Reborn in the Mist

Something About the Rain

It was Sunday and so it rained. Mei found it odd that a single day out of the week was designated for rainfall in the village, it contradicted everything she’d learned about it prior.

They rented an already furnished flat for their needs, a generous amount of ryo from the mission pot but it was worth it because while their neighbours might not be the friendliest they were easy to interrogate under the pretence of new residents. It was the old couple next door that informed them of the scheduled rain, they found it odd but the only explanation they got was that it was the ‘Angel’s Gift’.

Mei’s partner, or rather, darling husband Daiki simply found it refreshing, said it gave people time to do their laundry, kids the chance to play without getting ill and so many other pointless defences. He knew as well as she did that rain wasn’t commanded and if it was, at this scale, it had to be a jutsu.

Daiki was better than she was at playing house, which Mei found surprising given all her dreams of a family. But this wasn’t a true family so she forgave herself for not feeling as comfortable as he. Daiki was more experienced with infiltrations having spent more time in the ANBU than she dared.

It was good though, he was easy to work with and together Mei believes they put up a show convincing enough of the eyes trained on them. But that’s another thing, since they passed the multitude of examinations before being allowed to enter, there have been a number of eyes on them.

Not enough to make her worry about the mission being found out, no, just a healthy amount of surveillance she’d expect from any competent shinobi village. Except, that changes entirely on Sunday.

Mei stared out the window, it was almost noon and yet the skies were darkened with so many rain clouds it might as well be night. Idly she drew her knife through the slab of meat they’d be having for lunch and dinner all while musing the rain.

She’d stepped out to enjoy it when it started at midnight but when the first drop fell to her cheek she knew something was dangerously wrong with it. It fell from the sky like a god had thrown out a bucket from the heavens and for over eight hours its intensity never eased up. There weren’t any playful drizzles before hail or even lightning arcing through the clouds to announce its presence.

Nothing but rain.

The entrance door opened and she felt Daiki’s presence, heard him dripping all over the floors. He sighed, tired from a long, cold day of pretence.

“You’re back early. How was the job hunt?” she yelled out from the kitchen, snapping back to reality and eagerly chopping up the meat and moving on to the vegetables.

Daiki groaned, “Ah…they aren’t looking for anything I can offer and they’re wary of me. Apparently today is a holy day, everyone with a roof has a shrine lit for the Angel.”

The denizens of the rain were extremely isolationist, it’s a miracle they even got in but even then, to find work, find a place to stay or even begin to ingratiate with the systems here as an outsider was a challenge of its own as the people could always tell who was new and who wasn’t.

“How was it here?” Daiki asked, coming in the kitchen and leaning by the counter. He plucked a slice of onion and chewed.

As mission leader Mei decided it would be best if she played the role of a housewife, often going out on strolls with her patchwork basket to shop for foodstuff bits at a time. She was still young enough that it would garner suspicion if she went out looking for jobs like Daiki but at the same time not quite old enough that she’d relate with the other housewives nearby.

She’d made some acquaintances in the market after a couple visits, they were easing up to her and the healthy ryo she provided also made her some quick friends. In time she’d grow comfortable with the loosest lips and many of the questions plaguing her about this ‘Angel’ of theirs and whatever happened to Hanzo would be answered.

Mei looked over at Daiki, waving the knife at the rain, “Did you feel anything? Aside from cold I mean.”

He thought, eyes watching her knife swings closely, “Uhm, like when I stepped out? Hmm, not really. What are you thinking?”

She sighed and went on chopping, “You know what I’m thinking.”

He stayed silent for a moment before shifting closer, his hand glided over hers and forced them to drop the knife as he seized them. “Come, I’m soaked in the rain and I have only you to warm me up.”

Daiki was a handsome man even if he wasn’t her type, but her type didn’t matter, this was a mission and so she let his arms wrap around her in a tight, warming hug. He kissed her cheek and whispered, “You know now isn’t the time, let’s be patient.”

Advice from a more experienced officer. She planted a kiss on his lip as they pulled apart, patting his cheek affectionately she said, “Go, change up and I’ll have lunch ready in a few.”

Daiki grinned like the happily married man he wasn’t and left her to finish up with lunch prep. He was right, it was too early to make any major investigations, besides, they’d sent back word to Kiri about the successful infiltration and have yet to receive further orders. There wasn’t any need to be hasty.

Yet, Mei felt something was bubbling just under the surface here and perhaps it was just her inexperience but it was unsettling how everyone in the rain pretended like Hanzo didn’t exist. And what was all this talk about the Angel? Were they the one behind the scheduled rain?

The question that plagued her most though was what Yagura was thinking, what did he know? What were his intentions for this place? Why were they here?

Mei sighed at her furrowed brows and tried to relax, it wouldn’t do any good to earn wrinkles over something she had no control or say in. Still, she’d already begun wishing she were home, she missed her village and though it’s barely been a week since they infiltrated, Mei could tell this would be a long mission.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and the quite mysterious 6th patron; Someone for being a part of the library!
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