Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

43 – New Form

He didn't even have time to use [Hachigyō Sōgai] to conceal himself before his spirit power started running rampant through every part of his body to facilitate his evolution to Adjuchas.

Hisashi felt his form compressing and refining, thankfully compared to expanding like he had before this wasn't near as excruciating as that had been allowing him to keep some of his consciousness instead of completely blacking out which allowed him to notice his line of sight lower drastically.

[Evolution completed]

[Rank: Gillian -> Adjuchas]

[Strength: 84 -> 126]

[Dexterity: 71 -> 213]

[Constitution: 40 -> 60]

[Intelligence: 30 -> 60]

[Spirit Power: 268,841 -> 537,682]

[Mission Completed]

[Passive Skill - Silencioso gained]


[A passive ability that dampens all non-vocal sounds generated by the user by 95% at all times.]

'Phew... at least I don't seem to be insanely big.' he thought happily. A step towards a more human-like form no matter how small the step was will always be welcome to him. He wasn't sure exactly how tall he was compared to his base Hollow form since he had never been in that form in the Forest of Menos so he couldn't quite compare his current self with the current reference points. He roughly estimated he was about the same size, maybe a little shorter than he was in his base Hollow form which was around 10 feet tall.

He lifted his arms and saw they were back to human-like arms transforming into iridescent blades at the forearm. He had kind of missed them when fighting as a Gillian since although he didn't like having hands outside of combat, combat was all he had been doing since his evolution to Gillian and swords were what he was most comfortable with. Although tearing Gillian apart with his hands had been fresh he was looking forward to further refining his swordsmanship.

He looked down at his feet to see he still only had 2 legs unlike before he transformed into a Gillian so thankfully he remained bipedal just like he had become as a Gillian which was another more human-like feature he was happy about. This also meant he could finally put to work some of the footwork knowledge he had gleaned from spying on Byakuya that was impossible when he was 4 legged or a giant without a sword and merging it into his footwork knowledge from when he was still human.

Finally he noticed something strange from the corners of his eyes.

'What the fuck?! Do I have 2 extra arms?' he though as he turned his head to see an extra set of arms coming from around his shoulders identical to the first set he had. It took him a little to get used to using them as he had never had four arms and even with some instinctual knowledge on how to move them it was still a completely new experience to him.

'Well four blade arms means being able to unleash even more slashes at the same time from more directions to confuse and damage opponents. So though not quite human-like it'll be helpful at least for as long as I am in Hueco Mundo so I'll take what I can get.' he thought while releasing some slashes with his new arms.

He couldn't even hear the sound of them cutting through the air unsure if they were just that sharp or whether to thank his new passive skill [Silencioso] for this. He also felt like he was light as a feather compared to before. Being a Gillian felt kind of like what he imagined controlling a mecha would feel like, something he wan't very happy with.

He had some of his iridescent carapace again covering his shoulder, shins and back where he finally regained his wings. The colour was the same as before, but the form was much slimmer and form fitting. At least he was mostly humanoid now outside of having four arms and wings. The carapace could just be excused as looking like he was wearing armour even if it was actually part of his body.

The carapace covering his wings shifted letting out his wings which he fluttered for a moment. Along with the arm blades this was probably the thing he was happiest about. Though it was possible to stand on the sky which was making to flying it just wasn't the same.

Flying with wings cost him in stamina rather than spirit power which was a much less detrimental cost to him. It was also faster, more controlled and filled him with a sense of freedom that nothing else could provide. The closest was swimming, but there wasn't the resistance that water provided.

'System, please show me my status panel.' he told the system already quite happy about the direction his form had moved towards during the evolution. Unlike before he no longer had to deal with a massive abdomen and extra set of legs reducing the space he took by quite a lot.

=Status Panel=

[Name: Saito Hisashi]

[Soul Age: 58]

[Race: Hollow]

[Rank: Adjuchas]

[Level: 128]

[XP: 13,810/91,710]


[Strength: 126]

[Dexterity: 213]

[Constitution: 60]

[Intelligence: 60]

[Spirit Power: 537,682]

[Available Stat Points: 0]

=Passive Skills:=

[Spiritual Energy Absorption]

[Super-Speed Regeneration]

[Acidic Touch]


=Active Skills:=

[Soul-Body Separation]

[Spirit Power Concealment]

[Illusory Aura]


[Energy Blade]


[Hachigyō Sōgai]




'I'll have to test out my new dexterity. It might take some getting used to that large of a jump at once.' he thought to himself. He was very happy to be back to his dexterity focused build though since that was what he had been striving for all along and the Gillian form had taken that away from him. It was a necessary evil for the sake of progress though.

Without him even realising it between losing control and focus with the evolution and its results he had been surrounded. Three figures revealed themselves from behind trees in three different directions not giving him the choice of retreat. The loss of control during the evolution process had meant not only his [Spirit Power Concealment] had been unable to cover the pressure he was giving off during the transformation he had also lost the visual concealment [Illusory Aura] provided him.

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