Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 46

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the dunes, the siblings spotted the oasis on the horizon. 

"Look, there's water!" Dimitra exclaimed, her eyes lighting up in excitement.

They urged Draco to speed the horses onward, their pace quickening as they neared the life-giving respite. 

Upon reaching the oasis, they gratefully dismounted, jumping into the cool, refreshing water and allowing the horses to drink their fill.

The siblings took a moment to rest and recharge, their bodies aching from the arduous journey. 

Draco checked the map, relieved to see they were still on the right track, with only an estimated time of 5 days of travel left before they exited the desert.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, the siblings settled down around a small campfire, sharing a simple meal of dried provisions. 

The gentle rustling of the palm trees and the soothing sound of the water lulled them into a much-needed respite.

Clair sidled up to Michalis, her expression softening. 

"Thank you for supporting me earlier," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Michalis felt his heart skip a beat, and he quickly averted his gaze, a faint blush creeping across his cheeks. 

"It-it was nothing. I just thought that, what you said was right," he stammered, his tail twitching nervously.

The other boys, having noticed the interaction, rolled their eyes and turned away, muttering under their breath. 

Draco cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention.

"We've made good progress today, but we still have a ways to go. Please be careful of snakes, scorpion and other poisonous bugs while you sleep. The dragon scales won’t keep them away," he said, his tone stern but laced with concern.

The siblings nodded in agreement, the girls a bit spooked at the mention of snakes and bugs. 

As they settled in for the night, the sound of the crackling fire and the distant howls of desert creatures filled the air.

Having endured something similar for the past 4 years living in a forest, it wasn’t a problem for them. 

The next day, the siblings set out again feeling refreshed, their faces shielded from the sun by their desert attire. 

The terrain continued to test their resolve, with shifting sands and the occasional sandstorm adding to their difficulties.

At one point, they spotted a herd of strange, camel-like creatures in the distance, their long necks and humped backs a peculiar sight. 

Michalis, Nikolaos and Vasileios couldn't resist their urge to approach them, their curiosity piqued, much to the dismay of the girls.

Draco didn’t bother stopping them as he already determined that the creatures were harmless.

"You boys, get back here!" Clair called out, her voice laced with concern. 

"We don't know if those things are safe!" she said.

Michalis, undeterred, reached out a hand, hoping to make contact with the curious creatures. 

To the girls surprise, the camels seemed unperturbed by his presence, and one even allowed him to gently stroke its neck.

"See, they're friendly!" Michalis exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. 

The other siblings, relieved that no harm had come to their brother, approached the herd with a newfound sense of wonder.

As they continued their journey, the desert landscape began to change, with towering rock formations and sparse vegetation dotting the horizon. 

The end of their desert experience was in sight.


A month later...

It had been around a month since the siblings had exited the desert. 

They had passed through several other places, keeping a low profile as they journeyed towards Orario.

"Are we there yet?" Michalis asked, boredom lacing his voice.

They had been traveling on minor roads for a while now, and there was nothing to do.

"We will soon reach the main road leading to Orario, so just play some checkers or something," Draco replied, his eyes focused on the map in his hands.

"Ugh, we've been playing that for 4 years now," Michalis complained, his tail swishing back and forth in frustration.

Draco let out a sigh, "Then entertain yourself with something else." he replied, shifting his attention back to the road.

"Michalis, behave yourself and stop distracting Draco," Clair scolded, chiding him with a light tap on the head.

"Hmph," Michalis scoffed, folding himself into a ball, a small smile playing on his lips.

His ears twitched and his tail swayed occasionally, a sure sign that he was enjoying the attention from Clair, even if he wouldn’t admit it.

The others simply ignored him, knowing that he was always like this around Clair.

A few hours later……..

They finally reached the main road, which was surrounded by grassland covered in a light blanket of snow all around. 

The surrounding area was a mix of grass plains, hills, and forests.

"We're close," Draco murmured, his eyes scanning the horizon.

The bored siblings perked up, their ears picking up on his words. 

Leading the horses up a hill and then stopping, they were greeted with a spectacular view of the city.

"Whoa, is that Orario?" Vasileios said, his eyes wide with awe.

Clair, Michalis, Eleni, Nikolaos, Dimitra, Vasileios, and Vasiliki all left the carriage, climbing to the highest point of the hill to get a better look. 

Draco watched as they marveled at the sight before them.

The city was a magnificent sight, surrounded by strong, ancient-looking walls. 

It was extremely large in size, and the iconic Tower of Babel stood ridiculously tall in the center. 

Looking down towards one of the city gates, Draco could see an extremely long line of people waiting to enter the city, with more joining the queue despite the cold.

'We should probably join the line now. Don't want to camp outside the walls,' Draco thought, his brow furrowing slightly.

"Everyone, get back in the carriage!" Draco called out, snapping the siblings from their stupor. 

He could understand their excitement; it was their first time seeing a city so large.

'Hopefully, they still remember all I warned them about,' Draco thought as he watched them board the carriage. 

Orario might look beautiful now, but they wouldn't think so anymore after experiencing life in the city.

As soon as everyone was aboard, Draco directed the horses towards the city gates. 

Dimitra and Clair quickly claimed the top of the carriage for themselves, much to the dissatisfaction of the others.

"I call dibs on the front seat!" Michalis exclaimed, scrambling to claim the next best spot beside Draco for himself.

Nikolaos rolled his eyes. "As if, you always try to hog the good seats. I'm sitting there this time." he said.

The two boys began to bicker, their voices rising with each passing moment. 

Eleni and Vasiliki tried to mediate, while Vasileios watched the exchange with amusement.

Draco sighed, his headache already beginning to build. 

"Quiet, all of you! We're approaching the gates, and I need to focus." he yelled.

The siblings fell silent, but the air was thick with anticipation and nervous energy. 

Draco could feel their excitement and apprehension as they neared the imposing city walls.

As they joined the queue, Draco took a moment to survey the scene. 

The line stretched on for what seemed like miles, with people from all walks of life waiting patiently to enter the city. 

Merchants, travelers, adventurers, and many different races could be seen among the crowd.

"Remember, once we're inside, stay close to me and don't wander off," Draco said, his voice stern. 

"Orario can be a dangerous place, especially for newcomers." he whispered to them.

The siblings nodded, their faces serious. They had heard Draco's warnings about the city's perils, and they knew better than to disregard them.

"I wonder what kind of adventures await us in Orario," Vasileios mused, his eyes filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Draco mustered a reassuring smile. 

"I'm sure there will be plenty of excitement, but we need to be cautious and stay vigilant. This city can be both a blessing and a curse." he replied.

As they inched closer to the gates, the siblings fell silent, their gazes fixed on the towering walls and the bustling activity beyond. 

The line to enter the city crawled forward at a painfully slow pace, and the siblings grew restless.

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