Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

First Contact: Tordenhus!

*Vol.1: Tales of a God!*

Chapter 64 – First Contact: Tordenhus!

Hello there!

Here's the update, peasant!

Sorry for the delay!


“...” – Normal speech.

[...] - Thoughts.

{...} – You speak of an entity inside the user's mind.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!

- Location: Northern Archipelago / Future Ahvenanmaa Islands.

Pov. Third-person.


Only the sound of waves and the crackle of lightning could be heard on the frozen beach of the place that had come to be called the Ahvenanmaa Islands. While three beings constantly exchanged wary glances; although one of them was the only one who sported a brazen smile...

It was Achilles.

“So…Who wants to lead the rhythm of the dance? Know you that I—” Achilles said, before freezing.

The Achaean hero's instincts screamed in response, resulting in Achilles dodging a spear, made of light mixed with lightning magic hurled towards his head, leaping into the air as he somersaulted.

Yamato also suffered an attack, but only sucked up the holy magic and devoured it harmlessly.

Baraqiel, who had started attacking both Achilles and Yamato, soon frowned as he realized it wouldn't be that easy when he saw Yamato's ability.

"...So this is the being that merged with Taotie according to my Father," said Baraqiel.

The ‘God's Lightning’ soon flew towards whom he considered the least threat, which turned out to be Achilles who had just gracefully landed on the ground.

With Baraqiel's speed, he soon appeared in front of Achilles and swung the glass sword, which was the famous Ame-no-Ohabari, with the intention of getting rid of the human in front of him.

Despite the fact that Baraqiel had received explicit orders from his Father not to harm humans, the human in front of him had just killed his brother, as well as disrespected his body by stepping on it with a satisfied smile on his face.

For Baraqiel, killing the human in front of him would be considered 'justice'.

Baraqiel's attempt was not effective, as when swinging the sword, Achilles calmly dodged it with his eyes closed with the sharp blade of the sword just inches away from his face.

Achilles didn't let it go, and as soon as he dodged the Ame-no-Ohabari's blade, he soon kicked Baraqiel in the stomach, sending the god's servant crashing to the ground and tearing the pristine land from the beach.

Achilles soon smiled and turned his attention back to the other opponent, which was Yamato, but he soon raised an amused brow when he noticed Yamato running towards Baraqiel with Kanabō in hand.

“Oh? I thought it was everyone for yourself... Well, I suppose I should keep things fair" said Achilles, who soon snapped the knot in his neck and ran at high speed...

Towards Yamato.

The young Oni didn't even look at the Achaean hero, but soon raised the Kanabō and blocked Achilles' spear, who displayed a bigger smile.

“Good reaction time!” said Achilles, praising Yamato.

Yamato, however, was not happy.

"Do not interfere!" shouted Yamato.

Using the superior strength of an Oni, mixed with the strength of being a Taotie user, Yamato soon pushed Achilles, causing the Achaean to slide a little on the ground, lifting some snow from the beach.

Achilles was not shaken in the least, and soon he swung his spear and attacked Yamato again, who soon began to block each blow. Though Yamato soon realized that with each new strike of Achilles' spear the speed and the power behind was far greater than the previous strike.

Baraqiel, as soon as he got up from the ground and realized that Yamato and Achilles were fighting, looked at the sword in his hands and then flew into the sky at high speed...

Until his eyes widened when he was stopped by Achilles, who surprised him by appearing in front of him with a smile and swinging his spear, hitting Baraqiel squarely and sending the angel to the ground again.

Yamato, realizing Achilles' true speed, showed a bit of nervousness and insecurity having a drop of sweat on his forehead.

Achilles soon landed on the ground and started walking towards Baraqiel, who started to slowly get up off the ground again.

"I don't think you understand yet... Your chances of leaving this island without our permission are unlikely," said Achilles.

Achilles' claim was soon taken seriously by Yamato and Baraqiel, although one thing was noticed by the ‘God's Lightning’.

[... 'Our'? But the Oni must not be on his side, so... Who is he referring to?] thought Baraqiel.

The servant of God soon began to look around, trying to find another being that was watching the fight on the beach, while creating a weapon of light and attacking Achilles and Yamato from a distance, not risking getting into close combat with a possible threat nearby that he didn't know the location.

While Achilles nonchalantly dodged and Yamato devoured the weapons made of light that threatened to strike them, Taotie was also helping Yamato with the situation.

{Yamato! There is no one nearby according to our senses! That means either this human is lying, or... There's someone TOO FAR AWAY, beyond my senses, watching us!} Taotie said, warning Yamato.

Yamato broke out in a cold sweat.

Then Yamato, with the accumulated power after devouring numerous attacks, soon transferred the accumulated energy to the Kanabō, which glowed yellow in response, and slammed into the beach floor, causing a small earthquake and raising a cloud of dust that covered the beach.

Achilles was soon the first out of the cloud, the Achaean's golden eyes gleamed and then he swung his spear in the air, causing a sound that resembled the sound of thunder, and creating a kind of hole in the middle of the dust cloud by the force of the blow.

It was possible to see a trail of blood...

Baraqiel was the second to emerge from the cloud of dust, grabbing the side of his stomach, which was injured.

Yamato soon came out of the dust cloud and went towards Baraqiel, who soon raised the sword Ame-no-Ohabari in defense, to block Yamato's Kanabō.

As the weapons collided, winds roared in response to the force of the collision.

Yamato had a glint of fury in her eyes as she briefly looked at the glass sword and Baraqiel.

“Give me back the sword, thief!” roared Yamato.

Baraqiel, though wounded, stood his ground.

“This sword was abandoned among humans, though it is too dangerous to be left in such a way! Your gods are irresponsible, my Father is just withdrawing for the safety of humans!” said Baraqiel.

Yamato became more furious.

“Humans never dared to touch the sword, it was put there by Izanagi-sama himself for the purpose of constantly reminding humans of how gods were created, in addition to the death of Izanami-sama's body by Kagutsuchi-sama! Then you are still a thief!” said Yamato.

Baraqiel froze for just a second, expressing a look that conveyed a feeling of doubt, but that feeling was soon suppressed, and before he could counter Yamato's claims...

Achilles appeared out of thin air between Baraqiel and Yamato, and he kicked them at the same time in the face, causing them to retreat and back away until they recovered from the Achaean hero's attack.

It was then that Baraqiel, who was the first to recover, raised a hand to the heavens and summoned holy lightning, which began to strike the frozen beach floor mercilessly, melting the snow and even creating glass at the point of contact.

Achilles and Yamato ran while dodging the constant attacks from the heavens, though Yamato was the first to counterattack, utilizing the ability Taotie granted her and began sucking the concept out of the air until Baraqiel was forced to stop the storm's attack of holy lightning from being able to stay away.

Achilles soon shot towards Yamato at high speed and hit Yamato's head with his knee, stopping the Oni from continuing to suck the concept out of the air and causing her to fall to the ground...

Yamato was knocked out.

As Achilles was about to swing his spear to cut off Yamato's head, lightning was hurled towards him, causing Achilles to raise his spear and block Baraqiel's attack.

When the attack stopped, Achilles went to try to move towards Baraqiel but was soon stopped when a beam of light, which emerged from a golden teleportation magic circle, suddenly appeared, blinding Achilles for just a few seconds.

When the light dimmed, Achilles could see that more beings had arrived...

One was an extremely beautiful woman with curly blond hair and a voluptuous figure, with twelve white wings.

The other was a man with long blond hair and green eyes, he also had twelve wings growing out of his back, but unlike other angels whose wings are white, the wings are golden.

They were two of the 10 Seraphim and two who held the position of the Four Great Seraphim.

The woman was Gabriel, the most beautiful woman in heaven as well as the strongest woman.

The man... It was the angel who cast Lucifer himself out of heaven in a battle that covered the heavens at fire.

The Sword of God.


Achilles soon backed away, but soon assumed a fighting stance, no longer displaying a smile on his face when he realized who was in front of him.

Michael was the first to look at Baraqiel, noticing the wound right away.

"Gabriel... Take care of Baraqiel, we're going home and tend to his injuries," Michael said.

Gabriel soon nodded firmly and teleported Baraqiel along with her in a magic circle.

In the meantime, Achilles soon appeared in front of Michael intending to stab the 'Sword of God', only to be blocked by a sword made of light.

Michael looked steadily into Achilles' eyes with a look that conveyed sadness.

"... Keep calm... I just want to recover the body of my brother who died in the service of my Father" said Michael.

Achilles immediately grimaced.

"...There are no burials for trespassers on my king's property!" said Achilles.

Michael soon pushed Achilles, who made the Achaeans slide along the beach, and responded with a look that was a mixture of sadness and annoyance.

"I will not leave my brother's body to the animals... Step back!" said Michael.

Michael's wings soon glowed and light consumed the 'Sword of God' body. When the light dimmed a little, Achilles could see Michael again, or at least... What should have been Michael.

Michael was in true form, likewise responsible for expelling Lucifer from the sky and asserting Michael's position among the Top 10 of the strongest existences...

A form given to Michael by God himself.

Michael had given this new form a name...


The God's Guardian and Sword.

When Achilles took the first step, Michael had already appeared in front of him with the sword of fire close to Achilles' neck.

"... It's useless... Forget it," Michael said in a powerful voice.

It was then that something happened that surprised Michael...

A red arrow soon hit the fiery sword, knocking the sword from Achilles' neck, which then quickly walked away.

Michael soon looked at the origin of the strange arrow's trajectory and saw...


The 'Sword of God', although he was curious, knew that he had stayed longer than necessary and soon disappeared and reappeared next to the angel body killed by Achilles, and created a teleportation circle while looking at Achilles still in Demiurge form.

Achilles went to move to stop the others from leaving, but another red arrow fell to the ground in front of Achilles, stopping the Achaean in his tracks.

When Achilles realized the meaning, he immediately stopped the charge and just remained on his feet while swiveling the spear casually, although he stared at Michael with a frown, showing displeasure.

As soon as Michael disappeared with the dead angel, Achilles let out a sigh and looked lightly at Yamato's fallen body, who was still unconscious.

"... It would be so easy to kill you... But my king must want information about why are you here with that bird" said Achilles, who soon walked towards Yamato's body.

As he walked, Achilles couldn't help but look at a specific spot...

"Now that it was getting exciting, I must say that you are a buzzkill... Karna," Achilles said, whispering in displeasure.


Miles away was the city of the Aeolites, which came to be called Aeoliahus, or Tordenhus, and in the center of the city was located the tallest tower...

And on the balcony of the tower was the other protector of the city.

The son of the Hindu Sun and the 'Watcher', with an already supernatural ability to see plus an innate talent for the Viljestyrke – Archer, taught by Thor.


"... You have a bad habit of not taking things seriously right from the beginning Achilles, frankly, why do you still insist on fighting without using the Viljestyrke - Knight?" said Karna, questioning his ally's bad behavior towards combat.

Karna just sighed and went back inside the tower with the golden bow in his hand.

"...I suppose I should warn Thor about our newest stowaway," Karna said, thinking of Yamato being brought in by Achilles.


Thor had finished transporting Kamish and Ereshkigal to his home in Midgard.

- Location: Midgard / House of Thor.

“Well, can you downsize?” asked Thor looking at Kamish.

Kamish soon nodded and began to emit a violet glow, until the gigantic dragon form was soon replaced by a child with purple, almost black, hair, with red eyes.

Thor only raised an eyebrow and looked at Ereshkigal, who immediately understood what Thor wanted to ask.

"The dragon form is too big to roam the Anunnaqui underworld easily... So the first thing I did was teach him to shapeshift," said Ereshkigal.

Thor only considered for a few seconds, before nodding satisfied with the answer.

"Well, let's get inside," said Thor, walking toward the door of the house.

Ereshkigal and Kamish soon followed the thunder god closely, until Thor grabbed the knob, which glowed in response as it recognized an inhabitant of the house, and turned it to open the door.

"Feel welcome, here you can make yourself comfortable, I'll cook something for -" said Thor until he stopped and looked at what he was looking at.

Freyja was in the living room reading a book that Thor didn't recognize.

Sif was only with a towel wrapped around her body, as she tried to talk Freyja out of the couch and go take a shower.

Hel was also present...

The underworld goddess was wearing dog jumpsuit pajamas while trying to play with Fenrir's paws, who looked at his sister in disinterest.

Thor was stunned, after all, his home, his resting place...

There were more people 'LIVING' in his house than before… And living for FREE!

Thor quickly grimaced, especially at the fact that no one had noticed his arrival, with the exception of Fenrir who pricked up his ears.


The thunder god soon hissed so loudly that everyone in the house soon looked towards him.

Fenrir was the first to act, running towards Thor and stopping in front of the thunder god with one paw beside his forehead, as if saluting.

Thor gave Fenrir a dead look, making the god-slayer a little nervous.

“Look at you, you were something I was so proud of… Go upstairs, you're grounded,” said Thor, pointing to the stairs as he looked at Fenrir.

Fenrir seemed to have understood the message, as he soon lowered his ears and put his tail down, showing the sadness he was feeling, and soon he started up the stairs.

Thor looked at Freyja shortly thereafter, startling the goddess of beauty who briefly glanced at Ereshkigal with a nervous look.

“Now… Since when are you living here to be so comfortable?” asked Thor, looking at Freyja's clothes, which were just a nightgown that belonged to Hel.

Freyja quickly looked away.

"... maybe four... or five," said Freyja.

Thor raised an eyebrow.

“Four or five, what? Days? weeks? months?” asked Thor.

“…decades,” said Freyja.

Freyja's answer caused Thor to be silent for just a few seconds, but he soon regained his composure.

"...I never saw you on the solstice, nor did I feel any presence outside of Hel, Sif, and Fenrir... How did you trick the runes of my house?" said Thor.

The winter solstice, known to humans as Jul, was the only day that Thor returned for just a few seconds in the night, to collect gifts and distribute them to mortals.

Freyja soon gave Thor a book.

When Thor read the book, a vein could be seen growing on the thunder god's forehead.

The title was simple...

'Illusion and cloaking magic: learn how to invade and leave without being noticed by protective spells!'

The book was written by someone Thor recognized immediately from the stories of Odin and Frigg.


"...Son of a-?!" said Thor, before being interrupted by Ereshkigal who clapped the thunder god on the back.

As Thor turned to Ereshkigal, the goddess just gave a scolding look as she gestured with a glance at Kamish, who was looking at Thor in confusion.

Thor, understanding why Ereshkigal had caught his attention, took a deep breath before sighing...

Although a dilated vein could still be seen on Thor's forehead.

"...You go to work cleaning the house if you want to stay here," said Thor, looking calmly at Freyja again.

Freyja was immediately confused and outraged.

“But there are runes for that!” said Freyja.

Thor soon snapped.

“Then clear the excess snow outside! I won't have someone living in my house doing absolutely nothing! I refuse to feed and shelter a parasite that is not directly linked to me as a descendant or a consort!” said Thor, immediately creating a kind of broom, which ended up emerging from the immaculate floor of the house.

Freyja, hearing the last part, soon had an idea to kill two birds with one stick.

The goddess of beauty soon approached Thor and lowered her nightgown a little, displaying her formidable cleavage to Thor as she flashed a seductive smile, and the goddess's eyes gleamed pink, intending to hold Thor's attention on her.

"...Honestly, being your consort sounds tempting," Freyja said.

Only for the broom to be thrust at her.

"Wear something warm, it's very cold outside and snowy," said Thor.

Sif could be seen huffing in amusement in an attempt to hold back a laugh at Thor's rejection of Freyja's attempt.

This, however, did not shake Freyja.

"...Such indifference...Only Skuld knows his face of desire when I'm on top of him in the future," Freyja said, blushing, with a look of desire.

Freyja soon left with the broom in her hand… Although she wasn't heading in the right direction, which made Thor sweat in response.

Thor then looked at Sif, and only raised an eyebrow as he gestured to the towel.

Sif just shrugged.

“You have a giant ‘cauldron’, capable of holding seven people of your size, with hot water in addition to creating bubbles that work wonders after a day of training... In short, it's a good place to bathe and rest properly” said Sif.

Thor was silent and thought for just a few moments before nodding satisfied with the answer.

"I think it's only fair... After all, you're the one looking after the training of the Einherjar from my home in Asgard, Thrudheim," said Thor.

Sif just smiled in response.

"Then if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the room... I think I might have a few more special exercises tonight and I'll need your help~" Sif said, as she headed for the stairs, while purposefully swaying her hips at Thor.

Thor didn't look at Sif's blatant attempt to seduce him and just looked at the last member of the household who knew he was responsible for the current situation due to looking embarrassed wearing a dog jumpsuit pajama while swinging her leg a little on the floor and drew circles.

"So...Would you like to explain what happened to my house becoming a haven for two other goddesses, Hel?" asked Thor, crossing his arms.

Hel blushed in embarrassment.

“You know I like it here. I called the girls more often and they ended up staying longer, which got out of hand resulting in them living here... But I was silent, because...” Hel said, before hesitating.

Thor was silent, but it was clear that Thor's gaze had softened.

"...Because..." said Thor, waiting for Hel to continue the explanation.

"Because... Because the house gets warmer with more people..." Hel said.

Thor then froze as he realized the meaning behind Hel's words.

During Thor's travels, he had chosen to go it alone, as he sent the group from before back to Midgard or Asgard after meeting Enlil...

This left Hel alone most of the time in his house, with only Fenrir to entertain her...

But Fenrir was an animal, and could not communicate properly with his sister.

Hel was basically alone most of the time.

The 'warm' was when there were people in the house that Hel could talk to and especially...

Have fun.

This caused Hel to end up calling Sif and Freyja more often until it got out of hand when Freyja and Sif thought it best to spend more time than planned in Midgard.

Thor soon approached Hel, who had closed her eyes and prepared to be scolded.

Only to feel Thor's warm hand on top of her head, stroking the death goddess's hair.

Hel then opened her eyes and saw the smile on Thor's face, with a look of regret.

"Don't worry, I don't blame you... I promise I'll spend more time here from now on..." said Thor.

Hel then quickly hugged Thor's waist, with a happy smile.

It was then that Thor realized something else.

"Hey, Hel... Want to meet our new family members?" asked Thor, gently taking Hel out of the embrace and gesturing to Ereshkigal and Kamish.

Hel was always afraid about meeting new people, but as soon as she saw Kamish, the goddess of the underworld had a reaction...

"You are so cute!" said Hel, running towards Kamish and grabbing the dragon that was in child form.

Kamish didn't like it.

“I am Kamish, the guardian of the Anunnaki! Heir of the Kur, Kingdom of Ereshkigal, I am the one revered as the Heavenlyn-class dragon, a class higher than the King-class! I’m known as the Dark Emperor, Kamish, the Dread! I'm not cute—” said Kamish, until he was interrupted by Hel.

“Want something to eat? You’re so skinny, I think you’re starving” Hel said, looking at Kamish with a smile.

Kamish was silent before looking elsewhere… while displaying an embarrassed face.

"... May I have milk to drink?" asked Kamish, whispering and trying to be discreet as he was watched by Thor and Ereshkigal.

"Of course!" said Hel.

Hel soon carried Kamish in her arms, who seemed to have been surprisingly silent on the journey to the kitchen.

The living room was then just Thor and Ereshkigal, who only exchanged a look when they realized they were the only ones.

“...Want something to eat?” asked Thor.

Ereshkigal soon smiled and waved back.

“Absolutely, I'm starving!” said Ereshkigal.

The two gods soon went in the same direction as Hel, towards the kitchen of Thor's house, with the intention of satisfying the growing hunger after a long journey.

It wouldn't last long until that same night Thor while sleeping with Sif in his arms, would receive a message that made him get up in the middle of the night.

The message was simple...

'We were invaded. And Angel steals the Ame-no-Ohabari. Achilles killed a high-rank angel. Captured being'

Thor didn't get a good night's sleep.

Well, that's all, peasant!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I was planning to release this chapter yesterday, but unforeseen events happened...

The next chapter will be updated on the following days: Saturday or Sunday.

Until next time!

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