Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 1-The Enchanted Forest-Part 20

Even though I was expecting it, the knock on the door two days later still startles me. We’re on the second floor, tangled up in the warm furs. I turn panicked eyes to my elf but she rises without worry and tosses me a dress to put on. “Time to go, dedia.”

“And time to meet your mother.” I swallow nervously as I put the dress on. “Is there anything I need to know? Like, do I bow or curtesy or you know, anything?” Specifically, something that will stop me from getting smote for sleeping with a blood relative of the queen. Sigh. I was so caught up in our new shared pleasure that I forgot that I could be moments away from death. At least, if elven nobles are anything like human ones.

“You don’t need to do anything, Lou. I will handle it. Though…” She turns to me and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “Shall we keep your talents a secret, hmm? Mother is very fond of power. If she knew what you were capable of, she would not be so keen to let you leave.”

She’s talking about the fact that I’m part elemental. Wah. Here I am afraid that I’d be murdered on sight. It never occurred to me that I might be kidnapped and used for someone else’s gain. Now that it's been mentioned, it seems pretty obvious though. Note to self. Remain in human form while around powerful people.

Kierra nods as she sees I understand. “Good. Let me go grab our tickets.”

She scrambles up the ladder and comes down with a leather sack tucked underneath her arm. Then she waves for me to go down the ladder before her.

On the first floor, Kierra stops by the door and looks back at me patiently, waiting for me to bring my nerves under control. Ah, thank you. I need a moment. After a few deep breaths, I nod, saying I’m ready. She gives me a gentle smile before opening the door.

Standing a short distance away with their back turned to us is another elf. I immediately spot several differences from mine. Their arms are pale, lacking the green tint I’ve become accustomed to in Kierra and their hair is a short straw-colored blonde. They also wear leathers but metal armor is laid over them. A half cape over their right shoulder shows an insignia of a bird trapped in a cage of branches, flowers blooming off them. A heavy sword hangs at their waist.

As the door closes behind us, the elf turns around. I frown as I take in the delicate features of their face. Is it a guy? I want to say yes because there is no obvious swell of the chest but if it is a he, this is the prettiest man I have ever seen.

The elf smiles and throws out his arms. “It is about time, kapitan!”

Ah. The voice settles it. That deep timbre has to be a male.

Kierra sets down her sack and steps forward into his arms, laughing as he lifts her into the air. “It has been a long time, Rondel.”

Rondel sets her down. “Too long. Now. You have something for me?”

“Uh-hmm.” She picks up her sack and unfastens the string on the top before handing it over. Rondel dips his head to peer inside, his smile growing wider as he closes it with finality, redoing the string. Then he drags her into another hug. “There were those who doubted you but I knew. Our kapitan would not be done in so easily. It will be my greatest honor to escort you back home.”

“Thank you but I will not solely take credit for my return to form. I had much help.”

She turns around to me and Rondel follows her gaze, eyes widening in surprise. Hey, now. Don’t tell me you seriously haven’t noticed me until this moment? That is offensive. Severely.

Kierra waves to me and I stomp forward, annoyance drowning out my hesitation. “This is Lourianne Tome. Lou, this is Rondel Sven Feldwyn. He is a warrior who serves beneath my mother and a good friend I have known for many years.”

I stick out my hand, just barely holding back a scowl. At first, from the way he greeted Kierra, I thought he was just a very friendly person. Comparing that to the cold gaze he’s giving me now, I understand he’s just very friendly to her.

And he hasn’t let go of her yet.

That arm looks really possessive, mister elf. Is this going to be a problem? Trust me, you don’t want us to have a problem. “A pleasure.”

He grasps my hand briefly. “Charmed.”

“Lou will be coming with us.”

Rondel looks to her sharply. “Surely you don’t mean that?”

“I do. It is not the first time a human has been invited back to the village.”

“Yes, but they were of great standing. This girl-”

“Is of great standing with me.” Kierra voice hardens to iron and she steps out of his hold, staring him down with the same intensity she possesses on her hunts. I bite my lower lip to keep from cheering. “She comes with me or I do not come back.”

“Kii…” Rondel’s voice is soft as if he’s trying to talk someone off the ledge but Kierra doesn’t budge an inch. Eventually, he sighs, regarding me with a gaze one reserves for vermin and poisonous creatures. “Very well, kapitan. Shall we depart?”


She holds out a hand to me and I grasp it, twining our fingers together as I stand by her side.  When no one moves for a solid minute I stand on my toes to whisper to her, “Um…are we going anywhere?”

Kierra chuckles softly. “You do remember I said my mother is a powerful null caster, don’t you?”

As she’s talking, the pretty man pulls out a small stone with symbols carved into it. I’m focused on it when an intense wave of vertigo overcomes me. I shut my eyes as the world spins and my stomach heaves, squeezing Kierra’s hand tightly to keep from keeling over.

After a few seconds, the ground no longer feels like it’s moving but I keep my eyes shut tightly to hold back my roiling stomach.

“Take a few deep breaths. It’s rough for everybody the first time.” Kierra’s voice is comforting and she has yet to let go of my hand. I lean on her as I regain my balance, slowly opening my eyes.

We are standing in a dirt circle, surrounded by a field of flowers. All around us are trees that look exactly like the one Kierra lives in, the lower branches connected by bridges made of woven vines. Several elves are stationed on those bridges and crowding at and around the bases of the trees, staring in this direction.

Closer, there is a circle of elves. On three sides are elves who wear the same equipment as Rondel. The books always say that elves are green but they have it completely wrong. This group is every shade under the sun; green, gold, violet, midnight black, red, brown, and even one or two who are a bright blue the color of the sky.

Directly in front of us are a group of elves dressed in long green robes. The books tied to their waists identify them as casters. While I get an overall happy mood from the smiling warriors, this lot is unreadable, the heavy hoods of their cloaks obscuring their features.

Kierra straightens her shoulders and steps forward, staring at this group. “It’s good to see you again, mother.”

The caster at the very front steps forward and removes their hood, revealing a violet elf with the same silver hair as my lover and her green-gold eyes. That’s where the similarities end. While Kierra blazes like the sun, this woman is cold and oppressive. The air feels heavier, my shoes glued to the ground as she slowly moves her gaze between both of us. “You as well, daughter. You seem to be in good health.”

“My stay in the Enchanted Forest did prove healing.”

At that, Rondel steps forward with the leather sack and presents its contents to Kierra’s mother. Seeing the troll heads, her stern expression softens from derogatory to neutral. Her eyes even hold a little warmth as she looks back to her daughter. “Well done, Kierra. A great warrior can face any physical threat. Only the best can overcome the enemies that lurk within the mind.”

Kierra dips her head into a bow. Her mother’s eyes move to me and I stiffen under them. Wah. That overwhelming confidence. This is someone who knows exactly how powerful she is and is unafraid to show it. “And I see you’ve brought a guest.”

I turn to Kierra with panicked eyes, not having a clue how to go about introducing myself. She flashes me a big smile and lays a hand on my shoulder before facing her mother. “Mother, this is Lourianne Tome. An accident dropped her into my…retreat. Lou, this is Morgene D’Atainna, the captain of the 45th warrior platoon.”

Morgene D'Atainna, the most powerful mother-in-law!

And now, memes! (The internet is full of some really funny people)

This presentation is brought to you by the Cult of Cosmo. Our lord demands amusement and your laughter gives him praise.

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