RE:Born – Necro

Ch 89 – The quack

"They arrived too fast. Quick, get your stuff and let's leave." the girl told the startled Ly.

"What do you mean? We still have to wait for him to w—"

"It's all fine. I'll pay you later, but you should go now." the girl hurried her, helping her up.

"O—okay..." Dusting off her shoddy-looking cape, Lyara stood up and started double-checking her things.

"You, witch! Get away from him!" Until a man barged into the room, pushing her away from the bed and making her fall flat on her ass. "You are trying to curse this family, aren't you?!" he yelled.

"What?! I have done none of that! They asked me to come and help, you should be complaining to the person who poisoned him!" She raised to her feet, looking around to see some of her things scattered about.

"Poison?! What are you talking about, you insane hag?!" the buff man yelled. She had seen him before, he was the younger brother of the man lying on the bed right now. If memory served her right, there used to be two more siblings, but both had died horrible deaths by disease.

"He was poisoned with poorly made oil!" Frustrated, Ly raised her voice, almost yelling at the man, who was still fuming.

"NONSENSE!" A middle aged male voice screamed from the door. She knew that voice rather well...

'The quack is here... amazing...' she thought, rolling her eyes at having to interact with the disgusting man again.

"This is perjury, you witch!" the man spouted, spitting on the ground. "I am a qualified healer, vouched by the Holy Church! You are but a witch, how dare you question the quality of my medicine?!" His voice sounded high and mighty, but not in the good sense, more like a farce trying to look powerful.

"If your medicine is so good, how do you explain that man almost dying because of it?!" She yelled, making the girl and the woman run back to the room, only to be stopped by the buff man from earlier, who had taken a step back as the doctor went in and challenged Lyara.

"But of course, it was you! You are but a witch that knows naught about the fine arts! You have done some witchcraft to make him fall ill and extort this poor family!" Trying to turn the tides and make the family against her, the man screamed bloody murder.

"This again?! Learn how to own up for your mistakes, you quack!"

"What did you call me, you pagan whore?! I'll make you pay!" the thin middle aged man, decrepit and senile like a way older person, had his bald face shining red in anger.

"Try me!" she yelled at him, "But only after smelling the shitty oil you gave him!" With her words, the wife handed the uncle the pottery containing the oil, for him to open.

"This is high q—" the man began speaking after opening the jar, not even taking a small sniff at it, only to be interrupted by Lyara, who clearly understood what was happening.

"You ground bitter almonds and didn't purify it, you retarded quack! You almost murdered him!"

"LIeS!" his voice cracked, as he started to panic. "You are lying through your teeth, you sly witch who sleeps with demons!"

"Says the runaway priest who leans on the church for its authority since you almost always kill your patients! If that's what God endorses, he's no better than a demon." she spat out, making the man's eyes shine in hatred.

"BLASPHEMY!" He yelled, loud enough for even the neighbors to hear, if there were any. "What is that on the bed?!" He yelled, finding himself a scapegoat. The dark red fluid and the injectors she used, that he could absolutely not comprehend what were. "You tainted this man's body with the Devil's Blood! Not only are you a witch, you're a satanist too! You sacrificed this poor man's soul to the devil!" He screamed, trying to hide his sly smile.

"Stop lying, you charlatanic bastard!" Realizing there was no hope in the conversation, Lyara quickly grabbed what she had on the ground and the bed, putting it all on her small chest and closing it.

Seeing her prepare to leave, the faux doctor yelled at his partner in crime, "Vanhardt, don't let this woman leave!"

Watching the buff man walk towards her, with the clear intention of hurting the woman who she had invited to help, and trusted, the girl jumped ahead of him, hugging his legs, so as to not let him go any further. "No! Leave her alone! She came here because I called her, she came to help!"

"Lies! You were also seduced by the devil!" From between them and Lyara, the man yelled.

"No!" Lyara yelped, as the loud sound of a slap echoed across the room, the girl falling down to the floor in tears. "Stop! Don't do her any harm. It's me who you want, right, you piece of garbage?!"

"All those who flirt with the dark arts shall perish under the smiting blow of divine justice!" With a disgusting smile, the man walked towards the fallen girl, his staff on hand. The girl's mother watched from the door in tears. There was no way she could defy those two, especially not without her husband... and with only the help of a frail girl who looked as old as her daughter...

"STOP!" Ly yelled, rushing forward to stop him from hurting the poor kid. As he and the brute turned towards her, their mouths dropped, as a blue light began gathering on the tip of her fingers.


Sorry for the large delay, I forgot to upload chapters. Too much stuff going on this end of year.

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