Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

Amaya Annihilates My Ass

The room was so silent you could hear a pen drop. Obviously I wasn't mad, but the revelation was shocking, to say the least. But as the shock wore off, I felt a smile creep onto my face. I rushed forward and enveloped Hanina in a hug, nestling my head into the crook of her neck. She must have been startled at first, but then slowly brought her hand up to pat the back of my head, chuckling softly. 

"I'm glad you like it. I know you have it worse than a lot of us, so I figured it was the least I could do," Hanina said. 

I leaned back and stared into her eyes lovingly, to which she responded by giving me a chaste kiss on the lips.

Clearly reluctant, Hanina pulled away. 

"Alright, I do have to get some work done, and we both know how unproductive I get when you're around," she teased, accompanied with a pat on my ass that slightly bounced me toward the door. I giggled.

Once outside, I leaned against the wall. I could have kids! Obviously I wouldn't right now, but once we were free, it was fair game. I would have to find someone with a dick, though. Maybe I could impregnate myself... those thoughts could wait for another time. Right now I also needed to find something to do. One of the unfortunate aspects of not having Mistress around was that I needed to do actual work. While that was much preferable to most of our sessions, I wasn't very fond of physical labor. I could still 'train', though.

I currently had no clue where Layla was right now, so I just decided to walk aimlessly until I saw her. It wasn't long before I was practically lost in my own little world, humming my favorite song from back home and imagining life on the outside.

All of a sudden, my body pitched forward and I landed face first into the stone floor. 

"You know, you should really watch where you're going," a familiar voice said from above. I sighed and flipped myself over to look up at Amaya's sneer. 

"Seriously, you never know what you could trip on," she continued. Amaya had become increasingly more antagonistic toward me lately, to the point where I was fairly certain she was intent on making my life as miserable as she could. She seriously outright hated me. She hadn't even done anything sexual with me! Not that I'm complaining, of course. It's just unusual for her, that's all. I'm not such a slut that I sometimes daydream about her massive, throbbing member ravaging me while I scream in pleasure.... And I am definitely not dripping wet at the sight of her dressed in glittering black dress that conveniently parts just high enough to fully show off her dick.

"Here, let me help you up," Amaya said. Before I knew it, she grabbed a fistful of my hair and used it to yank me up. I cried out in pain.

"Oh, be quiet. Surely you've felt much worse by now," she scolded. I looked down to avoid her gaze. Since her breasts weren't much to look at, my line of sight went straight down to her flaccid penis accompanied my hard but small pecker. 

A slap struck me across the face and I was sent stumbling backward. I brought a hand to cup my stinging cheek and looked at Amaya, her cold eyes boring into mine.

"Eyes up here, slut. Gods, you're hopeless," Amaya said. By now we had attracted a small crowd of slaves interested in the commotion.

What the hell is wrong with you?, I wanted to say. Like, did she have a problem with me or something? Because there was no way she was trying to shame me for being too slutty. Every part of me wanted to put her in her place, but I knew I couldn't. I simply couldn't do anything to her... or could I? There was no visible effect at first, but I continued to focus on Amaya. Aha! Her dick stiffened just a little bit. 

"If you're just going to keep staring, I have better things to do," Amaya huffed as she started to turn away, but then paused and looked down. I wasn't sure who it was, but someone started snickering. 

"I bet you think you're real funny, don't you? What, is this some new skill of yours?" Amaya said as sure whirled back around to face me. Just like I had hoped, her cock now stood at full mast, a slight bit of precum dribbling from the tip. Against her pale skin, the faint red dusting her cheeks stood out even more.

"Yes ma'am. But I didn't imagine it'd be that easy," I retorted. It probably wouldn't have sounded cooler if I hadn't whimpered it out. I hadn't yet been subject to a fully angry Amaya yet. Maybe I should have put some more thought into whether or not I should try to publicly embarrass her. 

"Well if you want it so bad, then take it!" Amaya shouted. She started marching forward, but then stumbled back a little and moaned as her cock twitched. The inside of her thighs were now coated with her juices.

I'll admit, I might have been a little too aroused by the sight before to try and get away. As a result, I was well within grabbing range when Amaya darted forward. Her hand wrapped around my throat tightly and brought me onto my back. I grasped at my throat, hoping restore some air flow into my lungs, but my efforts were futile. 

"That's right *aaah*, take it, you bitch," the vampire growled. She punctuated the statement by slamming her dick into my pussy. Hard. I felt the rest of the air forced out of me from the force of the thrust.  And that wasn't even all of it. She drew back and slammed back in, even harder this time. I felt my body trying to moan, but I didn't have the oxygen for it. Instead, I pathetically opened my mouth wider and let my tongue loll out.

"Not so proud now, are you?" Amaya taunted. I didn't have the presence of mind to fully understand her words. The edges of my vision were going dark. All I could feel was the pleasure of her thick rod slamming into me. Filling me up. She easily broke past my cervix, and only stopped once she hit the end with a grunt. I didn't even reach the base. 

Amaya stopped. She shifted the hand around my neck to grip my chin and pulled my face to look at her. I looked past the obvious bulge in my stomach to her face, which almost seemed confused about whether to be angry or aroused. 

"Do you want to cum? Say it. Beg for it. Beg me to make you cum," Amaya said. 

I obeyed.

"Please, Lady Amaya. Make me cum. Make me thrash and moan on your big cock!" I whimpered out. The arousal built up within me was too much. I needed release. 

"Admit how much of a slut you are."

"Oh, I'm such a slut. All I care about is being pounded out of my mind," I moaned. Amaya grinned triumphantly.

"Well, if you insist, " she whispered. 

Amaya pulled out, leaving a vacuum in my pussy that needed to be filled. A whine had barely left my throat when she flipped me around so that I was facing the ground and suddenly rammed into my backdoor entrance. I cried out silently while Amaya pulled back and slammed forward again. She wasn't even completely in and I could already feel her literally rearranging my guts. I'm sure that without my unnatural regeneration, I would have been permanently messed up.

I came on the spot. My pussy spasmed and my dick jerked against the ground as my eyes rolled up into my head. My cum seeped around us, soaking both of our legs, my stomach, and my dress. But Amaya just kept fucking.

I have no idea how long we carried on like that. With each thrust, Amaya managed to bury just a little more of herself inside me. She also kept slapping my ass, "to tenderize it". The crowd around us watched with rapt attention, completely forgoing their work. Some were even openly masturbating to the sight before them. But I paid them no attention I was too lost in my pleasure. I didn't even notice when one of our voyeurs squirted on the back of my head. 

One particular thrust seemed to take a lot of effort from Amaya. Brilliant pain shot through me and I felt something tear. Pleasure was soon to accompany my pain, and once again I gasped out as I was brought to climax. When Amaya pulled out, a warm, thick liquid came out with her. Gasps and gags erupted from the gallery. I had just enough presence of mind after my orgasm to look back and see the blood that had splattered out when Amaya retreated. We didn't care. 

Eventually, Amaya reached the end. She had somehow completely stuffed her cock inside of me. I assumed it had already torn multiple holes through my intestines, and now its journey ended literally inside my stomach. It hurt so good. 

"How's it feel? To be completely skewered?"

"I-i-it feels *ah!* s-s-s-sooo good!" I tried to say, but my mouth wouldn't work. I coughed. Something red came out. I felt weak. 

Amaya flipped me over again, positioning me in a way so she wouldn't have to pull out of my ass. 

"I'm gonna fill you up," Amaya said. Her member spasmed and released a giant spurt of cum. Spurt after spurt filled my stomach to the point I looked pregnant. I felt it shooting up my throat. Amaya's cum burst from my mouth and nose and landed on my face. But she kept pumping. Soon I couldn't even open my eyes, both to keep her semen out of them and because the cum was sealing them shut.

Finally, Amaya stopped. It felt like my whole body was covered in her cum. When she pulled her cock out of my pucker with a pop, a deluge of semen and blood flowed out. Amaya was panting heavily, and it sounded like it took a while for her to stand solidly on her own two feet again. 

"Well, that was fun. But don't expect this gift again," Amaya said. I couldn't even move to respond. I just lied in a puddle of blood and cum, motionless. A lesser person would have died. But I was still alive. It was... gratifying, in a way. It was almost as nice a feeling as the buzz of pleasure I was still feeling. 

None of the other slaves offered to help, despite me being obviously injured. One daring girl did poke my penis, though. It jerked at her touch, and some of the slaves surrounding me giggled. Otherwise, they didn't really care about me.

I still hadn't opened my eyes. As I listened to the other slaves slowly departing to do their jobs, my thoughts slowed. I didn't really have any energy right now. Maybe a quick nap was in order...

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