Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

My New Mistress

Pain. That was the first thing that I felt when I woke up. Then I felt the sensation of liquid. I lay naked, curled up in the fetal position in a shallow pool of the mystery liquid that only seemed to reach halfway up my body. Why...?

Slowly, the memories came back to me. There was an explosion. I was giving my graduation speech. Then there was a bright flash of red, screaming, and nothing. Later, a glowing yellow ball had explained that I was to be reborn in a fantasy video game like world. Something about being "the perfect candidate for the mistress", whatever that meant. And then I was sent off to my new life. Simple as that.

As the pain subsided, I registered the tastes in my mouth. Both were familiar. One brought the taste of iron, immediately reminding me of blood. But the other... I had a few escapades with the women in my life. That meant I had enough experience to know what pussy juice tasted like. 

I bolted upright, ignoring the pain it brought, and rubbed my eyes in an attempt to help them open. When I was successful, I couldn't help but gasp in both horror and arousal.

I was indeed in small pool of blood and cum, which made me want to heave. The walls at the side of the pool rose up into a domed ceiling with a large glyph, and the room was only lit by strange torches that glowed with a blood-red flame.

Yet these details paled in comparison to the female figure standing in the doorway of the room. Just a look told me that this was a succubus. Her skin was scarlet red, and her heart-shaped pupils were surrounded by pink irises. Black horns sprouted out from her temples and wound up and around her head until they almost touched above the crown of her head. A smirk adorned her glossy black lips. The same glyph that was on the ceiling sprawled across her stomach.

The strange woman looked at me for a moment. Appraising me. Devouring me with her gaze. Like a butcher looked at slab of meat. The look made my skin crawl, but also made me strangely excited. Then she uttered one word: "Come."

I warred with conflicting emotions. Obviously, I was terrified. Not only of the situation I found myself in, but the seductive yet horrible woman before me. Then there was my arousal. Once I laid eyes on the succubus my vagina had been leaking, not caring about my fright or the disgusting pool. And then it increased when the woman spoke. No, not when she spoke. When she commanded me to come. But that couldn't be right. Sure I had always been a little submissive, but I didn't get turned on by strange people ordering me around. 

Ignoring my internal deliberations, my body took the initiative and started crawling to my new mistress. Mistress? Where did that thought come from? 

By the time I had finished my train of thought I was at the demoness's bare feet. Oh yeah. The succubus was also naked, putting her perfect hourglass figure on display.

As I looked, I was met only by an expectant look from the succubus. What did she want? Slowly, I brought my gaze back down to the red feet. Like her lips, her nails were a glossy black. Staring at them brought forth an urge in me and I leaned down, planting a firm kiss on the foot. A wiggle of the big toe told me my next goal. Leaning back a little for better purchase, I enclosed the toe in her mouth. It tasted salty with a hint of dirt, likely from walking the stone floors barefoot. 

What was I doing?! I wasn't normally into feet, but here I was, sucking on a toe almost as passionately as I would eat a pussy.

Just when I found myself getting into it, the succubus extracted her toe and turned around.

"Come," she repeated with a beckoning from her finger. I desperately followed, not wanting to disappoint whoever this was. As we walked, I was afforded a great view of her plump ass and swaying tail. A thought surfaced that I should suck the tail, but I managed to banish it before I acted on it.

"Enjoying the view back there?" Her seductive voice was playful now instead of the domineering tone it held before. 

How did I respond? Honesty was the best policy, right? 

"Y-Yes... Mistress." Despite not seeing her face, I could tell she was smirking. Also, why the hell did I keep calling her mistress?

Mistress, because that was apparently my name for her now, rounded a corner and pushed open two large mahogany doors. I stopped in embarrassment. Before us were several other girls. There were elves, beastkin, even an orc. They all wore different clothing, but the one thing they held in common was that it was either slutty or cute and including a collar. 

Remembering that I was still crawling, I hurriedly scrambled up only to be pushed back down by Mistress with a soft tutting sound. 

How desperately I wanted to talk, to say anything to her, but I found that my voice didn't seem to work. So I soldiered on.

The slaves, because that's obviously what they were, barely glanced up as we passed them before returning to cleaning the hall.

After the hall was a staircase. Mistress's insistence that I crawl made it difficult to descend, but I managed it. After the stairs was an atrium, which meant more slaves to fuel my embarrassment, but my fear of disappointing Mistress outweighed that. There was another turn, another staircase, and another hallway before Mistress opened a semi-ornate door that led to one of the nicest bedrooms that I had ever seen. Then again, that wasn't saying much. My parents weren't exactly rich in my past life, and college dorms can hardly count as fancy. 

I crawled in and Mistress closed the door behind us.

The first thing I noticed was the disturbing amount of pink in the room. Seriously, nearly everything was pink. The plush bed, the walls, the dressers and wardrobes. The only blessing was that it was frequently broken up by white and red.

"On the bed."

I obeyed instantly, crawling onto the comfortable bed with little difficulty. 

Mistress rummaged around in one of the drawers and pulled out a collar. It was seemed rather simple: just a pink leather band. But a closer look revealed the truth. Tiny runes dotted the collar, only visible because they were red instead of pink. This was some sort of magical implement, no doubt about it, but I had no idea what it did. 

Once she clipped it around my neck, Mistress began talking. "You are never to remove the collar unless told to by me. Understood?" A nod. "Good. This is your room. I will allow you to relax for today and get yourself acquainted with it. You are not to leave until I return. You are not to put anything on until I return. Understood?" Another nod. "Very well. Goodbye, my slave. Once I return, we shall decide on a name for you."

She left before a could tell her I already had a name. Not like it mattered. She probably wouldn't care, and I hadn't even been able to speak lately.

Finally alone, I decided to experiment a little. The little light had said this was a game-like world. So surely that meant I had a status screen or something like that, right? 

After some intense concentration, I heard a ding and saw a holographic pink screen in front of me.

Name ________
Race Alusen
Gender Futanari 
Class Sex Slave
Level 1
Lp Held 0
Lp Needed 589

I sucked in a breath. So it was true. I was a futanari (the type with internal balls). I didn't know what an Alusen was, though, and the sex slave part was disturbing. Also, why was my name blank? I had a name, dammit! Unfortunately, a look in the mirror confirmed my other fear.

The figure staring back wasn't exactly drop-dead gorgeous. Sure, my body held a certain cuteness, but futas were supposed to be bombshells. This was disappointing. The constant arousal from being around Mistress still had me semi-hard, but even then I was only an inch. Minuscule. I also didn't have a fat ass or big bust. I was slim, probably only about 5'3" with at best C-cups and two pert, small butt cheeks. I seemed to have permanent doe eyes, making my golden iris pop out more. Irises which matched the the long hair that flowed all the way down to the previously mentioned small ass. I sighed. Might as well see what else the menu had to offer.  Focusing on the expand tab, two more menus showed up.

Health 30/30
Mana 40/40
Stamina 10/10
Strength 2
Dexterity 4
Speed 3
Intelligence 3
Charisma 5
Faith 2
Arousal 40/70


Divine Birth {Passive} Strengthens resistance to divine spells, but must obey any command given by summoner

Masochist {Passive}

Being hurt increases arousal

Collar of Ishtar

When mana is depleted, user can spend arousal to cast Lust based spells.

User can heal by consuming sexual fluids

User can survive purely off of sexual fluids

Light Touch {6 mana}

As an Alusen, user can imbue hands with light that damages creatures of darkness.

I stared at the menus. I wasn't sure how much 30 health was, but having only 10 stamina couldn't be good. Also, who in their right minds would want more mana than health?! And the skills seemed either highly situational or outright useless. Great.

I flopped back onto my bed. What a great new life.

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