Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

21 – My Body

- Earlier in the same warehouse -

Reine woke up with a massive headache making it hard to even form a coherent thought.

'Where am I? What happened?' she wondered in a daze.

The last she remembers is leaving the office building. She heard a car door slam, was grabbed by someone and then nothing.

She tried to get up, but couldn't. She tried to focus and noticed she was cuffed to some chair. Her arms were cuffed behind her and her legs were cuffed to the legs of the chairs making it impossible for her to move much at all.

When she opened her eyes she saw. Well it just looked like some kind of bland room. There was a couch and a coffee table. A desk and some chairs. No windows though. She could literally be anywhere. There also wasn't anyone else there.

'Why did I get taken? Does someone know about Hisashi? Or is this related to the company? Did we piss someone off?' she tries to think about all her recent interactions. Anything from business meetings that didn't end well all the way down to any bad dates she'd had. Nothing really stood out as glaringly bad though.

Her personal life had been pretty mundane in recent times, dead brother returning as a monster not withstanding, the company had been so busy she hadn't had all that much time to be dating or hanging out with people for non-business reasons. No disgruntled employees she could think of, the company was still small enough to where she knew most of the other employees. Though with the companies rapid growth they may have stepped on some people's feet none of it seemed serious enough to warrant this though.

While she was caught up in her thoughts she heard someone unlocking the door. Before they could notice she had woken up she closed her eyes and slumped down in the chair. A few people come in at the same time.

"Hmm... she should wake up soon." the first says. It stood out that were speaking in English rather than Japanese like she was expecting.

"We can make the call when she wakes up." he continues.

"Are you sure they can get the money?" a second one questions.

"The money is nice, but what we really want is their code for generating digital certificates and signatures. We can sell it for a lot more." the first explains to him.

She needs to buy as much time as she can either for Hisashi or the police to notice she is gone and track her down. The best way for now is to continue faking being unconscious.

Though they kept talking it seemed they were prepared against being listened in to as they didn't talk about anything that could be used to identify them, what their history was or if they were part of some kind of organisation. Nothing in relationship to themselves nor their group were talked about except limited completely to their current actions.

"Alright, we don't have that long. We need to get moving."

Suddenly she was slapped. Damn that hurt. She wouldn't be able to continue faking it or it would get very suspicious. She saw there were three guys in the room. They were wearing what looked like the kind of gear a SWAT team would wear including the balaclava making it impossible to recognise and remember them.

It was quite obvious they were professionals of some kind. They didn't talk nor look like a hastily put together group. The man that slapped her was close enough for her to notice he had distinct bright blue eyes which she made sure to remember. The other two were too far to notice anything distinctive at all.

"Bring the phone. Also make sure the rest of the team is on alert!" the main guy said.

'Brother where are you?' she though worried whether he would find her. As she thought of her brother she suddenly felt her chest get hot to the point where she felt like she was burning up. Something seemed to be pulling at her wrist too while the burning sensation started moving from her chest down her arm and into the bracelet.

After a few moments of this flowing sensation suddenly she felt the bracelet move from her wrist into her hand. It felt like some kind of cold rod. As soon as it finished moving she felt she was overflowing with energy. Like she had just downed an entire 6-pack of energy drinks.

'What's going on with my body?!' she thought.

The temperate around her started climbing rapidly. The cuffs caught fire slowly turned red hot before turning a blinding white. In moments they started melting off her despite not burning her skin at all. The remaining slag hit the ground with a sizzle.

She stood up and saw a beautiful ornate silver sceptre in her hand in the head of it was the gemstone from her bracelet caged by the silver. Intuitively she felt a connection with it a small flame appeared above the gem, when she focused on it it rapidly grew before bursting out into a stream that set fire to the ceiling.

After exerting her will on it though she was able to direct it and send it to the closest guy. The other two tried to put out the fire, but before they even got the chance she fired off the fireball that had been the source of the flaming stream. It hit and exploded covering all three of them in more fire like some kind of napalm bomb.

In her anger and being fed by her spirit power her fire seemed alive and growing faster than a normal fire engulfing the entire room in barely any time at all. She noticed she felt something familiar heading their way outside of the room.

'What's this?' she wondered and turned towards the door. The guys weren't a threat anymore anyway.

The wall burst open revealing Hisashi though she was the only one that could see him.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

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