Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 25

"And why is that, wouldn’t it be better to revive such magic?” Draco asked. 

“Well, most of that magic is congenital magic. It’s something almost impossible to reproduce. The ones that are acquired magic are mostly fragmented pieces with little information, hence the long research process,” Rize replied. 

“Sensei, have there been any fully researched ones?” Vasiliki asked. 

“Yes, there have been, but the results weren’t very optimal. You see, magic without falna is quite inefficient,” Rize said, pausing before she continued. 

“It requires several forms of chanting with dozens of lines to cast and is also weaker in comparison to the spells cast with falna,” Rize explained. 

“Do falna spells have weaknesses too?” Draco asked. 

“Both sides have their strengths and weaknesses, falna spells also require long chants; the longer the chant, the more power is accumulated. But in rare cases, there are falna spells with short or no chants at all,” Rize answered. 

“Another fact is that Falna magic is somewhat based on the user’s desire. Additionally, it has a limit of 3 magic slots; on the other hand, non-falna magic doesn’t have such a limit,” Rita added. 

“Anyway, magic comes with a risk when not controlled right. When the caster becomes unable to control their magic power, an ignis fatuus occurs, causing it to explode and damage the caster. Non-falna magic is especially susceptible to this” Rize warned. 

“Also, an overuse of magic can cause the user to faint, a condition known as mind down or mind zero. This is very common in adventurers that recently acquired magic. They get all excited and end up dying due to their lack of knowledge,” Rize cautioned. 

‘I see, good thing I waited for a teacher. I really wanted to imitate other reincarnators and practice on my own. I didn’t pay attention to these details when I watched the series’ Draco thought. 

“Sensei, is there a way to increase the 3 slots that Falna users are limited to?” Vasiliki asked. 

“No, there is none currently known. Magic, even with Falna, isn’t easy to acquire. After one obtains their first magic skill, it becomes harder to acquire the next. Only by using a rare grimoire can they fill their slots faster,” Rize explained. 

“Anyway, now that you know all that, let’s get on with the basics,” Rize announced. 

Rize cleared her throat, her authoritative yet calming voice carrying across the open field. 

"Today, we will explore the foundations of magic - how to sense it, how to use it, and most importantly, how to control it." She turned to face her pupils, her piercing gaze commanding their full attention. 

“The first step is to learn how to sense the flow of magic around us." She closed her eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath. Rize explained.

"Close your eyes and feel the energy coursing through the world. Imagine it as a tapestry, with threads of power weaving through every living thing." She instructed.

Draco and Vasiliki followed suit, their brows furrowed in concentration as they sought to attune themselves to the magical currents. 

After a few moments, Rize opened her eyes, observing her students' progress. "Excellent. Now, try to reach out and grasp those threads, feel their warmth and their power." 

"I can feel it... the power, the potential. It's like a living, breathing entity." Vasiliki's eyes fluttered open, a look of wonder upon her face. 

"Yes, I can sense it too. It's incredible, almost overwhelming." Draco nodded, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 

“But I have a question, I have been able to sense 4 distinct colors of magic since I was 4 years old, and that only grew stronger over the years,” Draco said. 

“Same, I started sensing only one color, which is light blue, almost white about 2 years ago. I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating, so I didn’t tell anyone,” Vasiliki added. 

‘I knew she was hiding something, but who knew it was something like this’ Draco thought.

“Oh my, you both already have affinities. That is great and exceedingly rare; you both have congenital magic,” Rize complimented, her expression filled with various emotions.

‘4 basic elements and 1 secondary element huh, seems like I hit the jackpot today. I will have to change the curriculum to fit; this was unexpected,’ Rize thought. 

Rize then raised a hand, her expression stern. 

"Back to the lesson. Control is key, my students. Magic is a powerful tool, but it must be wielded with care and discipline. Let the energy flow through you, but do not let it consume you." She instructed. 

Draco and Vasiliki nodded, carefully following her instructions. 

“Don’t worry, I am here to prevent any accidents,” Rize said to further ease their minds. 

"Now," Rize continued, "try to manipulate the energy, to shape it to your will. Start small, feel the power at your fingertips and guide it gently." 

Draco and Vasiliki extended their hands, their brows furrowed in concentration. 

Slowly, a faint glow began to emanate from their palms, growing stronger with each passing moment. 

Ice shards began forming on Vasiliki’s palm; her congenital affinity was ice. 

Draco’s palm, on the other hand, changed elements whenever he pulled a different colored strand of magic energy. 

From Fire to water to wind and to earth. 

Rize observed their progress, a proud smile spreading across her face. 

Both her students were gifted, performing feats that should take a long time, within a day.

"Excellent, you're both doing wonderfully. Remember, magic is not just about raw power but about balance and control." She praised.

The lesson continued, with Rize guiding them through increasingly complex exercises, teaching them to harness the elemental forces and how to weave basic intricate spells. 

The lesson ended with them meditating to recover their lost mind. 

Draco already had a large reserve even without falna, but Vasiliki had only a little as she hadn’t received the blessing of falna yet. 

So they had to take breaks in between the lessons for Vasiliki to recover. 

After the magic lesson ended for the day, it was time to eat lunch. 

After having lunch, the alchemy lessons were to begin. 


“Are you done with your magic lesson for the day?” Chise asked Draco, who had come to the kitchen to grab lunch for him, Vasiliki, and Rize. 

“Yes, after lunch is alchemy lessons,” Draco replied. 

“Then we can move your cooking lessons to the evening,” Chise said. 

“Yeah, we can do that,” Draco replied. 

He had taken an interest in cooking when he was 6 years old. 

Many meals from his old world weren’t available in the world of Danmachi. 

He knew of many of the recipes from many hours of watching YouTube but was too lazy to make any of them. 

When he actually tried, it turned out to be a disaster. 

So he decided to begin learning again from the basics. 

He decides to first learn the food recipes his mother knew before experimenting with the ones he knew and modify the ingredients to fit. 

“Great, don’t overwork yourself, okay?” Chise said in concern. 

Draco had become a bit obsessed with training every day, and that worried her a bit. 

He wasn’t the only one; somehow along the way, all her kids along with Clair had been brainwashed to think that training equals a fun game.

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