Red Princess

Chapter 11: The Moment After

A sweet smell was the cause of Maren's awakening, and when he slowly but surely blinked his eyes open, fully expecting his head to burst in pain, he was surprised to feel merely a small fracture of what he had been expecting. 


However, he had also been expecting to still be in captivity, and thus, he was proven wrong once again the moment he actually glanced around the room he found himself in. In a mere matter of seconds, the sheer familiarity grew without any bounds. He was situated within a comfy bed, and the familiar scent it emitted inevitably reminded him of-


-his eyes suddenly snapped open, glancing at the room once again. Just opposite of the bed he was lying in stood another in close proximity, and he knew it, because that was the one Amaragi had given him when she convinced him to move over to her own chamber. Which meant that the one he was currently occupying was actually-


Before his mind could process it any further, he only now witnessed the sounds of water nearby, coming from the washroom not far away. The longer he remained in place, desperately trying to believe that everything around him was real and not simply a dream, a single thought began to worm itself into his mind. And it refused to leave him alone. 


Truthfully… he had… not expected to leave the hideout alive anymore… but… if he was here now… 


… did she actually find him and…? 


The droplets of water began to cease in the washroom, and before long, steps approached from the other side of the door until it slowly opened, and Amaragi carefully stepped outside before gently closing it behind her again so as to avoid any unnecessary noise. 


Her hair was neatly combed and freshly washed, as were her clothes and attire. And all in all, there was no trace of any kind of… dirt… anymore. 


Her eyes widened slightly in surprise the moment she realized that Maren was already wide awake, but alas, a warm smile formed upon her lips before she slowly approached the side of the bed and gently took a seat directly next to him. 


Reaching out a hand, she placed it upon his cheek while applying the lightest amount of pressure, encouraging him to sink back into the fluffy confines of the blanket and pillow before she actually leaned her head down near his chest, her eyes gazing into his own all the while. 


"How do you feel…?" her voice was light and gentle, carrying with it the amount of concern that was reflected in her eyes as well. 


"... I'm fine, really…" his eyes closed when the memories from before returned in front of his mental eye. Amaragi's smile softened when she heard this, tenderly leaning further against him while her hand almost absentmindedly stroked along his neck and throat. Together with the memories, she felt his body stiffening ever so slightly at the touch, but her smile didn't cease. 


And so she allowed her hand to rest upon his throat, her fingers gently caressing the skin of one of his most vulnerable spots, conveying a silent promise. 


That she would never harm him. 


As the images continued to course through his mind, a phantom pain almost flaring to life at the spots where he had been hit, it stood in complete and utter contrast to the hand that was caressing him, and the presence that was not leaving his side, constantly reminding him where he truly was now and that the images in his mind were just that, images. 


It all suddenly caused him to let loose the words that were lingering in his throat. 


"... thank you… thank you so much… I…" a finger gently placed against his lips, and the moment he opened his eyes once more, his small gasp was silenced when her warm lips suddenly engulfed his own, her body leaning further against him. And a single tear rolled down his cheek, silently falling down upon her shoulder. 


He was the first to slowly pull back, leaving her to gaze into his eyes the moment he did so, a silent wish reflecting at him. 


But regardless of everything he had experienced, there was a part in his mind that reminded him who those people once were who had taken him. And thus, slowly but surely, his eyes almost began to shiver when he looked back at her own. 


"... what happened to them…?" 


A long silence reigned in the air for what felt like an eternity to him. But even so, as he gazed back into her eyes, he almost swore that for a fracture of a second, he had seen a change within them. 


A blank coldness that stood against all of the warmth and care that she showered him with. 


One that left as quickly as it had appeared the moment these words left her lips in a silent whisper. 


"... they threatened youthat is all I needed to know…" 




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