Reborn in the Mist

A Promise, Not a Threat

I’d made my decision to visit Amegakure myself. Of course, I’d be accompanied by a strong force of shinobi and I’d have Mei and Daiki working on the inside. But like many of my plans this was but a far off intent, I wasn’t so arrogant to think I could take on the Six Paths of Pein as I am.

Jason wasn’t all comfortable with the idea but at the same time gave faith to it. It was certainly dangerous to approach but given how the Akatsuki operated— capturing Tailed Beast chronologically— it meant I’d be safe from capture until the One-Tailed and Two-Tailed beasts were taken first.

But that was no excuse to relax, especially if I wanted to get the edge up on Obito. I wasn’t sure how long until he attacked Konoha but I had Kiri shinobi there and could simply ask them for information. Either way, I felt it wouldn’t be until my sixth month as Mizukage, then I could start poke-nosing into Konoha’s business.

For now, I needed to sort out mine and Kiri’s. In preparation to meet with hopefully Konan and not Pein, I needed to ensure Isobu was on my side and that I cashed in on Uncle’s inauguration gift. And even before all that I had to ensure everything with the Kaguya was settled so with Lord Funato guiding me, I headed out to inspect the Mizukage’s Estate.

I gave very little consideration to Uncle’s last option— warring throughout the Land of Water— because this was easy, less time consuming and it spared lives. Kiri was just coming out of a war, I wasn’t keen on throwing it back into the fires so soon. I’d barely gotten used to being Mizukage to begin with.

I glanced back at my assistant, Junichi Hoshigaki, who I often forgot existed. The young man was taller than I as most were but the way he slouched, his dart-eyed ways and his ever present short notebook and pencil cast him in a lower light than his rank as Chuunin, and station as my assistant, would’ve.

He caught my gaze and fidgeted, straightening his back and putting on a stern face for passer-by’s who couldn’t keep their eyes away. I tried not to be too disappointed, I didn’t have a proper assistant until him and random Chuunin would man the desks outside my office as well as inform me of visitors or Jounin looking to put in mission requests.

It was inefficient and most times I wasn’t in the mood to humour any additional requests or visits, a fact that many of the temporary assistants failed to understand. Junichi though, he understood that when I said something I meant it and I appreciated that at least.

He’ll get better, unlike some people…

Lord Funato has been nothing but a sour puss. I realize that he wasn’t simply against hosting the Kaguya in his clan compound, he was against hosting them in Kiri entirely. It made sense now why only Uncle gave me valuable advice on what to do about the situation and even then, I had to ask.

His presence beside me scared away many of my usual fans, shinobi and civilian alike. I wasn’t fool to the fact that of all the clans in Kiri, his held the most power as the First Mizukage was born of their clan. Such a reputation goes a long, long way.

At the moment, he was escorting me to a property that his ancestor built, likely with the Funato clan in mind as well. And to see it given to Kekkei Genkai wielding barrel scum, it must pain him so.

Unfortunately, I felt no sympathy in his plights, the Mizukage’s Estate was rightfully mine and had I known I could utilize it to my wish as I do now, I’d have done so without bothering to ask for his help. It angered Yagura that he used my ignorance of the fact to his own ends but I let that anger disperse with each step towards to property.

The Estate occupied a large piece of land east of the Central District. Botanical gardens of vibrant colours adorned its perimeters, while elegant stone pathways guided visitors through the lush greenery. Towering trees whispered ancient tales as gentle breezes carried their secrets through the air.

The people here were sparse and many stopped to greet Lord Funato first before turning to bow to me. Greeting him first was a non-issue for Jason, he was older, the clan head to many of them and by the reaction of garden’s proprietor I bet he was its source of funds as well.

But for Yagura it was a clear sign that my authority as Mizukage wasn’t being respected enough. I chalked it up to my short reign and set it out of mind. The surroundings were beautiful and well taken care of, preserved actually, as the scenery felt like something from an aged past even to Yagura.

We walked into the property proper and though I’d caught a glimpse through the trees and over the fence, the magnificent mansion sitting at the heart of the Estate was a breath taking sight to witness.

Its grand façade was a testament to the Funato clan’s influence within Kiri, especially given the fact that the entire place was empty, devoid of life save the guards at the gates and the caretakers.

I shook my head as we strolled past swats of lush grasses, a pond and crossed a little bridge that drew over a fast flowing stream. The mansion itself bore Kirigakure’s symbol upon its face, large and screaming in the same manner as the Mizukage Tower.

Lord Funato struck his cane as we sighted the doors leading in and he spoke for the first time since I told him our destination, “Here it is, your Estate.”

There wasn’t any emotion in his voice but I could tell he wasn’t terribly pleased with what was happening. He took a breath and clacked further in, he was silent but I knew he had words for me so I turned to Junichi who has been marvelling and gasping.

“Stay out here for a bit will you and make notes for the best places to put training grounds and-”

“And homes? I’ve got it sir!” He said, alert and eager to work.

I hummed and let him be to follow after Lord Funato. He pushed open the doors with his cane, the mansion was well taken care of but still quite dusty. He didn’t seem bothered and continued to walk on in silence.

I observed as much as my eyes could cover, it was beautiful, like most of the property and already had furniture wrapped over to fend the dust. Parts of it were made of wood and other rooms were of concrete, I wasn’t sure how that was managed but I appreciated the extra protection the building brought.

Lord Funato walked through halls, stared at excessively large alcoves and pondered beside a dried up fountain. I fell at his side and wondered if he’d speak or if he waited for me to.

In the end, I broke the silence, “I know what you’re thinking.” His silence was an open invitation for me to continue, “You’re worried, worried sick that I’m bringing in the enemy to camp at our backyard. You’re thinking I’m too soft, too young to make the hard call…but I already have.”

At this he raised his head ever so slightly.

“Kirigakure is going to change, Lord Funato and we’re going to change it together. I-”

“I am thinking…of my family, my clan and its legacy. What we have contributed to this village is…well, you know. You are the next, you are the present. I stare at all of this…old and decrepit standings that have gone without use and I see myself in them.

“You say Kiri will change, that we will do it together, but Yagura-kun, you’re already doing it on your own. Perhaps, my days of leading the clan should have come to an end long since, perhaps it is time now to let go and allow the ancient and forgotten to have a true use. For I cannot help you, Yagura-kun.”

I wasn’t expecting that but… “And why not? I believe you can, in fact, it’s why I asked you to bring me here. Who else will see this place transformed but you?”

A lie. I brought him here to shove it in his face…just a bit.

He shifted and pressed a sharp gaze on me, “Transformation is for those that are willing. I will ask one thing of you, as Mizukage.”


He shuffled closer, “Before you bring in your change, make those responsible for the threats against my granddaughter and my great-grand child answer for their crimes. I have not forgotten and until I am certain those responsible are seized…I will have no rest and neither will you.”

Ayye! Good day! I've got new chaps up on bmac for curious folk and I have fully returned. There's been more discussion around Jagura and his actions or inactions and as tempted as I am to respond, a lot of my response will take away from the story seeing as I've written chapters touching said concerns. Unfortunately, we can only wait for the chapters to come out in their time so that things make sense. Anyway, glad to be back posting and reading your thoughts ^-^
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