Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 51: Harley Enters the War!

Chapter 51: Harley Enters the War!


Inside a tall and dark castle was a huge throne. On that throne sat one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He is the one known as...Darkseid!

Kneeling in front of him were his Elite subordinates.

A large man with bulging muscles and mane-like black hair growled as he reported to Darkseid.

This man is Kalibak. Not only is he part of Darkseid’s Elite, he is also Darkseid’s first-born son!

“Father, Steppenwolf is dead.”

“I know.”

Darkseid showed no emotion as he spoke.

Kalibak raised his head and looked at Darkseid.

“He was supposed to destroy Tamaran. Let me bring an army over and complete his mission. I shall see for myself what kind of being has the guts to challenge Darkseid!”

Kalibak pounded on his chest confidently. However, Darkseid didn’t answer him just yet.

For a while, Darkseid remained silent and the others who were kneeling felt like something was wrong.

Still, none of them dared to speak up as the atmosphere around Darkseid seemed tense.

Almost as if...he’s afraid?

Lashina, one of Darkseid’s Female Furies had suddenly thought of this in her mind subconsciously. But the moment the thought appeared in her mind, Darkseid’s eyes glowed bright red as he shot out an Omega Beam right through her head!

Lashina’s head immediately exploded into bits and her body fell to the ground lifelessly.

Seeing her die so suddenly, the others quickly bowed down, afraid to make contact with Darkseid.

As Darkseid’s son, Kalibak was one of the bravest of them all. He glanced at Lashina’s dead body and didn’t show any change in emotion.

He turned back to Darkseid and asked once more.

“Father, what are your orders?”

Darkseid glanced at each one of his Elites as he gave his order.

“Ready the Mother Boxes. This time…I will personally be going as well.”



Kalibak and the rest were beyond shocked when they heard this. However, their lord has given his orders, as such, they had to follow them.

“As you command!”


Everyone got busy preparing for the upcoming battle.

And then...they came.

The sky turned red as if blood had covered it.

Portals appeared from the sky and a huge army of parademons flew down. However, the parademons didn’t descend yet as they continued to wait in the sky.

Lucas and the others looked up and saw the parademons form ranks behind a few individuals who were also flying above.

Blackfire frowned and raised her arm, signaling her army to hold their positions and ready their weapons.

Starfire looked at the enemies and was worried.

“Those are Darkseid’s Elite. Same as Steppenwolf...each of them is extremely powerful.”

Superman and the others from the Justice League looked at each other and nodded.

Lucas remained calm as he waited for the arrival of the big bad.

Suddenly, one of Darkseid’s Elite floated forwards and shouted above them.


As if on cue, a huge portal appeared before them and a large body appeared.

Darkseid has come!

Lucas snickered and started to float up as well.

He flew right in front of Darkseid and chuckled.

“It’s been 5 years...”

Right now, he felt like Eren who had met the Colossal Titan once more after 5 years.

“Ever the Drama Queen aren’t you, Darkseid? So much...theatrics as always.”


Darkseid’s eyes narrowed.

He recognized this man. This human.

It was that ant who somehow pushed him back in the past.

Darkseid scoffed.

“I remember you, Lucas Wayne.”

“I’m called Prime now.”

“Do you think that after you barely defeated my Avatar, you’d stand a chance against my true form?”

Lucas raised a brow at that.

Avatar? What bullshit. Whether the past Darkseid was simply an avatar, clone, or doesn’t matter. Lucas wasn’t the same Lucas as in the past.

“So is this your true form already? Your just a bit fatter than the previous you, how stupid. Come on, transform to your final form already Frieza. This time, you can’t make such pathetic excuses anymore when I beat you up.”

Lucas curved his index finger and shook it in front of Darkseid to taunt him.

Darkseid frowned and his Elite growled behind him.

Lucas and Darkseid stared at each other.

Then...their eyes started to glow.

It was as if time stood still and everyone was on the verge of attacking.

The instant they both shot out their Omega Beams, everyone moved.



The armies of both sides started to charge as the parademons flew down and the Tamaraneans flew up to meet them.

In between the two armies was the colossal figure of Darkseid in a locked battle with Lucas using both their Omega Beams.

Kalibak also charged down but he was glancing at Lucas in shock.

How come...that puny human could match his father!?

He had long heard about the man who had pushed his father’s Avatar in the past and even managed to destroy the Fatherbox, but he always believed that this story was an exaggeration. seems to be true!

Thinking of this, he stopped himself from charging down and quickly made a turn. He wanted to attack Lucas from behind while his father was holding him down!

However, before he could come close, a figure wearing a blue suit and red cape charged at him.

“Oh no you don’t!”

Kalibak growled as he locked arms with Superman in an attempt to overpower him, however, Superman didn’t budge at all.

Lucas had given him the Energy Absorption ability of the Tamaraneans and had charged himself plenty with the Yellow Sun’s energy. As such, his power was much higher than it was before.

“Move out of the way, Kryptonian!”

“I will not let you harm Lucas!”

Superman’s eyes glowed red and shot his Heat Vision towards Kalibak, sending him straight down on the ground as he crashed with a loud explosion.

It wasn’t only Kalibak who thought of attacking Lucas from behind. The other Elites were also about to do the same. However, the rest of the Justice League had moved to intercept them all!

Dr. Bedlam, a master scientist and a being of pure energy, didn’t charge down like the rest and simply stayed in place.

However, his mental abilities were already activated.

Though he hadn't moved at all, his mind had moved from one soldier to the next, controlling them from afar and made them kill their own allies.

Martian Manhunter had quickly noticed this and used his own mental abilities to fight him. The two of them looked at each other, unmoving.

Others may see them as slacking, but in truth, they are already engaged in a high level mental war in each other’s minds.

Elsewhere in the battlefield, the powerful women on both sides have started to clash as well.

Wonder Woman, Mera, Hawk Girl, Blackfire, and Starfire, faced up against Darkseid’s Female Furies. Artemiz, Mad Harriet, Bloody Mary, Wunda, Stompa. 

There was also Speed Queen in the Female Furies but she is facing against the Flash in an epic race through the battlefield.

Batman faced off against Desaad, Darkseid’s master torturer.

Cyborg fought Cyborg-87, a mechanical being who also served as Darkseid’s Elite Guard.

Green Arrow against Kanto, Darkseid’s master assassin.

Hawkman against Rip Roar, a being with four arms and had fire and ice abilities.

Aquaman against Pyron, an aquatic being who also used a trident as his weapon.

Green Lantern against Mantis, originally from New Genesis but was bought over by Darkseid by giving him power.

As the Justice League each faced off against Darkseid’s Elite, the parademons lunged towards the Tamaraneans who were led by the Gotei 13.

The 11th division leader laughed and brandished his huge greatsword filled with energy towards the enemies while the 1st division leader unleashed flames and burnt everything to ashes.

While all of them fought, in the middle of the battlefield were Darkseid and Lucas, still at a deadlock.

Lucas snickered.

“What’s wrong, Darkseid? I thought you’re already in your true form? Is this all you got?”

“How arrogant.”

Darkseid snorted and increased his power.

Lucas started to become serious as well and increased his power, converting energy absorbed from the stars into power.

At the same time, his own body started to expand!

Size alteration was something he got from Ares’ powers. Being able to manipulate his own size at will. Turn into a normal human or a giant the same size as Darkseid.

“Why don’t you pick at someone your own size?”

Lucas chuckled and swung his fist at Darkseid while their Omega Beams were still clashing.

Darkseid was surprised at first but also retaliated.


Both fists clashed and sent a huge shockwave throughout the battlefield.

Lucas waved his hand and created a huge sword made of white hard light and swung it towards Darkseid.

Darkseid lifted his arm to defend himself. His skin was hard and thick that Lucas was only able to leave a scratch.

However, Lucas wasn’t disheartened.

“Well, would you look at that? You bleed after all.”

Darkseid gritted his teeth and focused Omega energy in his hands.

He pointed his palm towards Lucas and shot the Omega energy blast right at him! This was the Erosion Blast that eradicates everything in its path!

Lucas opened his palm as well and shot his lightbolt to meet his attack.


The result was a huge explosion.

Lucas was pushed back by a few steps while Darkseid took a step back.

Lucas didn’t waste any time and shot forwards once more. He controlled the light around them and created a spear of light as he threw it at Darkseid.

Darkseid grunted but simply flicked the light spear away and prepared to clash against Lucas once more.

Lucas’ eyes started to flicker with lightning and soon, his body sparked off white lightning.

Having a giant’s body, a simple swing of his fist at high speed was enough to generate a supersonic punch!

Darkseid was unprepared for the sudden increase in speed and wasn’t able to defend himself in time.


Another loud explosion was heard as Lucas’ blow hit Darkseid right at his face!

Lucas didn’t let this chance fly by and rapidly smashed his fists at Darkseid at high speed!

Darkseid continued to stagger for a while, however, he suddenly surged with strength and retaliated!

Lucas was surprised and was blown away for a bit.

Darkseid glared at Lucas and snorted.

“You reek of the smell of the Old Gods. If you think you now have the power to match are wrong.”

Lucas didn’t mind and instantly regenerated from his wound.

He stretched for a bit and taunted Darkseid again.

“Ew, you’ve been smelling me all this time? What a pervert.”


Darkseid was angered.

Omega Energy surged throughout his body and he once again clashed against Lucas!

Lucas powered up as well and met his fist.


Another loud explosion.

Meanwhile, inside a compartment in the Justice League spaceship…

A figure could be seen...sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, the ship shook and an object fell on her head.

“Ow! Hey! Keep it quiet you bastards! Can’t a lady get her beauty sleep properly!?”

Harley rubbed her head in irritation.

What was happening? Why is it so loud outside?

And why is my room shaking like crazy?

Wait...this isn’t my room...was I kidnapped!?

Harley was frightened and looked around. However, she soon remembered why she was here.

“That’s right! My Cupcake!”

Harley quickly stood up and left.

Leaving the spaceship, she saw...war.

There were battles everywhere and everyone seemed to have powers.

All Harley had was a baseball bat…

But who was Harley? Why would she care about that?

The instant she left the spaceship, she saw the huge figure of Lucas and Darkseid fighting.

“I’m coming for you cupcake!!! Wait for me!!!”

When she shouted this, Lucas nearly tripped.

Huh? Did I hear Harley somewhere?

...No, that’s probably my imagination...why the heck am I thinking about that crazy girl now of all times?

Lucas shook his head and ignored the thought. He didn’t have the luxury of daydreaming while fighting against Darkseid.

On the ground, Harley ran towards Darkseid and Lucas while hitting the parademons who approached her here and there.

At some point, she got a rope from...somewhere and tied it to one of the parademons. She then jumped on top of it and used the rope as a sort of steering mechanism to point the parademon where she wanted it to fly.

“I’m coming cupcake~!”

Green Lantern, who was thrown off by Mantis, happened to pass by Harley who was shakingly driving one of the parademons.

He landed on the ground with a thud and hit his head hard.

Shaking his head, he frowned.

“Huh? Did I just see Harley?”

Green Lantern looked around but no longer so her.

“...Must’ve been my imagination.”

Shaking his head, he lit up his ring once more and flew to clash with Mantis.

In the sky, Superman was fighting against Kalibak when suddenly, he heard something approach their direction.

“Outta the way Supes!”


Before he could see who was shouting at him, a parademon flew in between them and sped away.

Superman and Kalibak were about to look in the direction of that weird parademon when they saw something was left in between them.

A bomb.


Before they could react, the bomb exploded and threw the two of them backward.

Harley looked back and saw the explosion. She laughed.

“Wow! So that thing was a bomb! Good to know!”

Earlier, she saw that some parademons were carrying something. Thinking that it might be useful, she took some and accidentally dropped one when she passed by Superman.

Is he okay?

“...Meh, he’s Supes. He’ll be finee~”

Harley looked at her new toys with a wide grin.

Suddenly, the parademon she was riding started to act crazy again.

She quickly held onto the rope to stabilize herself but ended up dropping all her bombs.

“Ahh! My toys!”

Looking down, she suddenly saw a blur appear just as the bombs hit the ground and exploded.

The Flash was shocked by the sudden explosion and quickly turned to avoid it. However, the enemy he was fighting, Speed Queen, wasn’t so lucky…

Still confused, Flash looked up to see who helped him but saw only parademons in the skies.


Back in the sky, Harley pouted in annoyance and hit the parademon with her bat to soothe her anger.

The parademon naturally couldn’t take such abuse anymore and fell to the ground as it dissolved.

Harley rubbed her butt from hurting herself when she fell down.

She looked around and saw some weapons lying around.

“Ooh, what does this one do?”

Harley picked up a spear-like weapon and looked at it closely. Then, she accidentally pressed something and the spear tip shot an energy blast to the sky.

“Whoah! Cool! I call dibs!”

Though Harley said that, no one was really free enough to listen to her…

In the sky, Dr. Bedlam was still engaged in a mental fight with Martian Manhunter…and he was winning!

Feeling his victory at sight, he smiled and let his guard down for a was a single second of momentary lapse...but at that moment, a sudden energy blast appeared out of nowhere and hit his body!

The damage wasn’t much at all, however, this had caused him to be distracted momentarily.

It was only a single moment...but it was enough for Martian Manhunter to turn the situation around!


He could only let out a last cry of agony before...his brain stopped functioning and died.

His lifeless body fell from the sky as it dissipated into nothingness.

Martian Manhunter sighed in relief as he pulled himself out of the mental mindscape. He looked around and wondered why his opponent was suddenly distracted.

Not knowing the chaos she has brought to the battlefield, Harley continued to make her way towards Lucas and Darkseid...

Harley has arrived!

I apologize for the delay. Lately, I've been watching Star Trek Discovery in Netflix and I must say...I kinda want to write a sci-fi story. There is an idea in my drive already for an intergalactic hunger games-like story so I might make that one...

Alright, I know there is a lot of debate about Darkseid's avatar and true body and such, but those are too complicated and no matter where I read, there's not a definite answer so I just simplified it in my version.

The one Lucas fought in the past was an Avatar of his true self which is the one Lucas is fighting today. But does that mean Lucas had synched with an Avatar? No, it was still the real Darkseid. Cause, well...the one he fought is sort of an extension of Darkseid so it was still counted as the same being...something like that. XD

As for Darkseid's Elite, I just googled them and picked a few. XD

Anyway, its 4:30 am here...imma sleep now XD

See ya next chap!

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