RE:Born – Necro

Ch 75 – A cute little ferret

"Ehto... Ace? Can you say something?" Necro fiddled with her fingers as she looked at Ace, sad by her side on an expensive couch.

"What do you want me to say?!"

"I don't know?! Maybe why we are stuck in this room? Or what the heck is this all about?"

"You say that as if I'd know! Hell, Why am I stuck here too?"

"... What do we do?"

"I don't know... For now we wait, I guess..." Both girls stared at each other. Neither knew for sure what the heck was going on, but one thing was clear, it was not good.


"What is it?" Necro asked Ace, her foot beating the floor like a rabbit's.

"I don't know!" Ace yelled. "I don't know... I just—" Ace struggled to find words to express herself, the anxiety getting the best of her.



"Chill... We're in this together, right?" Necro kissed her, breaking through her own mood to grab her out of that uncomfortable place.

"Thanks... I just—"

"Don't talk. Just stay here." Necro silenced her once again with her finger, nestling together on the sofa. A faint smile could be seen on her lips, as Ace's shoulders slowly dropped, relaxing under the warmth of her embrace. "See? Everything is gonna be fine." she whispered, before nibbling on Ace's ear, drawing a held back moan."

"Sto~p it... I'm getting embarrassed." Ace sheepishly claimed, her breath slowly ragging up as her ears grew red.

"Is fine. At least you're less nervous." Necro shrugged, using the excuse as a means to hide her own fears.

"Who's the girl?"


"I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to scare you, but I got too enthusiastic." Necro watched in awe as the woman in front of her bowed in apology. Out of nowhere, a couple of minutes ago, the door to the waiting room burst open, with a loud and powerful voice calling for whom she was. The owner of the voice was none other than the guildmaster, but contrary to her expectations, the person was but a mellow folk.

Necro kept holding herself from putting her arm out to pat the small round and furry ears of this beastkin. The large dark circles around her eyes, despite being caused by clear sleep deprivation, only further enhanced the charm of the ferret-kin woman. Her skin was light, but a dark hue could be seen where her body hair changed colors like on the animal itself. Her tail was long and fluffy, and she was, to put it plainly, the first beastkin Necro ever talked to.

"It's okay, you got excited and burst in and we got scared, it's fine, really fine." She stumbled with her words trying to make the small woman stand up normally, her cuteness taking over Necro's self control.

"No, but I— squeeeeek!" As the beastkin bowed deeper, Necro lost her shit, immediately caressing the beastkin's ears, and leaving both Ace and the clerk awed.

As the oddness and surprise died down, the clerk sat across from the girls, but much to Ace's dismay, the "normality" of the scene was still not quite there.

"So... As you were saying, Fara, this girl here is a terrific Mage, is that so?" Asfett asked, as if it was completely natural, to the embarrassed clerk.

"Yes, guildmaster. I've never seen anyone with this level, even among the A-tier adventurers."

"Is that so... Skeeet— I really love it when you do it there!" Yes, completely breaking the tense mood of the conversation, the beastkin guildmaster was... on Necro's lap.

"Amunyuuuuu~" And Ace herself was fuming in jealousy at how cuddly the two were. "Ahem! Do you intend to be like this until we leave?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Necro countered, as if nothing was happening, completely ignoring the fact that both the clerk and Ace were completely flushed.

"Hehe~ Your friend here is jealous~!" The guildmaster giggled, her feet dangling in front of Necro's legs, unable to reach the floor. Ferret-kin were a tiny race, and this one was no exception. Despite her cute and small appearance, Asfett was a middle aged beastkin, although, much like elves, humans were seldom able to realize their aging. "I've been here for decades already, Icey. You should already know the person I am. I'm not gonna steal your friend from you... yet."

"OI!" Ace jumped on her feet, shying back and sitting back down as she saw the smirk on the woman's lips.

"You are young and energetic. But you really need to learn when to chill out and fall back. We are just—Kyuuuuuuuuun~!" The ferret's eyes rolled as she moaned with her mouth wide open. Out of a sudden, the powerful and teasing beastkin was rendered powerless, her knees bending inwards as a wave attacked her.

"Please don't tease her too much."

"Tehee~ Sorry, I got carried away." Biting her lip and completely ignoring what just happened, the guildmaster turned back towards the flustered clerk, proceeding as if nobody had seen what just happened, and as if she was not holding herself back from jumping onto the girl behind her... That would've been quite problematic.

"I'm happy to have you join us, but I can't fear having such a powerful fellow that just showed up on my step out of nowhere... Are you certain you were never related to this guild to begin with?" After having hopped off of Necro's lap, the guildmaster asked while sitting across from them, next to the clerk.

"Yep, I was never an adventurer before." Necro nodded.

"And you have never killed or betrayed any adventurers in your journey so far."

"Nope, never." she said, 'At least not in this life...' is what she was thinking though. But there was no way for her past life to be a problem.

"Good then. Here's your Adventurers' Guild Card. Don't worry if you lose it, we can get you another one for cheap. But since you can avoid lots of pains with identification, I recommend you take good care of it."

"Thanks Asfy."

"It's fine, this but my job. Every time you come back to town or something please tell the girls downstairs I'm expecting you." She nodded, her ears twitching slightly teasing Necro's instincts.

"Okay. We'll get going then, thank you for the hard work." Ace hopped up, heading to the door.

"Guess you don't want to hear about your promotion rewards then..." And froze, as the small voice called her from behind talking about something she yearned.

"I... guess I can stay a bit more." She shied, making both Necro and the guildmaster giggle.



I am officially back.

Thank you all for waiting.

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