Reborn in the Mist

The Tea Daimyo

"Hanako-chan~~!" The Tea Daimyo was a short—not as short as me— beer bellied middle aged man drowning in regalia of jewels, rings and the one gold piercing on his lower lip. He grinned widely as he swept Princess Hanako up in a bear hug she squealed at.

"AHh! That's enough!" her fists drummed lightly against his head, knocking the gold embroiled green cap off his head as her feet flailed for the ground. 

They separated and the Daimyo's escorts, plain-faced attendants— but really poorly disguised shinobi hired to protect him— helped pick up the cap. The Princess flushed as she peaked over her shoulder at me, "He's-"

"My Fumi misses you dearly, Hanako-chan! When will you come play with her next? I can't promise she'll be as cute as she is now." The Daimyo set his cap right as he tuts, "Children nowadays, growing like bean stalks I tell you!"

There was nothing in my memory telling of the relations between Daimyo's, not even in the precognitive memories I inherited. For once, I didn't know how or who went with the other.

I stepped out of Princess Hanako's side and presented myself. I wasn't close to being in full regalia but neither was the Tea Daimyo, I had settled for a little combination of duty and comfort, sticking with my haori, regular mesh armour gear underneath and my most important scarf. 

"Hello, I am the Fourth Mizukage, it's nice to meet you well and in person, Daimyo-dono." I set out my hand for a handshake and oddly, the Daimyo breathed a deep sigh of relief as he snatched it.

"Oh, goodness! That's good to hear! I thought you would be the man to steal my Hanako-chan's heart." There was a genuine relief in his voice that I wanted to crush by backtracking and accepting the Princess' proposal a month ago, but the lecherous gleam in his eye as he sized her up and down told me their relationship didn't need any help from me.

He's quite old too, but I suppose there's no royal man off the table once it comes to marriage. Hanako squirmed under his gaze and his attendants behind him watched my reaction to his sudden invasion of my private space closely.

I smiled thinly and extricated my hand from his perfumed palms, wincing at the tingle in my nose. "Perhaps in another life I would be the one with that honour, for now, I am most grateful you deigned to meet us so unexpectedly, we should have given earlier notice."

Half-truths and lies. I took in the bright lit hall of the Tea Daimyo's palace; I hadn't been to that many extravagant places outside of Kirigakure but this easily met my expectations.

It was rectangular with three open exits and a tall ceiling where scented lanterns hung, illuminating and aromatizing the atmosphere. A shame Ao can't come in to experience it. The ceiling itself had some kind of scribbled wood, like the multiple pillars holding up the place dripped onto it to form a wood milky sea with green islands circling the main lantern.

There were paintings and haiku's framed at the walls, specifically behind the elevated position where the Daimyo would sit and address his guests. Pillows rather than chairs, I tried not to mind but given my inherited preferences it was difficult not to frown a bit.

"Ah, I understand the nature of these things more than you know, Mizukage-sama." He moved with a flourish, walking over to sit at his elevated spot while his attendants/guards readied the teapots that seemed to be brewing long before we walked in.

The Tea Daimyo sat, flashed a grin at Hanako-hime who smiled back, "Now then, how does the Land of Water fair? Both Kage and Princess have paid me an unexpected visit, I must admit, I am intrigued."

Again, I had to subdue a frown. I understood that the Daimyo's and Kage's were a transactional, balancing act of a relationship but I genuinely thought the Tea Daimyo would hold some…respectable amount of fear at my presence.

He looked between the two of us and I nodded at the Princess, letting her carry out the talks. It seemed he favoured her anyhow.

"It's about…"

Important as the meeting with the Tea Daimyo was, I let their words trail off in the back as my thoughts returned to the Princess's audacious demand— Yureisen.

The island, last I read, was liberated from the plague of Bloodline Killing nobles at my orders. The noble in question was likely waiting in a cell right alongside Watanabe, Tetsuya and the Kumo goons they hired. 

But more than that, it was my original intent to allow the Funato and Hozuki clans rule over Yureisen and Midoriwara once the war was over and the rebuilding begun. Which happens to be…now

"But you must understand, Daimyo-dono, there are precedents you must set for…" 

I nodded along with what the Princess was saying, no doubt I could rely on her to drive the point that neither I nor the Daimyo would allow the Land of Tea to swallow our islands, loyal ruling nobles or not. But I bit my lip in thought, what could she want out of ruling an island herself?

The more I thought about it, the more I recognized that my original plans need not be put aside. I couldn't allow either Funato or Hozuki to grow beyond Kiri itself, in either power or political standing. In that case there is some merit to placing her as a…custodian? Interim baron?

I shook my head, resigning to come up with a name for the position once I had a greater understanding of her goals. Still, I lamented I didn't have Raiga or his informant on the Princess, Jin, to fill me in on her thinking.

I've been away too long.

"Not long enough." Isobu rumbled within, allowing me a small smile, "Take this opportunity there might not be many others."

Opportunity to what?

"Don't tell me you need an informant to tell you what she is thinking? There is ample time, space and reason to discuss in detail.

I chewed my cheek. Isobu was right, as always, there was no need to speculate to nothing, I merely need ask, control the narrative and negotiation as I have in the past.

At that thought I cleared my throat and joined in on the conversation at last, "Daimyo-dono, I believe what the Land of Water is asking is not only fair but just. Perhaps you understood my predecessor more than I but for the sake of coming to favourable terms against the lands in contention, I will describe myself as willing to ensure the peace of mind of my Daimyo."

The Tea Daimyo returned a tight smile back as he and his attendant-guards shifted uncomfortably at my fixed gaze, "I see…of course, yes." He swallowed thickly and hesitated to sip his tea but once he did, "I'm sure we can come to a greater understanding, precise and uh…just as you say."

"Good, I expect nothing less but for now, I believe we've discussed enough. The Princess is a resilient Envoy of our Daimyo but weariness from a long journey at sea is no good for her beauty. How about a recess, we'll pick this up tomorrow?"

A reader helped discover an error in my chapters and I just feel really bad about the mix up. What I get for doing 20chaps ahead and crossposting on six sites. 

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