Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 7: I Hear you can Talk to Fish?

Chapter 7: I Hear you can Talk to Fish?

Standing in front of the small boat, I looked to the shore and saw Diana.

After thinking for a bit, I took my phone and tossed it to her.

"Keep in touch?"

"...I will. Safe travels, Lucas."

"Take care, Diana."

With that, I set sail.

I must say, I truly did not expect how everything turned out in this period of time.

But everything went well...though my engagement with Diana is a bit worrisome, it isn't actually bad.

As I thought of Diana, my mouth curled upwards. seems there may be something to look forward to when I turn 18…

Upon returning to Gotham, the first thing I did was to send a group message to my contacts and inform them of my change in contact number.

The reason I noted was that I had lost my phone somewhere and I was too lazy to find it so I bought a new one.

Barbara and Pamela were a bit...skeptical about it but didn't ask.

Sigh, a woman's intuition can be really scary…

Afterward, I saved my previous number and put a name to it. [WW].

By the way, Clark is named [Supes] on my phone. Though he doesn't know about it.

Bruce is [B-man], Alfred is [Butler], Barbara is [B-girl], Pamela is [Ivy], Lex is [Baldy], Lena is [Luthor Chick].

Haha, it was just some fun for me anyway, no one would see it other than me.

I also erased my contacts in my previous phone before I gave it to Diana.

Then, I sent a message to Diana to inform her of my number.

[Me: Diana, this is Lucas. I just got home.]

[WW: Hello Lucas, this is Hippolyta, since you're home, can you send a few more phones here? I also want one. -Sincerely, your mother-in-law]


I was speechless!

It took a while but I finally snapped out of it and decided to call instead. Better yet, a video call!

Soon, I saw Hippolyta and Diana’s face on my screen.

[[Ah, Lucas! I can see you!]]

“Diana, this is called a video call. Anyway, what’s this about sending phones over there?”

[[Well, when I told mother that you gave me your phone, she started throwing a tantrum…]]

[[I did not throw tantrums, Diana. I merely suggested that I, as your mother and Queen of the Amazons, should also have one.]]


I give up. Let’s just give her what she wants…

Since Themyscira isn’t something you can really find in a map or use coordinates to lock onto, I told them that I will send an aircraft to drop the package on a nearby uninhabited island where they can just pick it up.

As soon as I said that, Diana started asking for more.

[[Lucas, there’s this online shopping thing but I can’t buy anything here. I was hoping you could get me this, and this, and this. Oh, this one too.]]

Then Hippolyta also joined in.

[[Good son-in-law. I also want this here. And this, this, those, that...and about 10 of these.]]


Why can’t you all just leave your island!?

After, from the Amazons, I finally ended the call and had Alfred arrange everything.

“...If I may ask, sir…”

“Sigh, I know what you're going to ask...I met a bunch of Amazons in my recent trip, they’re quite...reclusive...I gave them my phone for fun but it seems they enjoyed modern items a tad too much…”

“...Amazons, sir?”

“Yep...real life female warriors…”

“...Should I be worried?”

“Hm? Nah...I think...maybe…”

Everything was finally over, I took a nap and went back to work.

Another year has passed with nothing much happening.

This year, I finally found Arthur Curry, hence, I made the preparations for travel.

In a few hours, I was already at the location.

I wasn’t in a hurry to find Aquaman yet. I just stood there by the beach and looked at the distance, wondering if Atlantis is just there.

I must admit, I am indeed more excited to see Atlantis than Themyscira. Of course, Atlantean women are also quite pretty and sexy but that’s not the point. I just wanted to see what a city under the ocean truly looks like.

There’s a difference from reading and watching it on TV. Ever since I arrived in this world, I always wondered what Atlantis looks like.

Actually, with the remaining character slot I have, I did not want to use it on Aquaman. It was better to have Mera instead as she is more experienced with their...water magic. Arthur is...well, he can talk to fish but I didn’t really need that ability…

The problem is how to meet Mera…

As for raising the sync rate...err, let’s do it would be more troublesome if I did the same as with Diana…

I still remember how, in Flashpoint, Arthur cheated with Diana and Mera got mad, then things escalated...and eventually led to a war with the Amazons and Atlanteans…

En, it’s better to avoid that from happening…

But do I meet Mera? At this point, I think Arthur doesn’t want to go to Atlantis...and I also can’t explain to him how I know about’s a bit troubling…

Just as I was trying to think of what to do, there was movement in the waters.

A redhead peaked out and a curvaceous woman slowly emerged from the water.

……...Ah!? Mera!?

Mera wore a green-scaled dress and her hips swayed for every step she took.

While Diana had an athlete's body that was without fat and very streamlined, Mera was full of curves and elegance.

Her wet look just emphasizes it more!

What the hell!? Why are all the women in this world so damn hot!? This is practically torture!

I quickly shook my thoughts and begin the synchronization!

[Acknowledged. Synchronizing character. Detected: Mera.]

[Synchronization rate: 1.59%]

...It’s a pitiful 1%...well, we just haven’t formally met and she has only just seen me…

As I was thinking this, Mera combed her long red hair and controlled the water around her to slide off her body, instantly drying her!

...Dammit, still look so hot!

Also, very convenient!

Mera walked in front of me and spoke.

“Human, you have been looking at me for a while now. What do you want.”

“Uhh...sorry, you just look so...beautiful...Also, you dress weirdly.”

“Oh...thank you for the compliment. As for my dress, this is a royal Atlantean dress. On the contrary, your clothes are weird to me as well.”

Mera gave a proud smile upon my compliment.

“Uhuh, well, I’m afraid this getup is a bit strange on land. Here, at least wear my coat.”

I don’t know where to look at otherwise!

Mera was confused but accepted the cloak nonetheless and wore it.

“Still, Atlantean huh? From Atlantis?”

“Yes, you’ve heard of it? I thought land-dwellers believe Atlantis to be a myth?”

“Well, it is. Then I met the Amazons. I also just saw you come out of the water so, what choice do I have but to believe?”

I shrugged. I guess using the Amazons as an excuse would be good.

As expected, Mera’s curiosity was piqued.

“Amazons? You say you have met them? Have they left their island?”

“Nah, it was me who happened on their island by chance.”

Suddenly, my phone rang.

I picked it up to see who was calling and saw that it was Diana.

...Do I pick it up? It seems she has liked to always use the video call function instead of a normal call...

“Are you not going to answer that?”


I turned to look at Mera before sighing and accepting the call. I just hope nothing bad would happen…

“Diana? What’s up?”

[[Lucas, I just want to tell you something. Have you heard of Atlantis?]]

Diana asked. To which, I looked at Mera again and answered in a cautious voice.

“...Yeah? A city underwater right?”

[[Un. Much like Themyscira, Atlantis is very much real and also isolated from the outside world.]]


I didn’t know how to respond so I only nodded warily.

[[Actually, I have a friend there who I haven’t seen in a while. Her name’s Mera. I’ll tell you where Atlantis is, can you go there and give her a phone too? So we can video call!]]

...Is she really addicted to video calls? How come this wasn’t shown in the comics? Or did I do something?

But it’s good that she and Mera are friends and not enemies. This would make things simpler.

I looked at Mera for confirmation.

“I am indeed the one Diana refers. Y’Mera Xebella Challa, Daughter of King Nereus. But my friends call me Mera.”

Mera nodded as she introduced herself.

[[Ah? Is Mera there with you?]]

Diana heard the familiar voice and couldn’t help but ask.

Mera stuck her face close to me to have a look at the screen.

“It is me, Diana. It’s been a long time.”

[[Mera! It’s indeed been a long time. But how come you are with Lucas?]]

...Why do I feel that there is a bit of hostility in Diana’s voice?

Mera seemed to pick it up as well and smiled slyly.

“We are on a date. Now if you’ll excuse us, let’s talk again later.”

[[Ah!? Hey-...!]]

Mera didn’t bother with her anymore and picked up my phone and tossed it to the ocean.

...My phone! I can’t believe I have to get a new one again!

However, Mera didn’t seem to care about my feelings for my phone and asked.

“ and Diana?”

“’s complicated…”

“Hmm, now I’m curious…”

I couldn’t stand the look she was giving me so I cleared my throat and changed topics.

“Ahem, umm, I think you know my name already but I suppose I should still properly introduce myself. I am Lucas Wayne.”

“Mm, I already told you my name but feel free to call me Mera. It is much easier to pronounce.”

“Well then, Mera, can I ask why you...surfaced here?”

When I asked that, Mera sighed. I can sense a trace of disappointment and exasperation in it.

“Ugh, it’s because of this certain idiot who refuses to be the King of Atlantis. I’m here to try and convince him...again.”

True enough, it’s because of Aquaman.

“Does Atlantis need him as King? Can’t you be just the Queen or something?”

“It does not work that way. It is his birthright. He must be King...also, I don’t like his brother. If he doesn’t become King, I would be forced to marry Orm…”

Mera sighed again.

“...So you like this...certain idiot?”

“What? No! Ew!”


Huh? Is there something wrong with this universe? Aren’t they supposed to be husband and wife? Why is Mera so disgusted by him?

“I just want him to replace that arrogant and conceited brother of his since he’s much simpler to deal with.”


Is he!? Though there are cases where Aquaman was portrayed as an can’t be that bad...right?

Somehow...I feel bad for Arthur…

“ about I come with you? See if I can help…”

Anyway, I needed to meet Aquaman too…

“I don’t really see how you can help but...since Diana trusts you, I suppose I can trust you as well.”

Mera nodded and led me to a tavern nearby as if she already knew that Arthur was there.

Inside, it was quite rowdy, but when the two of us appeared, the place was drowned into silence instantly.

Mera didn’t mind and made her way to a blonde-haired muscular guy with an unshaven messy beard.

This must be Arthur huh? It seems he’s a mix of the movie and the comics version…

Arthur already noticed us but didn’t care so Mera had to take his bottle away and toss it aside.


“Mera, like I keep telling you. I’m not going!”

Seeing Mera, Arthur just sighed as if he was already used to this.

“Oh, you’re wearing a coat now. That’s an improvement.”

“That’s my coat actually.”

At this time, I spoke up from behind Mera and stretched my hand to Arthur.

“My name’s Lucas. Lucas Wayne.”

“...And I’m supposed to know you?”

“Well...I guess I am indeed not well known in this part of the globe.”

I just smiled wryly seeing as he didn’t return my handshake.

Mera also saw this and was infuriated.

“Arthur! At least have some manners!”

“Huh? you two are together or something? Isn’t he a bit young though?”

No no no, we’re not together!

“That’s none of your business. All you need to do is return back home!”

Wait, aren’t you going to refute what he said first!?

“I already told you a hundred times, I’m not returning!”

Arthur sighed again and got up to leave, no longer caring about us.

However, I wasn’t finished with him.


When I called out, Arthur stopped but didn’t turn around.

I wasn’t in a hurry. Instead, I turned to the barkeep and tossed a bundle of dollars.

“Everything’s on me. Drink till you drop! Barkeep, pull out the good stuff!”



Instantly, everyone got rowdy and celebrated!

Mera was startled from the sudden shouting that she jolted and hid behind me.

Arthur was also surprised then grinned widely.

“Haha, kid, you sure know how to please someone!”

“Heh, are you gonna continue standing there or are you gonna join us for a drink?”

“Drink? How old are you? Can you even drink?”

Arthur raised an eyebrow as he looked at me curiously.

“Who’s gonna call the police here? Or what, are you afraid you can’t beat me in drinking?”

“Hahaha! Alright, consider it that you won me over! Come! Let’s drink!”

Arthur seemed to have forgotten about the argument earlier and sat back down on the table with us.

Mera hesitated a bit and also sat down beside me.

With three huge pints in front of us, me and Arthur each held one while Mera was still hesitating whether or not she should drink.

Just before we drink, there was something I’ve been meaning to ask and I can’t hold back anymore.

“So, I hear you can talk to fish?”

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