before Raven seemed to understand what I said.

In the end, she can only let out a confused tone.


I shrugged and made it look like I didn’t find it weird. En, people having fetishes are normal.

“You said you want me to chain you up and put you in a dungeon. That’s why, I thought you enjoyed being...ahem...tied up.”

“W-wha-!? I don’t!”

“Then why would you say you want it!?”

Raven’s face flushed and she opened her mouth to say something but didn’t know what to say.

I sighed and patted her on the head.

“Look, I know you think that locking you up is better instead of losing control and hurting others. But there’s no need to be scared. I will be here to help you control your powers.”


Raven pouted and knew that she was being teased.

She snorted and lifted her game console and walked away.

I smiled and followed after her.

Right, I knew Raven’s intentions weren’t anything weird when she said she wanted to be locked up. At the moment, she still couldn’t control her powers and would hurt people without meaning to.

She was used to locking herself up. Not letting anyone get close to her because she was afraid that she would end up hurting her.

I’m probably not the only person who had sheltered her in the past.

Perhaps there were many other kind-hearted people who took Raven in...and ended up getting hurt when her powers lose control.

Right now, she isn’t used to being given freedom. That’s why I let her become embarrassed at the thought of being locked up.

From now on, every time she thinks about locking herself up, she would think about what I said and would be more repulsive in the idea.

Seeing her flushed face, I knew my plan had worked.

Even if she knew I was teasing her, the thought itself will remain in her head.

As for what happens if she were to actually embrace her masochistic, we’ll cross that bridge when we do…

Imagining the scene of Raven being tied up in chains and begging me...somehow...I want to try it…

After thinking about it, I quickly shook these thoughts away and gave Raven a tour.

She settled the console to the lounge area where there was a big flat-screen TV placed and started to play.

Watching her being so focused on the game, I shook my head and looked at the time.

It was already 11 pm.

“Rachel, you should get some sleep. Don’t play too much.”


Though she said that, she still continued playing.

I sighed and noticed there were some messages on my phone.

It came from Diana.

[Lucas, Mera is here with me. When are you going to come to sleep with us?]


Ehh, why does this feel like a booty call?

Wait, I guess it is…

Shrugging, I left Mount Justice and flew to the Watchtower where Diana and Mera were waiting.

“You’re finally here. We were just about to sleep.”

“Sorry about that, I had to settle on a new member for the Young Justice initiative.”

I said while settling myself between the two and ready to embrace their bodies.

Mera smiled teasingly.

“Is it a girl?”

“En. A girl who likes to be chained up.”

“Ahaha. So someone like you huh?”


Suddenly, Diana’s lasso of truth tied my arms to the headboard of the bed.

“W-wait! Ahhh!”

I nearly forgot. Both of these women were royalty in the Amazons and Atlanteans...they were both naturally born...dominatrixes!

However, since the two were more powerful than Barbara and Pamela, they were able to last a lot longer.

In the end, I wasn’t able to get some sleep and was dominated the whole night...not that I hate it...ahem.

Next time, I’ll definitely be the dominating role next.

Hmph hmph. I’ll show them!

While thinking of such things, I didn’t notice there was someone else when I turned on a corner hallway and bumped into someone.

I felt a soft sensation bounce on my chest and saw Kara taking a step back.

We didn’t really fall over exaggeratedly and ended up in an embarrassing position like in the animes but Kara still blushed when our faces nearly touched earlier.

I pretended not to notice and greeted her.

“Good morning.”

“Ah, good morning, Lucas.”

Kara craned her head to look behind me and asked.

“Umm, isn’t Diana’s room over there?”

“Hm? Yeah. I just got out.”

“Why were you in her room?”

“E-eh? Why?”

I was taken aback by her question. Didn’t she know already that we are in a relationship?

“Well...what do you think?”


Kara thought for a moment and started to blush again.

“M-my bad...I forgot…”

“Haha. Anyway, it’s good that I met you here. Follow me, I’ll show you a place.”

Kara snapped out of it and followed behind me curiously.

I was about to fly outside to head back to Earth but remembered that Kara still doesn’t know how to fly.

I held her hand and pulled her close.

“Hold on tight.”

“E-eh? Ehhh???”

I didn’t care about her reaction and started to fly.

All the while, Kara was blushing in my embrace and didn’t know what was happening…

The trip didn’t last long. Soon, we had reached Mount Justice.

We already landed on the ground but Kara didn’t seem to be letting go…

“You can let go now.”

“Ah. S-sorry…”

Kara quickly separated with a red face.

Looking at her, I was confused.

Was Kara this shy and bashful in the comics as well?

Well, I guess as a teenager and an alien, she is still wary of her surroundings and the people she meets. The only reason why she lets her guard down on me is probably because I speak her language and I had been the first one she had met since landing.

Kara looked around and asked.

“Where is this?”

“This is Mount Justice. At the moment, you will be living here along with a few people of similar age as yours who have special capabilities as well.”

I let her look around for a bit more while I explain.

“I will be living here most of the time as well and will be responsible for you all whether it is teaching or training or handing out missions. Oh right, you should meet the other member.”

Just in time, Rachel came out of her room and saw me and Kara.

“Rachel, come here.”

“Lucas, who is this?”

Rachel asked while still being wary of Kara. Unknowingly, she was hiding behind me already and only peeking her head slightly.

“Her name is Kara Zor’El. She is a Kryptonian and also Superman’s cousin. She still doesn’t know our language so I’ll be teaching her and also train her abilities.”

Then, I turned to Kara and spoke in Kryptonian.

“Kara, this is Rachel. She will be your friend in the future. Because she is still unable to control her powers, I am helping her understand her powers so she can control them.”

Both Kara and Rachel looked at each other.

For some reason, Rachel seemed to have gathered the confidence to leave behind me and stood straight in front of Kara.

The two of them shook hands with a smile.


Why does it feel like the two of them are checking out the sizes of each other?

Looking at the two from here, their chest were almost the same size but while Rachel is slim, Kara had a curvy body and was taller than Rachel by a few centimeters.

It must be my imagination when I saw Kara smile smugly at Rachel while they were shaking hands…

Rachel grumbled and retreated back behind me.

I shook my head and gave Kara a tour in the mountain as well.

Rachel didn’t join us and continued to play her game.

...This girl is really a slacker.

I bet she didn’t even eat breakfast yet.

I sighed and decided to make a simple breakfast in the kitchen since Kara and I also haven’t eaten yet.

We sat in the lounge and I handed Rachel her breakfast.

While she played, I started teaching Kara about English.

Kara is pretty smart and is a fast learner.

The day passed and another two more days passed.

Kara is now able to speak properly in English and I regret it.

Because now, she and Rachel would end up fighting all the time…

I scratched my cheek and didn’t know what to do. After all, I don’t really recall reading or watching Supergirl and Raven ever interacting before. I didn’t think that they would be fighting all the time.

Ehh, maybe I’m the reason they’re fighting? Haha, that would be nice.

For the past few days, I haven’t actually slept here in Mount Justice. Sometimes, I would be sleeping over at Pamela’s place. Sometimes, Barbara would come over, or sometimes I would be in the Watchtower sleeping with Diana and Mera. The two of them seemed to enjoy doing it together.

At this time, there was another notification from the Batcomputer.

Another person of interest has shown himself.

Virgil Hawkins. AKA, Static.

Over the past 5 years of my absence, numerous world-changing events had taken place in the world.

The particle accelerator exploding was one of them and this resulted in the birth of numerous metahumans.

Another event was the Big Bang. The Big Bang was a massive gang riot that happened on Paris Island in Dakota City. Back then, the police had used teargas that contained a chemical called Quantum Juice. The Quantum Juice, simply put, can trigger mutations on a normal human if it doesn’t kill them first.

This event had caused a huge death toll but among those that survived it had become metahumans as well.

Virgil is one of them.

Having gained electromagnetic powers, he had started to become a small-time vigilante. Today, I finally found his whereabouts so I can recruit him.

I left Kara and Rachel alone since they were still bickering and flew over to where Virgil was.

At the moment, Virgil, or rather, Static, was flying above the roofs in search of criminal activity.

When he noticed a few thugs ganging up on a lady, he immediately jumped in to save her while using his abilities.

Having zapped three thugs, he accidentally let one escape.

Just as he was about to chase after him, I appeared in front of the thug and put him to sleep with ease.

Static looked at me with caution.

“Thanks for the assist. But I had it handled.”

“I’m sure you do.”

I looked at the lady who was in trouble and smiled at her.

“Miss, you are safe now. You can go.”

“Ah...t-thank you!”

Static looked at the lady who was leaving then glared at me.

I just shrugged.

“What? Were you going to pick her up or something?”

“...Who are you? What do you want?”

I smiled and stretched my hand to him.

“I’m creating a team of young heroes that can assist the Justice League when needed. I’m recruiting you.”

Static paused for a moment before speaking.

“...Kid, are you out of your mind?”

I shrugged again. Not really bothering that he called me kid or crazy.

“I know you have your doubts. I wouldn't force you either. Here are my contact details, you can reach out to me when you are ready.”

After I finished saying my piece, I floated a bit in front of him and smiled before flying away rapidly.

I can still see Static looking at me in shock.

It shouldn’t be long until he contacts me again.

I chuckled and returned back to Mount Justice.

Before entering, I looked inside with my X-ray vision and saw that Rachel and Kara were getting along.

But when I showed up in front of them, the two started bickering again.

...Are they putting up a show or what?

Seeing the two argue while sitting next to each other, I sighed and sat down directly in between them while hugging their shoulder from behind.

“Ladies, I know I’m handsome, but you can share me instead of fighting!”



The two were speechless and finally stopped fighting.

It was ridiculous actually, they two of them were only fighting about small things like their hair color is ugly or the other one is fat or was as if they were fighting just for the sake of fighting. I don’t get it.

That’s why, I’ll just get in between them repeatedly.

Eventually, they would get tired fighting with each other and embrace me instead. Yep, sounds like a perfect plan.

...Is what I want to say.

My cheeks stings from their slaps...well, not really. Since this kind of attack doesn’t really hurt me. But it still hurt me emotionally!

I sighed and continued to train the two.

While I am training Rachel on how to use her powers, Kara was training her flight skills.


Well, she kept crashing all over the place though.

Rachel let out a smug smile every time Kara crashes but every time she does that, her powers go out of control and she would be dragged all over the room with her shadow. This time, it was Kara’s turn to laugh at her.

Days continued to pass by ‘peacefully’ like that and eventually, the other members had been gathered by Batman in the Hall of Justice.

The heroes and their sidekicks just finished dealing with different ice-type villains which made me think for a bit.

It seems that some events in the Young Justice show are still happening. Well, whatever. As long as I’m here, none of their schemes matter.

I should still keep an eye out on Lex. He’s still a friend now but who knows what will happen in the future.

The scene of speedy leaving didn’t happen though. He was just as excited as the others when they were about to join the league.

Of course, Batman had also briefed them about their role so they knew what to expect and didn’t think that they would join the Justice League immediately.

Batman was the first to enter the Zeta tube while the rest followed.

At the moment, me, Rachel, and Kara were eating lunch in a restaurant in Paris since Rachel kept insisting on it. Naturally, I still kept my eyes on what Batman was doing. There are cameras placed inside Mount Justice which I have access to so I can see them.

I saw the new members appearing one by one and also showed it to the two.

[[Recognized, B-03: Robin]]

[[Recognized, B-04: Kid Flash]]

[[Recognized, B-05: Speedy]]

[[Recognized, B-06: Wonder Girl]]

[[Recognized, B-07: Aqua Lad]]

[[Recognized, B-08: Miss Martian]]

Hm? It seems Jon Jonz found her after all.

I looked up at the girls and nodded at them.

“Come on, time for you to meet your team.”

The two of them went shopping and wore fashionable clothes. I sighed and wondered what the others who were wearing their costumes would think when they saw us…

We walked to an alley and got in a zeta portal that was installed here.

[[Recognized, B-01: Raven]]

[[Recognized, B-02: Supergirl]]

Finally, it was my turn.

Recalling what my damn brother put in as my codename, I gritted my teeth and walked in the portal.

[[Recognized, A-00: Prime]]

Sorry for the delay...again.

I eventually settled with the name Prime which is synonymous to First and also suggests that he is the Strongest as well. Origin and the other names are also good, but I still settled with Prime in the end. Thanks to all those who had suggested!

See ya next chap!

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