Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

The Morning After

I woke up underneath the other girl. Well, most of me was underneath her. Her body was slightly skewed so that only half of it rested on top of me. I could feel her breast pressing against mine through our outfits, and her head lay sideways against the pillow. One of her legs, along with her tail, was draped completely across my legs. 

I probably should have woken her up, but I just didn't feel like it. She probably needed rest after last night. Sure was was drooling on my pillow, but I actually found it kind of cute. 

Ultimately, it didn't matter if I wanted to wake her up or not, because she did it all on her own. Her eyes opened slowly at first, followed by a groggy, "Huh?" Once she was able to take stock of the situation, her eyes shot open and she practically jumped out of the bed, falling on the floor as she did so. I crawled over as quick as could to check on her. Almost as soon as I reached the edge of the bed, she jumped too her feet. 

Her face was filled with fear, and her feline ears were folded close to her head. She tried to stammer out an apology, "I-I'm so so-sorry. I didn't, I mean, it all just h-happened so fast, and, I should just stop talking."

True to her words, she shut up and looked at me nervously. I was shocked. She was apologizing? To me? If anything, I should have apologized to her for getting her involved in this whole mess. 

I sat silently on the bed for about ten seconds before she realized that I couldn't actually talk, at which point she somehow looked more afraid. 

"O-oh! I'm so so sorry! A-again... I forgot about, um..., that, " she said. It was almost funny how apologetic she was. Over the course of my stay here, I hadn't been respected in the slightest. Aside from Hanina. And Penny. And Albus, I guess... Whatever! The point was that the way she treated me was a stark difference from anything so far. 

"A-anyway, we, um, we have to b-bathe every morning, and, we-well, it'd take too long to reach m-mine, so could I...?" She left the question unfinished, but it wasn't hard to understand what she was asking. I bit my lip in thought. I was definitely going to let her use it, that wasn't what I was debating. My problem was if I should take a shower. Mistress hadn't made me take one yesterday morning, but it probably wouldn't hurt to get in her good graces. Plus, I had morning wood to take care of.

Decision made, I nodded my head. The catgirl visibly relaxed when I did and said, "Thank you so so much! I'm so so so so sorry for inconveniencing you. I'll try to be fast. Oh! My name's Layla, by the way. I mean, not that you need to know my name. It's just, I already know yours, and so I figured it would just be more comfortable." 

She tried to dart around my bed, but I stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. When she gave me a confused look, I slid off the bed then timidly pointed to her, then me, then the shower. Her eyes widened with recognition and she blushed. 

"Do- do you really want to? W- with me?" She asked in disbelief. I gave a firm nod in reply. She really needed to work on her self-confidence, and that was coming from me, of all people. 

We walked together into the bathroom, which was separated from the toilet by an actual wall, and threw our clothes into the nearby bin. Layla activated the rune in the tub and hot water came pouring out. Oh, the wonders of magic. 

Once the tub was halfway full, we stepped in. It was easily big enough to fit us both. According to Layla, though, that wasn't actually that common. We started the bath normally washing ourselves off. There was the occasional brush of leg on leg, and both of eyes would frequently eye each other's privates, but nothing came of it. Until Layla asked me to wash her back, that is.

In theory, it made sense. the back is kind of hard to reach, so if you're already taking a bath with another person, why not ask them? However, I after I finished washing her back, my hands started drifting lower until I was thoroughly cleaning Layla's butt. She didn't protest, and I even think she let out a quiet moan. 

Deciding to take it one step further, I brought the hand with the washcloth to her breasts so that I could "wash" them. I rubbed over the whole surface, including the underside. Once I was finished, Layla turned her body to face me and looped her arms around my neck. She attempted to give me a seductive gaze. Emphasis on attempted. She really wasn't good at the whole "take charge" thing. Not that I had any room to make criticisms about it. 

Without a word, she brought my head down to hers and started sloppily kissing me. Yeah, she was definitely knew. I decided to humor her and opened to my lips to stick my tongue into her mouth. Layla hesitantly parted her own to allow me entrance, and from there I tried to guide her. 

Deciding that we needed this to go faster if there was any chance of us finishing before someone showed up, I broke the kiss and flipped us around so that Layla was on top of me. I watched the soap suds slid down her breasts, down her stomach, down, her neatly trimmed pussy and smooth thighs. While I was mesmerized by the show, Layla took the hint and slid onto my penis. As we moaned together, a stray thought entered my head. Why was it that I could moan on my own, but not talk. Questions for another time, I suppose. Definitely not know. 

Layla pushed her hands against my breasts, which served as both a source of pleasure for me and as additional support for her. She started to bounce up and down, but on the first bounce my dick slipped out and she crashed down on it full force before she noticed. My eyes widened and I gasped. Layla immediately realized what had happened and became horrified. "Oh Cali! I-I'm sorry. I-if I had known I wouldn't ha-"

I put my finger up to her mouth to shush her. I honestly wasn't concerned about that right now. Due to my masochist skill, it wasn't as painful as it could have been. And, as humiliating as it may be, it honestly wasn't her fault. There was no denying that it was small.

Offering her a kind smile through the tears at the corners of my eyes, I waited for the pain to diminish some before righting my girldick and pointing at it. 

"You mean... y-you still want to?" I nodded.

With trepidation clear in her eyes, Layla brought herself back to her original position. This time, instead of trying to jump up and down after impaling herself and grabbing my breasts, she gyrated like a belly dancer. I leaned my head back and moaned, letting her do her work. Any guilt I had about making her do all the work vanished as my mind became lost in euphoria. I felt myself reaching the edge embarrassingly soon, and tapped Layla to give her a warning. She understood, or at least I think she did, because she slid off and took my girldick into her mouth. She was actually pretty skilled and had me bursting in no time. 

Layla took in the whole load and didn't spit any out. She didn't swallow either. Instead she brought her mouth to mine and started kissing me. We shared my semen between each other for a few seconds before it was roughly evenly distributed and we both swallowed.

Layla pulled her face away with a small smile. "You were actually my first one-on-one, you know."

I looked at her curiously.

"I'm sure you could tell, but I'm relatively new, when I was 'examined' by the slavers, a-all three of them shared me. Then, when I was tested by Mistress, she invited the human, Lady Basa. And then there was last night, and now... here we are." 

I wanted to say something, anything, but instead I just pulled her in for a hug. I took in the smell of my lemony shampoo in her hair when I heard a voice say, "Well isn't this cute?"

Both of our heads darted to the source of the voice. Amaya casually leaned against the wall with her hands handcuffed behind her back. It well with her outfit, if it could even be called that. It was just a complicated series of belts and chains that I'm sure corresponded with some elaborate BDSM setup. She was even wearing a collard that was connected to two clamps on her nipples, meaning that if she wanted to look up, she would have to pull really hard against them. I almost gagged when I saw that her pussy was literally sewn shut.

Seeing our wide-eyed looks, Amaya said, "Oh yeah, me and Cinila have some fun times planned was Basa can take care of the kid. Don't worry, it doesn't involve you. And even though I may look vulnerable, I can still kick both of your asses. Now get dressed Cali and follow me when you're done. Other girl, you can suck me off while she gets ready."

Seeing Layla's resigned expression, I wanted to tell Amaya off. Who cares if she's one of Mistress's wives? She was one of us not long ago. Unfortunately, even if I could say what I wanted to, there was no doubt I would be punished, maybe even Layla too.

With a sigh, I activated the drying rune in the tub and got out.

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