Reborn as shield hero with Garps Template

Chapter 23 Time to LVL up Rapthalia

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"Brother Jason, I want to become stronger so I can protect everyone, including you!"

"Protect me? That's quite an ambition, but are you truly ready for it?"

Under Jason's intense gaze, Raphtalia nodded vigorously. "Yes!"

"Great. Then, as a capable fighter, you must remember the three iron rules. The first rule: no matter if the enemy is an old man, a child, or anyone else, do not show mercy—kill without hesitation!"

Jason took Raphtalia's small hand as they walked towards the city. He didn't intend to turn such a cute girl into a heartless warrior, but if danger came to her, he wanted her to be prepared.

"Old man? Child?"

Raphtalia looked up at him, her big eyes filled with confusion. She couldn't comprehend how such innocent figures could pose a threat and was taken aback by the cruelty of the first rule.

"You have to understand that some enemies are insidious. They may use magic or transform themselves to manipulate your compassion. They'll take advantage and stab you in the back when you least expect it," Jason explained slowly.

"Okay... I understand. What's the second rule?"

Imagining the scenario he described, Raphtalia trembled slightly but she no longer questioned the harsh truths he outlined.

"The second rule: the words of your commander are absolute. They are orders that must not be disobeyed."

"You mean... that's you?"


"Oh! What about the third rule?"

"You must absolutely trust your commander. Everything I say and do is correct. If you don't believe it, refer back to the second rule. Got it?"

Jason had no intention of grooming Raphtalia into a ruthless fighter; he merely sought to temper her overflowing sympathy so she could follow his lead without hesitation or complication.

"I understand! Does this mean I can be a good fighter now?" Raphtalia asked, her innocence shining through.

"Silly girl, it's not that easy to become an excellent fighter. You need proper equipment first, and then you'll have to train tirelessly."

Jason gently ruffled her hair, a soft grin on his face.


When they entered the weapon shop, the owner greeted them with a broad smile. "Brother Shield Hero! You're back!"

"Yeah, I'm here to check on your stock. What equipment do you have that would be suitable for her?"

Jason gently nudged Raphtalia, who had been hiding timidly behind him, forward.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Even though Raphtalia had grown more comfortable around Jason, seeing the shop owner for the first time still rattled her nerves, leading her to cough awkwardly.

"Raphtalia, don't be afraid. Don't let his fierce look fool you; he's one of the good guys in this world," Jason reassured her.

"Brother... if you're going to compliment me, at least leave out the 'fierce,' would you? Do I really look that intimidating?"

The shop owner scratched his head with a hint of helplessness.

"Boss, when was the last time you looked in the mirror? You've got the kind of face that could scare a child to tears in the middle of the night."

"Well, that's the idea; it's dark out and—"

"If it were daylight, kids would run away screaming from you!"

"That's nonsense!"

As Jason and the owner bantered back and forth, Raphtalia couldn't help but laugh. "Brother Jason, you and the shop owner seem really close."

Noticing that Raphtalia had stopped coughing, the shop owner smiled warmly. Leaning on the counter, he asked, "Speaking of which, little brother… where did you find this little girl?"

"Find her? I didn't pick her up. She's my long-lost sister. Can't you tell?"

Jason shrugged casually.

"Do you think I'm blind or something? You're the Shield Hero summoned from another world, and she's a demihuman! There's no way she could be your sister!"

The owner's voice rose in disbelief.

"I know what you mean, so why ask? Are you looking to pick up a loli for yourself?"

Jason shot a disdainful glance at the owner, clearly unimpressed by the idea.

"My thoughts aren't that perverted! But letting such a young girl fight… little brother, you've got to rethink your priorities."

They both shared a laugh, while Raphtalia felt a warmth spread through her heart. Despite the harsh lessons she was undergoing, she found comfort in the camaraderie around her.

The boss let out a deep sigh, looking at Raphtalia with a hint of sympathy.

"Uncle Boss, you misunderstood me! I want to be a good fighter, so please let Brother Jason train me!"

Raphtalia's young voice was filled with resolve as she spoke up.

"I see… such an amazing little girl. Wait a minute… why am I the uncle and he's the brother?"

The boss nodded, relief washing over him as he suddenly realized the discrepancy.

"Then there's no need for me to ask—it's obvious that you're over 20 years older than me. Of course, you're uncle. Now, don't waste time; hurry up and get some equipment out."

With Jason's urging, the boss fetched five daggers from behind the counter.

"The long sword won't fit her height, and blunt weapons would be too heavy. A dagger is the most suitable option," he explained. "The quality levels up from low to high, and the prices increase accordingly."

The boss's professionalism was commendable; he could quickly assess which weapon would suit Raphtalia best.

"Raphtalia, pick whichever one feels good. Don't worry about the cost."

Jason waved his hand dismissively, knowing that he had the means to support her.

"That's right! Your Brother Jason is rich, so don't hold back," the boss chimed in, playing along.

Raphtalia considered the options in front of her, testing each dagger with a few swift motions. Finally, she chose a dagger of medium quality. "Brother Jason, I think this one feels the most comfortable."

"Great choice! How much is it? Also, do you have any other equipment? The clothes she has on are too torn," Jason inquired, glancing at the tattered fabric draped over Raphtalia.

"We have equipment, but given that demihumans grow as they level up, it won't be long before she outgrows anything you buy now," the boss replied thoughtfully, stroking his beard. "With your strength, brother, she'll level up quickly, so it might not be cost-effective to invest in sturdy equipment just yet. But I do have some ordinary clothes; she can wear those in the meantime."

"Sounds good. Let's take those clothes for now," Jason agreed.

Soon after, the boss brought over some garments.

Under Jason's watchful eye, Raphtalia stepped into the dressing room to try them on. Although the clothes weren't extravagant, they fit her well.

"Not bad. How much do I owe you in total?" Jason asked, smiling at the shy Raphtalia, who looked quite adorable in her new attire.

"The dagger is 10 silver coins. The clothes? Consider them a gift for the little girl," the boss replied quickly.

"Here you go!"

Jason tossed 10 silver coins onto the counter before leading Raphtalia out of the shop.

"Brother Jason, what are we doing next?"

"First, we form a team, and then we'll go leveling!"

Jason quickly navigated the interface to find the team formation function and formed a party with Raphtalia.

Once the team was established, Jason was able to view Raphtalia's character properties.

She was indeed level 1, and her attributes were alarmingly low, reflecting her recent hardships. She had negative buffs from malnutrition and panic attacks, clear indicators of the trauma she had endured as a slave.

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