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In a medieval castle surrounded by unending storms, students in robes walked around busy with totems in their hands or practising their spells, some were teaching others, and others returned with a jar containing souls of varying sizes and colours.


It looked like the castle was designed for taking in those with a thing for magic. But deep inside the castle was a huge lab, inside the lab a red-haired female lab assistant rushed hurriedly from one place to another as he set things up to make sure she was ready.


“I can’t believe it! Someone actually managed to do in the great Mage King, one whose mind is a treasure to all life.” The lab assistant said as she poured in the final solution inside a compartment that passed through a cylindrical glass that held a humanoid body.


After the process was complete lightning struck the castle where the lab was stationed and hit the glass cylinder that held the body.


Several coughs could be heard after lightning struck and smoke filled the area. But the cough wasn’t from the lab assistant.


“That bastard. I can’t believe I lost a huge part of my soul and some of my memories to that brute! The latter can be retrieved quite easily but my soul!!!” The humanoid figure complained to himself as the lab assistant walked over to him with his iconic golden robes to clothe himself.


The humanoid figure closed his eyes and divine mana began circulating around his body as he put on more muscle and fat and looked healthier than before.


“Incredible, you made this body to withstand your divine aura. As expected of the great Mage King, the child of wisdom and knowledge.” The lab assistant complimented the Mage King.


“Who ever thought I would ever use this emergency plan before I fight one of the candidates for a spot? Anyway, we have a lot of work to do.” The Mage King said as he began working in the lab.





“Fetch me the oblivion wine.” A blonde-haired figure ordered while wearing a frown.


“Your majesty, you reaped great rewards today!” Remarked a black-haired lady in a fitting black dress who seemed to be the lady from earlier who served the Human King in the void.


Without moving from her position she simply opened a portal with a wave of her hand and a female dressed in maid clothing appeared with a tray containing a bottle, and a wine glass.


The maid left the tray near the lady and exited through the closing portal. The lady in black smiled as she made the tray float, poured a glass of wine, and made the glass float toward the blonde figure who sat on a throne.


He caught the floating glass gently and swirled it gently as he looked into the depths of the glass.


“Ah! There’s no way your drink was poisoned with a soul-deteriorating mix, I checked myself, oh King of the Humans! The light and the path of the humans!” The lady in black as she knelt before him.


The Human King still wore a frown as he tilted his head upwards in thought.


“Isn’t that Fred fellow a human as well? The name sounds human… but that might just be an alias… hmm.” The Human King thought out loud.


“Or a species that looks human and we know there are many that look human here but aren’t.” The lady in black said in a reassuring tone as she walked closer to the throne and sat on his lap.


“You know we are at least moving forward in our plans… you can deal with that pesky fellow later daddy.” The lady said in an alluring tone as she took the glass from the Human King and put it on his lips gently for him to sip which he did without question.


“I am quite sure that Mage King isn’t dead… I was cautious that an unknown figure like Fred could take out the Mage King… but at the same time happy.” The Human King said after finishing a glass.


“Yes he didn’t just earn that title for playing the magician, he’s an influential figure and one of the few amongst the twelve kings that can actually think of taking a candidate spot, of course, he would find a way out of that annoying tablet's reach.” The lady in black mused as she made the bottle that was still floating bend to pour more wine and materialise a glass for herself.


“But leave these matters for later, we are only starting. “The lady in black said giggling while making her head comfortable on the Human King's shoulders.


“I guess so.” The Human agreed and relaxed himself.





“Let me go this instant!” What looked like a frowning baby with wings complained as it struggled to break free from Fred's grip.


“Relax, I have come to bargain.” Fred said as he signalled to Draco high in the sky.


Draco sighed and shook his head as he pointed to his small lake which began to quake until it turned into a drop of water which disappeared from its position to Draco’s palm.


“Are you sure about this?” Draco asked before doing anything to the drop of water in his palm. Draco appeared to be in pain as he squeezed his palms then released it still revealing the same small drop of water in its perfect condition.


The flying baby seeing this immediately understood that there was much to be gained if the deal included the waters of Abel. If the flying baby took it he would be able to generate a body and access his right as a long-serving hell warden to be reincarnated with his memories and all the power he amassed in hell.


Fred freed the baby after seeing its facial expression.


“Alright, this is not a place to talk, too many eyes and ears.” The flying baby said with a dignified cough and then tapped the base of his left palm with his right hand twice causing the scenery around them to change.


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Goku Wukong Themed


That's one of my drawings this week, I dub it, Goku, Wukong Themed.

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