Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 50

The Next Day………….

Draco had woken up a bit late due to staying up late the previous night. 

It was one of the good nights, when he didn’t have any nightmares.

As he sat up on his bed, he couldn't help but let out a yawn. 

"What time is it?" he muttered to himself, looking around the room. 

To his left, he noticed that Michalis' bed was empty, indicating that his brother was already awake.

'I need a bath,' Draco thought, getting up from his bed and making his way to the large bowl of water placed on the bedside table. 

Since the inn only offered full-body warm baths in the evening, he had to make do with the cloth and water provided.

As he wiped his body clean, Draco couldn't help but glance out the window, taking in the bustling street filled with people going about their morning duties. 

After brushing his teeth with salt and water, he changed into fresh clothes and donned his cloak, concealing his features once more.

Upon leaving his room, the enticing aroma of freshly baked bread and a creamy soup hit his nostrils, making his stomach growl in anticipation. 

He could also hear the voices of his siblings, indicating that they were already having breakfast.

"Morning, Draco nii," Eleni greeted, being the first to spot him from the stairs. 

The rest of the siblings soon followed suit, each offering their own morning greetings.

"Morning, you all," Draco replied, scanning the room and noticing a new face among them. 

"Have you all brushed your teeth and cleaned up?" he asked.

"Yeah," Vasiliki replied, shifting to create space between her and Dimitra for Draco to sit.

"Good, and who is your new friend?" Draco inquired, referring to the cat-girl he didn’t recognize sitting with them.

"Oh, this is Cleo, one of the inn owner's daughters," Clair introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Cleo," Draco greeted.

"Uhm, hi," Cleo replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She seemed to be a shy one.

"Sorry, she's a bit shy around people. It was the same when we started talking with her," Dimitra explained, offering Draco a sympathetic smile.

"I see," Draco replied, grabbing a piece of bread and a serving of the creamy soup on the table. 

The bread was still warm, soft and fluffy, and the soup had a delightful creaminess to it. 

"Mmm, this is delicious," he commented, taking a spoonful of the soup. 

"The innkeeper has done an excellent job with the breakfast." he praised.

"I agree," Michalis chimed in, savoring his own portion. 

"The bread is so fresh and the soup is simply heavenly. I could eat this every morning!" he said.

Eleni giggled, "I'm glad you both enjoy it. I was a bit worried it wouldn't be to your liking since you both love eating mostly meat dishes, but it seems our new friend Cleo's mother has outdone herself." she said.

At the mention of her name, Cleo's ears perked up, and she gave a shy nod. 

"M-my mother cooked the food," she explained, her voice barely audible.

"Well, please convey our compliments to her," Draco said, flashing Cleo a warm smile. 

Cleo was quite young, she looked to be between the ages 5 or 6 years old.

"This is a wonderful way to start the day." Draco said with a smile. 

Just then, the innkeeper herself, a kind-looking cat woman with a gentle smile, approached their table. 

"I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the breakfast," she said, her voice soft and melodious. 

She was carrying a fresh batch of bread, sausages and eggs in a tray for them.

"Please, help yourselves to as much as you'd like." she offered.

“Also thank you for keeping this little one busy, she rarely talks with anyone” she said, warmly patting Cleo on the head.

"No thank you, ma'am," Draco replied, taking the offered food. 

"The food is delicious. Your inn must be the talk of the city." he said.

The innkeeper beamed with pride. 

"Why, thank you, young man. We take great pride in our culinary creations. And I must say, your family is a delight to have around. Such well-mannered children," she said, patting Dimitra's head affectionately.

Dimitra didn’t reject the head pat, it felt like the reminiscent touch of their dead mother.

"We're grateful for your hospitality, ma'am, we're honored to be your guests." Draco said, giving her a warm smile.

The innkeeper chuckled. "Think nothing of it, dear. It's my pleasure to have you all here. Now, finish up your breakfast, and let me know if you need anything else before you head out." she said.

"We will, ma'am. Thank you," Draco replied.

With that, the innkeeper retreated, leaving the group to continue their meal.

"Wow, Draco nii, you sure know how to charm the ladies," Dimitra teased, nudging her brother playfully.

Draco chuckled. "I simply believe in being polite and appreciative of those who help us. It's the least we can do." he replied.

"Well, it's working," Michalis commented, grinning. 

"The innkeeper seems to really like us." he said.

Draco nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It's important to maintain good relationships, especially in a new city. You never know when you might need a friendly face." he advised.

"So, what is our plan for the day?" Michalis asked, once everyone had finished their breakfast.

"We'll be going to the guild, and then we'll begin looking for a familia," Draco replied, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I wonder what kind of familia we'll be joining," Clair said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I have one in mind, but if that doesn't work out, we can try joining one of the top familias," Draco explained, already formulating a plan in his mind.

“You should all get ready. We will be heading for the guild in a few minutes” Draco announced.

"Y-your leaving," Cleo stammered, as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"No, we're not leaving forever. We'll be back by the evening," Draco explained calmly.

"Really?" the little girl questioned, her voice laced with uncertainty.

"Yes, really," Dimitra interjected, offering the child a reassuring smile.

'Weird that she would get so attached to us. We were basically strangers until this morning,' Draco thought, slightly perplexed by the girl's reaction.

"We'll also get you candies when we return, right Draco nii?" Eleni asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

'Tsk, that brat still remembered yesterday, and now she's using Cleo to pressure me,' Draco thought, stifling a sigh.

"Yeah," Draco replied, forcing a strained smile.

With that, Cleo returned to her mother's side excitedly, allowing the family to make their way back to their rooms.

Before leaving the inn, Draco made sure to purchase a large backpack to carry most of their valuables. 

He couldn't bring himself to trust that the inn would keep them safe, so it was best to have them with him at all times.

They had a hard time convincing Cleo not to follow them, the child's eyes filled with a mix of sadness and longing.

She had seen the large backpack and assumed they were leaving for good.

'Hopefully, I can find the goddess Bahamut today. So, we can begin dungeon diving soon,' Draco thought, as they exited the inn.


The warm sun shone, casting a comforting glow over the path ahead. 

The sound of busy people going about their morning duties filled the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

Following the map he had purchased the day before, Draco led the way towards the guild, his family members trailing behind him, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.

"It's so different from last night when we arrived," Clair remarked, taking in the sights around them.

"Yes, the daytime view is quite impressive," Michalis agreed, his gaze sweeping over the bustling city.

Eleni and Nikolaos walked hand in hand, their excited chatter filling the air as they pointed out various landmarks and buildings.

Dimitra and Vasileios observed their surroundings with a calm, measured gaze, occasionally exchanging hushed whispers.

Vasiliki clung to Draco's hand, occasionally pulling him to look at anything she found amusing along the way.

As they approached the guild, the number of adventurers coming and going increased.

Upon entering the grand structure, the family was immediately struck by the magnificent interior. 

The glossy stone floor and the walls, a mixture of wood and stone workings exuded a sense of quality and craftsmanship.

Numerous booths lined the walls, where guild employees interacted with various individuals, processing requests and providing information.

A large notice board adorned the far wall, drawing the attention of many who sought to post and accept quests, it also included important updates on the happenings within the city.

Draco observed the interactions, carefully studying the different lines and the purpose of each one.

"It should be this one, I think," he said, gesturing towards the line for new citizens.

"Follow me," Draco instructed, leading his family towards the designated line.

As he waited patiently for their turn, some of his siblings couldn’t stop looking around at everything.

"Look, Niki, there's a huge board with all kinds of requests!" Eleni exclaimed, tugging on her brother's sleeve.

"I wonder what kind of adventures they go on," Nikolaos mused, his eyes strained, trying to read the various postings.

“Stay in line and don’t wander off” Draco warned.

Finally, their turn came, and Draco stepped forward, approaching the booth.

"Good morning, how may I assist you today?" a Hume-bunny girl with long, flowing blue hair and captivating ocean-blue eyes asked. 

Her bunny ears twitched occasionally as she spoke in an articulate manner.

The girl was dressed in the standard guild uniform – a black vest and pants, a collared long-sleeve shirt underneath, and a grey bow tie, exuding a professional demeanor.

"We are new to Orario and would like to register with the guild," Draco stated, his voice calm and polite.

"Ah, a newcomer," the guild employee remarked, her eyes slightly widened, a bit perplexed at his wording. 

"Do you also plan to register as an adventurer?" she asked.

"Yes, after we properly settle and find a familia," Draco replied.

"We?" the girl questioned, her brow furrowing slightly.

"Ah, yes, me and my family," Draco explained, gesturing towards his family behind him.

Clair and Eleni directly behind him, waved at the guild employee cheerfully. 

The girl subconsciously waved back, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

It was not a common sight to see a whole family seeking to become adventurers together.

"I see," the girl said, clearing her throat. 

"May I have your names, papers and the date of your arrival in the city?" she requested.

Draco proceeded to provide the necessary information, handing over the papers they had received the previous night upon entering the city.

"Excellent, let me just verify this quickly," the girl said, stepping away from her booth to retrieve a stack of documents.

Upon her return, "Here are the forms you will all need to fill out, along with a fee of 7,000 Valis per person to complete the new resident application." she explained.

Draco took the papers and diligently filled out the required information for himself and his family members.

"Here, I've finished everything," he said, handing the completed forms back to the guild employee.

She briefly reviewed the documents, ensuring that all the details had been properly provided.

"Excellent, you and your family will now be granted a temporary resident permit. As long as you all abide by the city's laws for the next six months, a permanent resident permit will be issued," she explained.

"Now, regarding your adventurer application. Wait a bit" the girl continued, stepping away from the booth once more.

‘Wait I feel like I am forgetting something’ Draco thought while glancing at some adventurers trading their monster magic stones.

‘Oh shit, I completely forgot that we had some surface monster magic stones’ he remembered.

‘Sigh, would they even be worth much’ he wondered.


The sound of a heavy book being placed on the counter snapped Draco back to attention.

"This is an updated book containing information on all the current familias and gods we are aware of, residing within the city, as well as their addresses," the guild employee stated. 

"Please take some time to look through the list and decide on a familia to join." she said.

She then continued, "It is not recommended that you enter the dungeon without receiving the blessing of Falna despite your combat experience. Therefore, we cannot grant you an adventurer permit or appoint a guild advisor at this time." she stated.

"I see," Draco said, glancing at the thick book. 

This was an outcome he was hoping for, it was now going to be easier finding the goddess Bahamut.

"Is there a place where we can sit and review this?" he asked.

"Certainly, you can wait over there," the girl replied, gesturing towards a seating area.

"Thank you," Draco responded, collecting the book and leading his family to the designated waiting area to begin their search for a suitable familia.

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