Reborn as shield hero with Garps Template

Chapter 21 A Concept Named Powerful

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"You said just now that you lost your appetite after seeing Raphtalia, didn't you?"

Jason looked at the so-called Lord Baron, and as he spoke, his tone was harsh, laced with a palpable murderous intent.

"Raphtalia? No... you may have misheard me; I have a good appetite!"

The baron glanced nervously at Raphtalia while hastily shoveling steak into his mouth to prove his point, trying to exhibit that he indeed had an appetite.

While others might be oblivious, he knew all too well who stood before him: Jason, the Shield Hero. This was a man who even dared to confront the king of this country, a legend who had once left the former queen utterly humiliated. Jason's strength was fearsome; calling him a "hero" seemed almost trivial—demon king might be a more fitting title.

As a minor baron, he felt utterly powerless in the presence of such overwhelming force.

"Really? You mean... my ears are deceiving me?"

Jason slammed his hand down on the table in front of the baron. The plate vibrated with the impact, sending ripples of trepidation through the hearts of all the guests in the vicinity.

Everyone in the restaurant felt a wave of fear wash over them; some, too frightened to remain, hurriedly abandoned their untouched meals.

The owner of the establishment, witnessing this spectacle, felt the weight of his lost business but remained silent, afraid to provoke the situation further.

As for the Lord Baron, he trembled uncontrollably, beads of cold sweat rolling down his back. He felt on the verge of tears as he stammered, "N-No... I definitely didn't mean that! Please have mercy, my lord! I-I truly didn't intend to offend!"

"You can eat to your heart's content, but you must watch your words. Since you've spoken carelessly, you will face the consequences. Now tell me, will you punish yourself, or do I get to do it?"

Jason made his intentions unmistakably clear, showing no deference to the nobleman, regardless of his status.

"Hey... is he out of his mind? He's actually threatening the baron!"

"Doesn't he fear retaliation? Nobles like him can easily summon armies!"

"Forget it, we're nobody to intervene in this mess."

The guests around them were taken aback, shocked at Jason's audacious words.

But, to the astonishment of all, the baron raised his hand and slapped himself across the face, crying out, "I'm sorry!"

"Just one?"

Jason's voice was icy as he stared at the baron.

Under that piercing gaze, the baron continued to slap himself repeatedly, his face swelling until it became almost twice its normal size—limited only by his physical inability to continue.

Some might even prefer this form of punishment over being on the receiving end of Jason's wrath, where the consequences would likely be far worse.

"Alright, for the sake of you understanding your mistake, I'll let you off this time."

With that said, Jason surprisingly put his hands on the baron's shoulders, adopting a more amicable demeanor.

"Thank you... so much... uh...@#¥!"

The baron's words were slurred, barely recognizable through his swollen cheeks.

All the guests in the restaurant stood dumbfounded at the scene unfolding before them.

The once-majestic baron, cowed into submission, was expressing gratitude to his threatening adversary; it was a sight that felt utterly surreal.

"What in the world is happening?"

"Who is this person? Why does the baron cower before him like that?"

"Could he be a secret son of the king?"

"No way! The king abhors demihumans; it makes no sense for his son to hang around them."

"I remember now! The king summoned several brave warriors to combat the disaster wave recently. Could he be one of them?"

"Only a brave hero would dare to act like this! Wait... looking at his gear, he must be the legendary Shield Hero."

"What? The Shield Hero! One of my brothers works in the palace; he mentioned the king was incensed over his actions and even smashed his belongings in anger, but there was nothing he could do."

"Even the king can't handle the Shield Hero? That explains why the baron is trembling in fear."

"What kind of brave man is this? It's as if the Demon King has returned!"

Even in this strange world, the human tendency to gossip was alive and well, and the guests buzzed with speculation.

Just as the murmurs escalated, Jason's voice cut through the chatter once more.

"Hey... isn't it extremely rude to speak poorly of others behind their backs? And I distinctly remember... you... you... and you, all mentioned how you felt disgusted by seeing Raphtalia?"

At the mention of this, those individuals scrambled from their seats in panic.

Using the baron as a cautionary example, they fell to their knees, striking themselves in contrition.


"Please forgive us!"

At that moment, Raphtalia tugged at Jason's sleeve, and a loud gurgle echoed from his stomach.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll let you off this time. But if it happens again, your family might need to think about buying a coffin."

With that, Jason took Raphtalia's hand and guided her toward an empty table in the corner of the restaurant.

"Thank you, Lord Shield Hero!" Raphtalia expressed her gratitude, relief washing over her as they settled down.

The other guests quickly returned to their seats, eager to leave the scene behind, tossing some coins onto their tables before hastily exiting the establishment.

Sitting at the dining table, Raphtalia felt a mix of emotions swirling in her heart. She was touched by Jason's willingness to stand up for her, yet she was also concerned that his actions might lead to trouble. Her presence could have been a mistake.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked, noticing her restless demeanor.

"Lord Jason, is there really no problem? That was a nobleman, the Lord Baron!" Raphtalia finally voiced her worries after some contemplation.

"Don't worry. Did you see how terrified the baron was just now? He knows better than to mess with me. I'm powerful enough that they'd think twice before challenging me. Besides, didn't I tell you to call me Jason, not 'Lord'?"

Jason flashed a broad smile and flexed his arms, showcasing his toned muscles as if to reinforce his point.

"Hmm... Brother Jason!"

Finally smiling again at his words, Raphtalia began to grasp the meaning of 'powerful' in a new light—an idea that seemed to take root in her mind like an unshakeable virus.

"I'm very hungry. If you want to order anything, just go ahead. Remember, today the boss is treating us."

"I... I want that!"

Raphtalia scanned the room and pointed toward a child enjoying a meal at a nearby table.

"Not a problem, boss!" Jason called out, his voice booming across the dining area.

"What can I get for you?"

The owner of the restaurant darted over with an enthusiasm that was almost comical, reaching their table with impressive speed.

"Get Raphtalia the same dish as that kid, and for me, I'll have a meat set!" Jason ordered confidently.

"Coming right up!" The boss nodded eagerly before rushing back to the kitchen.

Before long, the boss returned, balancing several plates precariously on his arms.

Raphtalia's meal consisted of a children's set meal with a refreshing glass of juice, while Jason's spread featured several beautifully arranged steaks, garnished with a touch of vegetables, alongside a glass of wine.

"Can I really eat all of this?" Raphtalia asked, her eyes wide with astonishment as she took in the exquisite lunch laid before her.

"Of course you can!"

Before Jason could say much more, Raphtalia eagerly reached out and began to shove the food into her mouth with her hands.

While it might have seemed a bit uncouth to eat without utensils, Raphtalia had endured a life of hardships and slavery before, and now, simply having food in front of her felt like a dream come true.


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