Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother



“Come on, Ted! We’re going to be late!”

“I’m coming!”

In a certain district, two young kids. A boy and a girl, excitedly walked out of their house while carrying their school bags.

“Take care!”

“Have fun with your field trip!”

Seeing them off are their parents.

Today was the day that their school had organized a field trip to the famous Mount Justice.

As the two kids got on the bus and took their seats, the girl asked her little brother who was only a year younger than her.

“Ted, what took you so long? We almost missed the bus!”

“Sorry sis. I was trying to find my book!”

His sister, Alice, rolled her eyes.

“Why do you need to bring that book of yours? Do you think you'll meet members of the Young Justice or Justice League? They are too busy saving the world! Plus, we’re only allowed to look at the public area outside and not inside Mount Justice!”

“Well, you never know, right?”

Ted laughed as he hugged his book close to him.

During the ride to Mount Justice, Ted opened the book to read it again for the nth time.

Suddenly, as they were crossing a bridge, the bridge shook violently!

“W-what’s happening!?”

“Students! Remain calm! The heroes will be here soon!”

The teacher in charge saw the students panicking so she quickly shouted to calm them down.

As expected, when the kids heard the word ‘hero’, they stopped panicking and were excited instead.

“Waa! We’re gonna be saved!”

“Who do you think will come?”

“Must be Beastman right? I think he lives around this area.”

“Isn’t Nightwing around here too?”

“Don’t you watch the news? Nightwing was just recently sighted back in Gotham yesterday, why would he be here?”

“I wanna see Superman!”

“I want to see Wonderwoman! She’s hot!”

The kids laughed amongst themselves and were no longer scared.

Ted and Alice were the same.

Although Alice acted like that earlier, she was also a fan of the heroes and wanted to meet them.

She shook Ted’s shoulders hard while screaming.

“Kyaaaa! What do I do, Ted!? What if it’s Nightwing? Or maybe Superboy!? Crow is also super hot! Kyaaaaa!”

“S-sis! Stop shaking me!”

While the students cheered and dreamt about who would appear to save them, the shaking of the bridge had stopped.

Then, a figure landed in front of their bus.

“You guys alright there? The situation has been taken care of. There’s no need to panic.”

Everyone saw the white-haired person in front of them and was confused.

...Who is this guy?

However, one person’s expression was completely different from the rest.

Ted’s eyes grew wide and his eyes shone in excitement!

“S-s-s-sis! It’s him! It’s really him!!!”

“Huh? Ted, you know this hottie? I don’t recognize him in any of the superhero magazines.”

Alice asked.

“It’s him! The world’s very first superhero! The most powerful and hidden hero! Prime!”

Hearing Ted shout excitedly caught the attention of the white-haired man.

He grinned and walked over to him.

“Hoh? I didn’t think anyone would still recognize me after 20 years had passed.”

“I-I-I...My name is Ted sir! I’m a big fan of superheroes! I researched everything and know everyone’s likes, dislikes, hobbies, powers, and their origins!”

Lucas smiled.

He patted the kid’s head and laughed.

This kid reminded him of Deku in a certain anime back in his previous world. Then, would that make him All Might?

Maybe he should start saying ‘I am here!’?

“Hahaha! A hero otaku huh?”

Lucas turned to look at the teacher.

“You guys headed to Mount Justice for the field trip, right?”

“Y-yes sir!”

“No need to be so tense. Alright, I’ll just go and teleport everyone there to save you all the trouble. I’m headed there anyway.”

Lucas grinned.

With a snap of a finger, the whole bus appeared outside Mount Justice.

“Alright kids, have fun!”

Lucas waved and was about to leave when Ted called out.

“P-please wait!”


“C-c-can I please have your signature!?”

Ted bowed while holding out his superhero book.

Lucas was surprised for a bit but then smiled as he took the book.

Since he didn’t have a pen, he simply waved his hand and uttered some words. The next moment, as if by magic, words started to appear on the cover of the book.

It was his signature.

After he handed it back to the still shocked Ted, he waved goodbye and teleported inside Mount Justice.

When he left, everyone gathered around Ted to have a look at the signed book as they all took pictures with their phones.

Lucas no longer minded the buzz outside and appeared at the hall of Mount Justice.

There, everyone had already gathered.

“Happy birthday!”

Lucas laughed bitterly at the sight of the huge party filling the hall.

For a few years now, these guys had turned his birthday into some kind of excuse to gather and party hard.

Of course, when they receive an alert, someone will go out to deal with the situation before returning quickly and party.

These past 20 years had been peaceful and enjoyable for him.

Although there were still crimes and villains popping up, the Justice League and the rest of the heroes were enough to handle them.

Eventually, heroes became celebrities and would appear in magazines or tv shows.

Although, 10 years ago, Barbatos and Anti-Monitor appeared, Lucas had dealt with them immediately before they could even do anything which was truly anticlimactic.

During this time, Lucas had settled down and even had kids.

Diana’s daughter, Dina, is now the new Wondergirl while Donna had replaced Diana as Wonder Woman as she retired.

Mera also gave birth to his son, Marcus, who is now known as Aqualad. Arthur had also retired from the hero business and focused on becoming a king. Naturally, the person to replace his title of Aquaman was Kaldur.

Barbara had twins. Both girls had inherited their mom’s red hair. Beatrice was the lively and active one while Blanche was the quiet and smart one. Beatrice became Batgirl and Blanche helped her sister from behind the scenes as Oracle.

Pamela’s son, Paul, is able to control plants as well in a different way than Pamela. It was more like he gives them life, turning them into ents that move as he commands. Everyone called him a Druid which then became his hero name.

Lena gave birth to a son. Thankfully, he isn’t bald...Leonard idolized his uncle Lex and had developed an armored suit to help fight crime as well. Lucas joked in the past and called him Iron Man. Who knew that he would like that name and decided to call himself that…

Blackfire's twins, Loriand’r and Miriand'r, have also grown well. She’s been training Loriand’r as the Prince of Tamaran who would eventually take her place as its King. He wielded both black and white energy that he got from his parents. Meanwhile, Miriand'r was more like her aunt Starfire who liked to roam around. Like her twin brother, she also wielded both black and white energy.

Starfire also got together with Lucas at some point and gave birth to a daughter, Mariand’r. Her powers leaned more on Starfire’s own. Unlike the others, she didn’t become a hero but instead, wanted to be a teacher. Though, she’s still in high school at the moment.

Harley...god forbid...also gave birth to Lucas’ daughter, Laura. She’s still 5 years old at the moment but she’s one hell of a troublemaker...Frankly, Lucas was worried as to what she will be when she grows up…

Rachel’s son, Rain, goes by the name Crow as a superhero. Like his mother, he was especially talented with dark magic and could control shadows. He’s also quite popular with the ladies…

Donna had a daughter as well who is currently 2 years old, Jane. For some reason, she was born with a unique ability of...forcing others to speak the truth when she touches them. Even as a child, she had caused a lot of problems just with someone carrying her...Lucas wondered if it was because he and Donna used the Lasso of Truth during some...err, night sessions...

Kara gave birth to baby Sara. She’s still 1 year old but already as strong as an adult.

Karen’s son, Karl, is now the new Superboy. Meanwhile, Clark and Lois’ son Conner had taken up the mantle of Superman as Clark retired.

Caitlin had a daughter named Kaye. Unlike her mom, Kaye was someone who can turn into and control water instead. They call her Ocean due to her ability to suddenly create a huge body of water out of thin air.

Rose’s daughter, Dhalia, was trained by the likes of Deathstroke, Batman, Green Arrow, and Thalia Al Ghul. Frankly, she is the deadliest one out of all of Lucas’ children…

Lastly, there’s Morgana who had just given birth to a baby son, Arche.

Lucas’ family was quite big. As such, the parties were always on a large scale and everyone would end up joining in as well.

Today was not different.

And just like his previous birthday traditions, they started the games.

“Alright everyone! Who’s up for the games!?”

As Flash took the stage, everyone laughed.

Following that, Green Lantern took out a roulette from somewhere and showed it to everyone.

“This year is gonna be different! We will select a world from the numerous multiverses as our stage!”

“Now, which world will we go to!?”

Lucas’ mouth twitched when he heard that.

These two...they’re acting like invading other worlds is a game!

Lucas sighed and chuckled.

Anyway, he knew that they both meant no harm. They will probably just bring everyone to fool around in another world by fighting the villains of that world and the winner will be the one who defeated the most villains…

With Lucas’ protection, there was practically nothing to fear anymore and they had grown complacent.

Lucas didn’t mind it as he wished that everyday would be just as peaceful.

Soon, the roulette stopped spinning.

“Dealer’s choice!”

“Ooooh! Looks like our birthday boy will be the one to decide! Come birthday boy!”

Flash and Green Lantern laughed as they pulled Lucas up the stage.

Lucas glared at the two.

How was he still considered a ‘boy’...!?

The crowd cheered and laughed.

It was a very warm and joyful mood.

“Well come on, Lucas! Which world is it going to be?”

Lucas closed his eyes and looked at the multiverse.

As his powers grew, he had been able to see the multiverse to a certain degree. Of course he doesn’t always do this as there were simply too many worlds out there.

Usually he either visits Morgana’s Earth or Lucifer’s Earth.

After browsing through the multiverse, a weird expression appeared on his face.

Then, he grinned.

“Alright, I’ve picked a world! This world is currently under attack by an alien race with their ruler hell-bent on extinguishing half the population of the universe. Whoever defeats the most of them wins! The winner will have one wish granted by me!”


Everyone cheered.

The aliens in the crowd were all pumped up and even felt sorry for the other world’s aliens.

They just had to pick today to invade. Just their luck.

“Let’s go!”

In a certain universe. 

Earth, Wakanda.

A purple-skinned alien with a large body appeared and defeated the group of heroes who came to stop him.

Suddenly, an axe clad with lightning shot forth and stabbed at the alien’s chest.

A blonde short-haired man appeared with a trail of lightning behind him as he held onto the axe and tried to push it deeper in the alien’s chest.

The alien coughed up blood but didn’t die just yet.

He muttered.

“You...should’ve gone for the head.”

The mad titan sneered and raised his left arm that wore a golden gauntlet.

The six gems inlaid in the gauntlet shone as his middle finger and thumb touched.

He was just about to snap his fingers when suddenly, he felt something pass through his neck.


With a thud, his head fell to the ground. His eyes still wide open, unable to know how he died.

A white-haired man appeared behind him and chuckled.

“Thanks for the advice!”

Suddenly, a huge portal appeared behind him.

Numerous figures appeared from within.

“Alright kids. Make your daddy proud.”

Because everyone wanted it, fine, you got it! Here's the epilogue with another cliffhanger and no continuation!

You're welcome!

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