Reborn as Otsutsuki?!

Battle 1

As the fleet appears 2 figures gets to the front one man wearing a red robe with a Dragon on the front and one woman with a purple robe wearing a Fox on the front

‘Baleshiki stop playing around and get up here’ says isshiki in the mind network

‘Yes yes I'll be there’

On the ground, 8 bodies cut in half lie there as the blood covers the entire ground 

“Well fun time is over any last words”

“Why? just why are you doing this?” meliodas ask

“Why? Because of power nothing else” he says as he stabs his last heart with his red orb shaped as a spear

“Wow pathetic didn't even let me use my kekkai genkkai bunch of weakling insects” he says that as 7 orbs float out of the 7 bodies then 2 orbs shoot up towards space and the rest scatters in different directions


In space 

“Kaguya while the fleet has 1 million   they don't match up to low-level otsutsuki clan members.” isshiki says  

 As he says that the other party gets ready to attack but stops as 2 glowing orbs floats toward the front of the fleet

“Huh these look like fragment of our powers!” Greed says happily 

“Yes with this we’ll have 5/7 of our true power” wrath says 

Another figure comes toward the otsutsuki side 

“Whats going on?” bale ask 

“It looks like the fragments of wrath and greed are going back to their owners” kaguya says

“Huh thars impossible as I killed them down on the planet”

“No what you killed are 1/7 of their power but it's still surprising as 1/7 matches to up to a a mid low level otsutsuki” kaguya says

‘Huh no wonder when I fought with them they were weak’ bela thinks 

“Okay I'll take care of these 2 and you’ll take of the fleet” bela says

“Are you sure? Although there not at full power they still match up to border line high lvl otsutsuki”

“Yes I'm sure these 2 will make me go all out” as he said that a golden  rinnegan appears in his right eye and a jogen in his left eye 

“Okay we will leave them to you” 

“Hey bastard I hope you last long” wrath says in the network

“ I should say the same to you guys “

As bele said that he vanishes from his spot and appear in front of wrath as 1 golden ball transform into a hammer and pressed down at him

“Huh? Pretty good so far I'll make you my new punching bag” he says 

Then outta nowhere, greed appears beside him with a chain and tries to wrap it around bale 

‘Those chains give me bad news’ bale thinks to himself 

Using wrath as a shield she stops, bale then throws him away to appear in front greed and transforms his golden hammer into a short sword and stabs her 

She  breaks away as bale swiped his foot making her lose balance and punches her toward the fleet

At the other side

“Kaguya as painless queen as she kills you swiftly and isshiki the Shrinker as he can shrink himself and objects” says, someone 

“Don't lose hope man! We have 2 sins with us, stand tall and get ready to battle” a commander says  

Then a figure crashes into the fleet

“Huh wasn't that greed?” Kaguya ask

“Looks like the power of those eyes are no joke” isshiki says 

“Although we can't use ninjutsu in space  that doesn’t  bother him” kaguya says 

‘Damit my plan was to let some of them attack isshiki to weaken his guard around me but looks like my plan for betraying this clan is gonna have to wait a little longer ugh I hate this chaotic clan’ she thinks to herself

In the other side of the field 

“Greed are you okay!” says the commander in the network as a worried expression appears on his face

As greed gets up and spits a mouth foul of blood

“No, he's different from the other nobles I have fought with, and those eyes I seen  them before,  it like facing the leader of otsutsuki, I suspect that it's “him” the page mentions” 

Fear appears on his face

“But greed the leader has multiple horns and the page mentions 2 jogen eyes but he only has 1” the commanders 

“IDIOT! It doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 2 it’s still powerful” she says with a worried expression

Outta  nowhere wrath appears with more energy 

“Dam you Otsutsuki don’t push your luck!” he says in the network as he says that he's rushing toward bale with a sword 

‘Hmm I can feel yin and yang elements in the sword and quite powerful if I had to say’ bale thinks to himself

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