Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

A Meal to Die For

Anaya was tapping the table impatiently when we walked in, a bored expression on her face. Cinila was talking with Hanina, who was rocking Lilith in her arms. They all sat in the same seats as the first time I ate lunch, so there was a noticeable emptiness in Mistress’s chair.

When she noticed us enter, Amaya stopped tapping the table and her face seemed to brighten. 

“Penny!” She shouted, her excitement poorly disguised. Penny started walking faster, a seemingly eager to reach Amaya as quick as possible. That didn’t seem right. As far as I had seen, Amaya wasn’t exactly the kindest person. Better than Mistress, but I still wouldn’t want to be left alone in a room with her.

Out of the side of my eye, I noticed Hanina roll her eyes and Cinila smile. Probably the most noticeable thing, though, was the look of disgust that flashed over Hanina’s face. As I walked closer to the table, it occurred to me that I had never actually seen Hanina and Penny interact with each other. And judging by how the other slaves reacted to Penny… let’s just say I didn’t have a good feeling about how my first two friends would get along. Perhaps I could eventually get them to befriend each other, but for now it seemed that I would have to deal with a somewhat awkward firendship.

By the time I reached the table, Penny had gotten around it and was now passionately making out with Amaya while straddling her lap. The view brought a familiar sensation to my groin. Due to her large size and lack of underwear beneath her skirt, it was easy to tell Amaya was feeling the same thing.

Cinila cleared her throat. Her gaze was locked between my legs, but she seemed disappointed. 

“Where is your protection, Cali?” She asked in a stern, yet tender, voice. My face bloomed scarlet. Next to her, Hanina raised an eyebrow at me. 

“I-It was… thrown away,” I said sheepishly. I didn’t want to admit what had actually happened, as if not talking about it would somehow make it just not exist, but Cinila wasn’t satisfied.

“And why, might I ask, was it thrown away?”

“Because-“ whatever excuse I was going to pull out of my ass died in my throat as I was once again distracted, this time by a loud moan. 

Penny was now mounted on Amaya’s dick, bouncing up and down as her head hung back. Amaya’s hands were gripping Penny’s waist, bringing her up and down while Penny kept herself slightly upright by looping her arms around the back of Amaya’s neck. Penny’s blouse had been pulled down to reveal Penny’s boobs bouncing in time with her. My legs felt weak from the erotic scene before me. I’m ashamed to admit I almost came right then and there 

“Cali,” Cinila’s stern voice broke through my stupor. She continued in a softer tone, saying, “Please try to ignore them as best you can. They have a tendency to make a scene, Amaya in particular.” Hanina muttered something under her breath, but was interrupted by a yelp from Penny as Amaya dug her face into one of Penny’s exposed breasts. It also looked like Amaya also latched onto it with her teeth. A heavy breath left my own mouth. I felt wetness dripping down my thighs as a dark spot grew on the front of dress where my dick just barely tented the clothing. 

My blush returned as I pulled my hand out from between my legs. I didn’t even remember moving it, and now I was on the verge of an orgasm. Even though Cinila just told me to pay attention, I couldn’t help myself. I really needed to get a hold of myself. 

I brought my gaze back to Cinila, but I didn’t hold her gaze for long before I dropped my head in embarrassment. Was I really just a hopeless slut who only cared about sex? I couldn’t be… right?

A warmth held onto my shoulder. I followed the slim and almost immaculate hand back to its owner: one busty elf milf. Her face no longer held the stern or even comforting look as before. Now it just held pity. Hanina looked like she wanted to give me some support too, but was too busy rocking the baby to sleep. I must have looked really pathetic.

“You know what? We won’t worry about it. I’ll just get you a new one. In the meantime, just sit down and we’ll discuss why we need you here early,” Cinila said. It sounded like a fair deal. I accepted with a nod, sniffling as I did. When had I started crying? I was doing that a lot lately.

With a snap of her fingers, an iron-collared slave walked in from a side door.  She leaned down and listened as Cinila whispered instructions into her ear. The slave blushed when Cinila was done, but she quickly got it under control whispered something back. Satisfied, Cinila gave a simple, “Thank you, Acisa.”

The name sounded familiar, but where I had heard it before I had no idea. As she walked away her eyes glanced over to me and I looked to the floor to avoid her gaze. She evidently knew what was going on.

With my head still down, I walked around to sit… actually, where was I supposed to sit? Mistress had just made me sit on her lap last time. 

Sensing my internal dilemma, Hanina said, “Just sit on her chair. Nobody minds.” I looked to Cinila for confirmation. She gave an affirmative nod, but first laid out a blanket from who knows where on the seat. While I understood that it was probably a necessary precaution, it was no less embarrassing. On the plus side, the blanket was kind of comfy. 

A loud thunk directed my attention back to Amaya and Penny. Amaya had slammed Penny onto her back on the table. Her hands were planted on the table on either side of Penny’s head, supporting herself as she pounded into Penny, who was gripping the edge of the table so tight her knuckles were as white as snow.

I moaned as my own excitement reached the tipping point. This time, I didn’t even try to pull my hand away from where it was furiously plunging into my pussy. I at least had the foresight to pull the hem of my dress up so that I wouldn’t mess it up. I continued to moan loudly small spurts of semen landed on the edge of the table and the floor in front of me.

I slumped into the chair, panting. Slowly, I realized that the table was dead silent. After a hesitant look around, I realized the all of them were now looking at me. Even Amaya, who still had Penny pinned to the table, had stopped to stare at me. I tried to sink into Mistress’s chair, but unfortunately, I had no way of doing so and was left to their mercy.

The silence was interrupted a second later when the girl from earlier came back with a cloth. She paused when she saw that all of us were silent, but she just bowed her head and kept going. Cinila took the cloth without a word and waved her off. 

Naturally, Amaya was the first one to speak.

“Didn’t realize we put on that good of a show. Maybe we should fuck publicly more. What do you think Penny?” Amaya said. This time, Penny blushed almost as deeply as I did.

“With all that aside, there’s something we need to discuss now that we’re all here. Don’t worry, it’s not super big or anything,” Cinila said. Amaya spoke out with a pout, saying, “But Cali got to cum and I didn’t!” Cinila gave her a deadpan stare, and Amaya must have decided not push the issue. Instead, she flopped back into her chair, but never came out of Penny.

Cinila continued. “Before she left, Elinys received a new chef. We just have to taste the food she made us to decide if we want to keep her. Originally, Elinys was going to try it out with us, but since she’s gone right now, we’ll just do it ourselves. ”

My attention went back towards the tables. I had noticed that there were plates of food in front of each of us, but I didn’t pay attention to it because nobody else had started eating it. It looked like a normal salad but with some sort of strange seasoning on it. 

Amaya wrinkled her nose. “Do I have to?” she asked in a whiny voice. Cinila put her forehead into the palm of her hand.

“Why wouldn’t you? I’m sure it tastes fine.”

Amaya crossed her arms. “Isn’t that the point of this whole thing? To see if it does taste good? That means there’s a likely chance it tastes absolutely horrible,” she retorted.

“I know you don’t like greens, but you really need to get over that,” Cinila said. She had evidently had this conversation before.

Amaya held a hand to her heart in mock offense, which must have been an awkward motion with Penny still on her. In a defensive tone, she exclaimed, “How dare you accuse me of such a thing! It’s just because I’m a carnivore.” Amaya opened her mouth and pointed to her elongated canines as proof.

The rest of us had been watching the back and forth banter with vague interest, but now Penny added in her two cents, saying, “But you still have flat teeth, so you can eat plants,” she said smugly, “Plus, we know for a fact that there have been vampires who eat plants.”

Amaya looked back and forth between the two. Finally, she hung her head with a sigh and conceded defeat.

“Well, with that over, we can begin,” Cinila said. The elf grabbed a tool that was almost a fork, but not quite, and dug in, followed shortly by Hanina. Amaya, definitely not stalling, first moved Penny to the side. By the time Amaya had her first bite, the rest of us were well into our own plates. 

“It smells kind of funny, but otherwise, it tastes pretty good,” Penny said, and the everyone besides Amaya agreed. But what she meant by the smell, I had no idea.

I heard a gagging noise. Amaya was holding her throat, and her face looked a slight shade greener.

Taking notice, Cinila said, “What’s wrong?” Her concern was visible, but none of us new what to do. When it didn’t stop, Penny started to panic.

“H-how can we help?” Before anyone could reply, Amaya leaned forward and threw up. Disturbingly, half of it was blood.

Once she was done, Amaya stood up, a cold aura radiating off her. I wasn’t sure if it was just me, but for a moment, lights across the hall dimmed and the shadows seemed to grow. 

“Is she still in the kitchens?” Amaya said, her voice dangerously calm. When Cinila said something in reply, Amaya dashed off. The initial burst was fast, her body had seemed like a blur. 

We barely had time to comprehend what just happened when she returned with a human woman in her hand. Despite being held off the ground by the back of her collar, the woman looked strangely defiant. She looked around and met all of our gazes with glare.

That glare quickly turned to shock when Amaya dropped her onto the floor. I could see now that the woman’s lower legs were shriveled up and black, like a way overcooked chicken. She probably wouldn’t be walking anytime soon.

“It was Delitrio poison, wasn’t it? Did you really think you would get away with it?” Amaya questioned.

“I will not answer to you,” the woman spat out.

I looked at Cinila in concern. She was trying to keep a calm face on, but it wasn’t hard to see through the facade. 

“Amaya?” Cinila said through gritted teeth. Said vampire perked up at the mention of her name. 

“Take her to Shiva.”

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