Reborn in the Mist


I left Tea Country for Midoriwara the next morning, leaving the Princess to handle negotiations with the Tea Daimyo. I trusted her to safeguard the interests of Kirigakure but if that failed I trusted she’d safeguard her own vested interests.

The journey to Midoriwara was smooth, the Tea Daimyo had been generous enough to lend one of his ships and even some of his guards, though I rejected the latter, the former was vital as Princess Hanako would return back to the Land of Water capitol on the ship we travelled in.

It took less than two days cruising between islands for the Tea Daimyo’s fine ship to make port at Midoriwara. My visiting presence on the volcanically active island was more of a detour than anything else. I would check up on what Rina Hozuki had accomplished with the Nettou Clan she’d discovered and saved from Kumogakure, get her direct report on the incident and return home to deal with the many, many prisoners I now had under lock and key.

“Welcome to Midoriwara, Mizukage-sama.” A Chuunin under Rina’s command greeted once Ao and I disembarked. I could tell at first glance she was from the Funato clan, the shade of her hair and the extra uneasy as she bowed, or was that tiredness?

“Where is Chuunin Rina Hozuki? She should be here to receive Yagura-sama.” Ao demanded, as I looked around the port that had been hastily repaired.

I’d read on Rina’s report intently, mostly because of the involvement of foreign shinobi but I recall well enough the details of it. She did good, real good. Needless to say I was impressed and grateful for what she’d achieved with a team that was merely meant to be a ceremony to remind Lady Megumi who controlled whose destinies.

Turned out far better than either of us thought but now Megumi will never stop thinking her clan most proficient of all others.

“Captain is working with the village head and Jounin Terumi, the Nettou clan has-”

“What was that? Mei is here?” I asked, cutting the nervous Chuunin off.

“Yes sir, arrived soon after we wrapped up our rescue operations.”

Ao and I shared a look, “Alright, take me to them.”

The Chuunin rose, turned swiftly and marched off at an uncertain pace. I shook my head and sped up into a comfortable sprint for her sake. I’d been cooped up so much in the office I rarely got a chance to mingle with my shinobi, I couldn’t blame the Funato Chuunin for being unsure of herself around me, especially when it’s little secret their clan headed the blood cost of this war.

All this awkwardness should change soon. I thought as we sprinted through the colourful thicket of Midoriwara’s vegetation. It was a beautiful place full of natural hot spots, geysers and of course, a volcano off in the distance.

My thoughts quickly shifted back to Mei. I hadn’t assigned her any tasks or duties since she’d returned from Amegakure, she wasn’t needed for the war, it was overkill enough to deploy the entirety of the current Swordsmen rather than able divisions of Chuunin under one or three reliable Jounin.

But I wasn’t thinking so much of restraint as much as I was getting the job done as swiftly as possible. Still, that begged the question, what was Mei doing out of the village? And on Midoriwara of all places too?

The answer came as quickly as I asked and I almost felt like smacking myself upside the head for not seeing it right away. Bloodlines, the Nettou Clan share a Bloodline ability with her.

[Boil Release] was one of Mei’s strongest weapon, a terrifying technique that didn’t care to discriminate between friend or foe in battle, much the same with her [Lava Release].

We arrived at the village in short time and found the village in an upheaval of work. Men, women and even children aplenty were up and down the place. Sorting through piles of rubble and organizing remoulded brick chunks for bricklayers.

The village seemed to be going through a downward expansion, specifically toward the site of a past landslide where trodden homes had been buried underneath mounds of earth. There was a downward path leading into the new extension, several ladders for up and down movement of pails of water or cement mixture.

All in all, the quiet hamlet Rina had described in her report was bustling more than I’d imagined. Mei’s handiwork I’m sure.

The Chuunin led the way into the village and few of the workers stopped what they were doing to acknowledge my presence. Some part of me doubted they understood the significance of the haori and hat I wore but then there was the glitter of amazement and childlike awe in some of the younger men, right alongside the twitch of fear in the older ones.

“This construction…I presume it’s all to accommodate the Nettou clan?”

“Yes, it is.” The Chuunin answered, “Rina-taicho alone was a convincing force for the effort but once Jounin Terumi arrived, her [Earth Release] quickly motivated the villagers to the potential, though not more than her words on the value of a clan like the Nettou.”

I hummed at that, sharing another look with Ao who bore a slight smile now, “You sound inspired.”

The Chuunin blushed, “A bit. I..,um, I helped save the Nettou clan from Kumo-nin but it’d just been a mission for me until…I think Terumi-san is right, the Nettou deserve a place, a safe one, a home like any other.”

I raised a brow at her words. I hadn’t expected such from a Funato but I supposed that was simply the effect a person like Mei Terumi had. I nodded, “I’m glad to hear it.”

We walked some more down the dusty road, few buildings ran parallel between us and ahead was clearly the village’s town hall. There stood a company of men with one standing out in particular as he watched us approach. At a certain distance he stepped away and walked forward with his entourage.

“We greet you a fair welcome to Tauyi village, great Mizukage.” The old man made a show of bowing past his own walking stick and the men behind him followed suit. “Forgive our indecencies, we were not expecting such an honourable guest.”

“Think nothing of it. I’m here for a short time.” Over my shoulder I asked the Chuunin, “Where are those two?”

Before she could answer the paper doors slid open with a slam as Rina spilled out of the town hall, breathless, eyes wide and hair a mess over her face. She found me instantly and hurriedly straightened herself as she marched over to kneel.


I found myself smiling down at her, fully pleased to see her once again, “Rina, it’s good to see you. I thought I’d stop by to hear your report; I see things have progressed at an exciting rate though. Well done.”

I didn’t miss the blush flash on her cheeks as she rose and tucked a loose strand of blue locks behind her ear, “Thank you, sir. It’s been a group effort.”

“Ah..yes, yes it has been.” The village head interjected a bit too eagerly. I wondered about that as Rina’s smile turned to a scowl in a flash.

Without allowing him to speak another word I ordered Ao, “Go find Mei would you? I’m sure she’d welcome your familiar face in all this…effort.” Ao bowed shortly and vanished as I turned my attention to Rina, “Come, let’s take a walk, let the village prepare the hall while we stroll. Chuunin Funato, you may assist.”

I needn’t say it directly but the old man that led the village got the message loud and clear. Rina’s mood perked up a bit and we left the village head and his entourage to prepare for whatever they will as we strolled further along the cliff side.

Once we were sufficiently far away I said, “I really am glad to see you again, Rina, but business before pleasure. What was that all about?”

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