Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 56: Fate

Chapter 56: Fate

After leaving the CWverse and returning to his own Earth, Lucas went to look for Lex to get the coordinates.

He appeared in the Watchtower while the rest of the Justice League were in the middle of planning how to counter-attack.

Batman saw him enter and asked.

“You’re awake. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine. That said, I heard from Lena that there’s some trouble here.”

“We have it handled. I don’t think there's a need for you to intervene.”

Batman looked at the rest of the members who all nodded confidently.

If Lucas were to intervene at every single thing, what was the point of having them around?

Moreover, Lucas just recovered from a battle with one of the most powerful beings in the universe, there was no need to have him join a fight of this level.

Lucas nodded and turned to Lex.

“So you're from a different Earth? No wonder you’re not evil.”

“...I’ll take that as a compliment then.”

“Oh, do you have coordinates of your Earth?”

Lex raised a brow and looked at Lucas suspiciously.

“I do but...what are you planning to do with it.”

“Nothing...Just gonna drop by for a minute or two.”


Lex and everyone else fell silent and looked at Lucas in surprise.

Feeling their weird looks, Lucas shrugged.

“What? You guys deal with the situation here, I’ll go deal with that world infested with villains.”

“Lucas, you said it yourself. That world is infested with villains! Can you handle them all by yourself!?”

Superman asked.

Lucas felt around his pocket and showed them a marble.

“This is a metabomb that I found from another Earth. It can kill everyone with metahuman abilities on the planet.”

“...So you’re plan is genocide?”

Flash raised a brow, somewhat stupefied with Lucas’ plan.

Lucas froze and looked at the strange looks everyone gave him. He realized that he was probably one step away from becoming the ‘hero about to turn bad’ kind of character and everyone would start some kind of drama to stop him for the good of mankind…

“...Now that you say it like that, fine, I’m not using this…”

It was too troublesome so Lucas just gave up on it.


As if to prove his point, Lucas pinched the marble and directly destroyed it.

Batman looked at the destroyed ‘metabomb’ and frowned.

“A bomb capable of killing every single meta on the planet...where did you even get this? Is there a chance of whoever made this to make more?”

“Oh, it was about to be dropped on another Earth. The heroes there have it handled but I intervened just to be safe and grabbed it. As for making more...I don’t think they will have the guts to make more.”

Lucas remembered how those Dominators quickly fled. They are very cowardly so there shouldn’t be a problem.

Actually, what Lucas thought was right. The Dominators believed that ‘Darkseid’ was protecting that Earth. As such, how can they have the guts to do anything on them!?

“Ok, how about this. I’ll go to that world first. Find some heroes, give them power, and have them help me. That should be fine right?”

Lucas thought about it and suggested it to the others.

Batman and the rest looked at each other for a while. Finally, Batman sighed and nodded.

“Fine. But be careful.”

“I will!”

Just as Lucas was about to leave after he got the coordinates from Lex, he heard Diana’s voice shouting at him from behind.

“And don’t look for more women!”


Lucas tripped by himself as he went into the portal…

Earth-3. Ultropolis.

Ultraman floated at the skies above, quietly looking down on all the small lesser beings beneath him. A sense, perhaps it was best to say...discontent instead.

He had ruled over these pathetic beings for years now. There was no one else powerful enough who could stop him.

He was a God to these people.

Beside him, Superwoman floated quietly.

“We’ve finally conquered this world. The Justice Society All-Stars are no more. Whatever is left or them are being hunted down as we speak. What plans do you have next?”

Ultraman coldly glanced at Superwoman and snorted.

“Has Doctor Fate been found?”

“...Not yet.”

“I want her found immediately! She holds the Multiverse Map. Once I have that...there will be more worlds for me to conquer!”

Superwoman smiled.

“As you wish.”

She was about to leave when Ultraman asked her once again.

“And what of Lex Luthor?”

“...We still haven’t found any traces of him.”


Ultraman’s eyes glowed red in anger.

Lex Luthor was once his friend. He is the elder brother of his wife, Dana Luthor. However, Lex was actually simply pretending to be his friend...when he is actually feeding information to the Justice Society All-Stars!

Once he found out, Ultraman swore he would hunt him down no matter which world he hid!

And when he does…

The light in Ultraman’s eyes intensified as a ray of red light shot out and destroyed a building below him.

Ultraman coldly watched on as countless people died from the explosion and the collapsing building.

His anger had only subsided a little.

Meanwhile, in a certain corner of the Earth, a portal opened and a man appeared from within.

Lucas looked around and saw that he had appeared in the skies of some city.

“So this is Earth 3…”

Having just arrived, Lucas was already able to feel the difference in this world.

Somehow...there’s just this oppressive and dull reminded Lucas of the time back in Gotham when he was a kid.

Lucas closed his eyes and focused on his super hearing to scout out the place nearby first.

...As expected of a world infested with villains. There are screams of help everywhere.

Though he had said earlier that he will find people to help him...he only said that to convince his brother and everyone else.

From the start, he had planned on settling everything by himself.

White lightning flickered in his eyes as he sped throughout the city, dealing with supervillains and criminals as he passed them.

It wasn’t only the villains that were shocked and confused. Even the citizens were also confused.

Were they...saved…?

While Lucas continued to speed-run his villain hunt, he encountered some villain versions of heroes from his Earth as well.

There’s Green Arrow’s counterpart, Deadeye...Wondergirl’s counterpart, Amazon Thunder...Robin’s counterpart, Drake...and many more.

So far, Lucas was still unable to see even a hint of a superhero in this world.

Lex had mentioned there was a small group of them...but it seems that these heroes are long gone. Either they went into hiding or they’re already dead.

In any case, he just needs to get rid of all these villains.

Suddenly, Lucas overheard something with his super-hearing that caught his attention.

“Fate! You can’t continue running! Give up!”

“My fate has yet to be determined, Inza Cramer!”

Fate...was it Doctor Fate? Is he a hero here too?

Lucas has never met or seen Doctor Fate in his world. Now he can finally see one in another Earth. It should be fine to have a slot saved for him.

Doctor Fate is one of the most powerful heroes after all.

Thinking so, Lucas flew over to have a look. Sure enough, he was able to see Doctor Fate.

Currently, Doctor Fate was having a magical battle against a female sorcerer. However, Lucas could see that Doctor Fate is gravely wounded at the moment and her body seems to be riddled with scars from countless battles.

Right, it seems the Doctor Fate of this world is actually a woman…

Lucas took a look at her opponent.

Dressed in rather revealing red robes, her opponent had long black hair and a stunning figure.

Lucas remembered Doctor Fate called her Inza Cramer just now.

Inza...Inza...Where have I...ah! She has the same first name as Kent Nelson’s wife, Inza Nelson.

In the comics, Kent Nelson is Doctor Fate. Now it seems that in this world, his, since she has a different last name, maybe they’re not married...anyway, it seems that Inza is a villain here.

Lucas only thought about it in amusement but he didn’t really care for it much.

Since Doctor Fate seems like she is unable to hold on for any longer, Lucas decided to step in.

Lucas’ eyes glowed white and prepared to enter this battle of magic.

He held out his hand and...created dozens of missiles with white hard light!

Who said one needs to use magic in a magic fight? It's better to just bomb the enemy with missiles!


Suddenly seeing the dozens of missiles shooting towards her, Inza quickly flew away while chanting for defensive spells.


Immediately after, the ground beneath rose and trapped Inza in between like two hands clapping.

Lucas didn’t bother waiting to confirm if the explosions did her in, he immediately performed a series of other attacks!

What kind of nonsense would it be to wait every single time and talk with the enemy before performing the next move? This isn’t a turn-based game, better to do combo attacks first and talk later!

After being clamped in between two lumps of earth, Lucas’ eyes glowed and shot his Omega Beam as he riddled it with holes to cover every corner.

Then, his hands glowed white and shot off a thick energy blast on the earth lump, directly disintegrating it.

Lastly, he raised his hand and used his psychic abilities to flatten it to the ground!

Only after that did he stop to wait and see if the enemy is still alive.

Watching all this, Doctor Fate stood there completely stupefied with what was happening.

Huh? What happened? Where did Inza go? Who’s this new guy that suddenly showed up? He didn’t even speak and directly killed Inza!

Lucas didn’t mind her and smiled in satisfaction.

Suddenly, he noticed something serious.

Hm? Wait...I saw the two of them fighting each other and just assumed Doctor Fate is the hero...won’t this be awkward if I’m wrong then!?

Thinking about this, Lucas quickly looked at Doctor Fate who unintentionally shivered upon being looked at by this crazy guy.

Lucas was just about to say something when Inza groggily emerged from the ground.

“Y-you...Crime Syndicate...won’t let…”

Inza’s body was shaking as she tried to threaten Lucas.

Hearing her say that, Lucas sighed in relief.

Good! I didn’t make a mistake! That was close…

Lucas turned towards Inza and scoffed.

“Heh, don’t worry. I’ll be looking for them soon.”

Just as he was about to launch his final blow, Inza was no longer able to maintain her consciousness and fainted.

Lucas sighed and turned back towards Doctor Fate.

He had already synched with her character.

  • Doctor Fate (Morgaine Le Fay): 32%

The instant Lucas saw the name, he was shocked!

Morgaine Le Fay...this...what a surprise…! To think that the Doctor Fate of this world is actually her!

Morgaine Le Fay...otherwise known as a well-known character in the Arthurian Legends as the evil sorceress.

DC had also adopted her story and used her character in various arcs that mainly involved magic.

For her to be Doctor Fate’s host as well...won’t she be too powerful? How come she is losing?

Whatever the case, he needed to heal her fast.

Lucas doesn’t exactly have any healing powers but she can always just grant her with his super regeneration ability instead.

Lucas held out his hand and a bright light covered Morgana.

“What are you…?”

Morgana quickly tried to defend herself but froze in shock soon after.

“This...why do you have the power of the Gods!? Who are you!?”

“Name’s Lucas. It must be fate for me to meet you.”


Morgana coldly looked at Lucas silently.

“...Hey, how is it that you’re allowed to make fate jokes but not me!?”

“Because I am Doctor Fate!”

“...Fair enough. Anyway, I just gave you the ability for super regeneration. Your wounds should heal up soon.”

Lucas stopped fooling around and spoke seriously.

Morgana fell silent and closed her eyes as she observed her body.

Soon, she opened her eyes again and shook her head.

“Thank you, however, that ability is only able to heal my physical wounds.”

“Sorry, I can’t help your emotional problems.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“ it relationship problems?”


“Mental problems?”

A vein popped on Morgana’s forehead. However, as she was wearing a golden helmet, Lucas wasn’t able to see it.

“That’s close enough but it’s not what you are thinking of!”

Morgana sighed.

“My...shall we say spirit...has been damaged by magic. I’m afraid it will take a long time for me to heal naturally.”

“I see. Then, is there a way to heal you?”

“It’s naturally possible with magic. But I doubt Inza would be kind enough to help me out.”

“Can’t you heal yourself then?”

Morgana shook her head.

“Since my spirit is damaged, my magic has also weakened.”

“ about you teach me the magic spell and I do it?”


Morgana frowned and looked at Lucas dubiously.

Lucas nodded and pointed at himself.

“Right. After all, I’m a God. How hard can it possibly be?”


Seeing Lucas act so smug, Morgana suddenly thought if this person had some sort of mental illness…

Sorry for the delay! Been busy for the past few weeks due to holidays and stuff. Also, since my lil brother's laptop died unexpectedly, we have been taking turns using the PC. So I have even less time to write. After all, I would prioritize playing first before writing! :P

Now, some explanations about this chapter.

I just realized that 'Alexander Luthor' of Earth-3 is actually an insanely OP character called Mazahs...basically like Shazam of that world with the ability to steal abilities...but since I already portrayed Lex to be powerless, I'll just have to find another way to show Mazahs some other time.

The Doctor Fate in Earth-3 wasn't actually mentioned to be Morgana. But it was mentioned that Doctor Fate is a woman so I had to think of an identity for her. I searched for Doctor Fate's enemies in wikis and found Morgaine Le Fay which suited the identity so I just went with that. This way, I can also make use of having synched with Morgana and Doctor Fate's combined powers at the same time.

As for Inza, she is also not mentioned to exist in Earth-3 but I had to make up a character that can rival Doctor Fate in that world so I created her. Of course, I could just use Kent Nelson directly but it would be too straightforward if I did that so I went with Inza instead.

That's all for now. See ya next chap!

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