Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 37

'At our current pace, we should reach our destination within  5 days,' Draco thought upon observing the map. 

After cross-checking the map multiple times to ensure they didn't get lost, he folded it and began making dinner for them.

Dinner wasn't going to be anything extravagant, just potato soup with dried meat. 

Draco ate the same portions as the rest, having decided to minimize his portions until they settled, despite his large appetite.

After eating, Draco brought out a board for a game of checkers to kill the time and keep them busy. 

He had found an old board and its pieces in the storage shack on the farm before they left.

"Who wants to play?" Draco asked. He knew he had to distract his young siblings from thinking too much about gloomy things. 

He had to keep their spirits up until they could easily cope with the loss they had suffered. 

The last thing he wanted to happen was for them to become emotionally unstable.

"Me!" Nikolaos yelled. Checkers wasn't a game very popular with young children, but Nikolaos had enjoyed watching Grandpa Marcus and John play the game.

"Sure, let's begin," Draco said, setting up the game. 

The others, curious, soon gathered around to watch the game. The game proceeded with Nikolaos starting first. 

Michalis, Eleni, Dimitra, Vasileios, Vasiliki, and Clair, having seen Draco play the game before, began whispering advice to Nikolaos, hoping to help him against their skilled older brother.

"Move your piece here," Michalis whispered, pointing to a square.

"No, no, take that one instead," Eleni interjected.

"Hurry up, Niko, before Draco nii makes his move!" Dimitra urged.

Nikolaos carefully considered his options, his brow furrowed in concentration. 

He moved his piece, carefully avoiding the traps Draco had set up.

Draco, watching his younger siblings' antics, couldn't help but chuckle. 

"You know, you're not exactly being subtle with your advice," he teased.

Nikolaos glanced up, a sheepish grin on his face. 

"I need all the help I can get against you, Draco nii," he admitted.

The game continued, with the younger siblings whispering excitedly and Draco occasionally offering gentle guidance to Nikolaos. 

Despite Draco's superior skills, Nikolaos managed to hold his own, much to the delight of his siblings.

"Nice move, Niko!" Vasileios exclaimed, clapping his brother on the back.

Draco, sensing Nikolaos' growing confidence, decided to let him have a chance at winning. 

He made a few strategic mistakes, allowing Nikolaos to capture several of his pieces.

"Oh, no! Draco, what are you doing?" Clair cried, her eyes wide. She was the only one currently on his side.

Draco winked at her. "Just giving Niko a little challenge, that's all," he whispered.

Nikolaos, sensing an opportunity, redoubled his efforts, carefully maneuvering his pieces to capture Draco's remaining ones. 

The tension in the air was palpable as the game reached its climax.

Finally, with a triumphant grin, Nikolaos jumped Draco's last piece, claiming victory.

"I did it!" he shouted, jumping up and down.

The other siblings erupted into cheers and applause, gathering around Nikolaos to congratulate him.

Draco leaned back, a proud smile on his face. 

"Well done, Niko," he said, ruffling his brother's hair. 

"You really gave me a run for my money." he said.

Nikolaos beamed, his chest puffed out with pride. 

"I couldn't have done it without the advice of the others," he admitted.

The echoes of laughter and the sound of their joyful chatter filled the cave as they continued to play, each of them taking turns challenging Draco. 

The siblings lost themselves in the game, momentarily forgetting their troubles and finding solace in simple pleasure.

As the night wore on, the children began to yawn, their eyelids growing heavy. 

Draco glanced around, seeing the exhaustion on their faces.

"Alright, time for bed, everyone," he announced, gently ushering them towards their makeshift sleeping area.

The children reluctantly set aside the checkers board, their bodies weighed down by the day's events. 

One by one, they curled up in their blankets, their eyes slowly drifting shut.

Draco took one last look around, ensuring everyone was settled and comfortable. 

With a contented sigh, he too lay down, letting the sound of his siblings' gentle breathing lull him to sleep.

The next morning, the children woke up to the familiar scent of their leftover dinner from the night. 

They gathered around, eagerly finishing off the hearty soup and dried meat.

"Alright, everyone," Draco said, once they had their fill. 

"Let's get ready to continue our journey. We should reach our destination in five days, if we keep up the pace." he announced.

The children nodded, quickly packing up their belongings and scrambling back into the carriage. 

Draco took one last look around, ensuring they hadn't forgotten anything, before climbing in himself and urging the horses forward.

The journey continued, with the children passing the time by playing more games of checkers, telling stories, and gazing out at the passing scenery. 

Draco kept a watchful eye on them, making sure they were all comfortable and content.

Finally, after five days of steady travel, they arrived at their destination – a place where the river cutting through the forest and the eastern mountain met.

Draco descended from the carriage, surveying the area with a critical eye. 

"I'll be back in a bit. Remain on guard." he instructed.

He wanted to find the perfect spot for their new home – a place with abundant sunlight, close to the river for water and fishing, and with enough space for farming, grazing, and training. 

Walking around, he soon found the ideal location, a small clearing in the forest with a gentle slope leading down to the river.

Quickly, he returned to his siblings, directing the carriage to the area. 

"This is it, our new temporary home," Draco announced, his voice filled with a excitement.

The children stepped from the carriage, curiously inspecting their surroundings. 

"Uhm, Draco, there's nothing here, just the forest surrounding us and the mountain behind you." Clair said, her brow furrowed in confusion. 

Draco chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 

"Didn't I tell you all that we were going to be living in the wild for the next three to four years?" he asked, his tone light and playful.

Clair's eyes widened in surprise. 

"But I thought we were going to another town or a village!" she exclaimed.

Draco shook his head. "No, my dear," he said, "This is where we'll be making our new home. It may not look like much now, but with a little work, we'll have a cozy and comfortable place to live.".

The other children, sensing Clair’s apprehension, gathered around Draco, their faces etched with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity.

Draco smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, everyone," he said. 

"I've already scouted the area, and I know this is the perfect spot for us. We'll have plenty of space for farming, grazing, and training, not to mention easy access to the river for water and fishing." he added.

He paused, his gaze sweeping over his siblings. 

"I know it might not be what you were expecting, but I promise this will be a good place for us to call home, at least for the time being" he reassured.

The children exchanged uncertain glances, but the warmth and conviction in Draco's voice slowly began to put them at ease. 

They knew they could trust their older brother, and if he believed this was the right place for them, then they were willing to give it a try.

"Alright, everyone," Draco said, clapping his hands together. 

"Let's get started! We have a lot of work to do, but I know we can do it, together." he instructed.

A/N: You all probably getting bored with the childhood arc. Don’t worry, will make a time skip in a few chapters so the Orario arc can begin. Thanks for the continued support.

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