Red Princess

Chapter 3: The Royal Family

Imposing. That was one of the many things which came to mind if Maren were to describe the entire interior of the Imperial palace, or rather, what he could already see. The main hall alone already made him feel like a small ant, and the marble stone floor beneath him was completely polished. An overly large staircase, decorated with a crimson carpet, led further into the center of the palace to what he would assume was most likely the throne room. If anything, the amount of guards standing both at the beginning as well as at the end of the staircase were more than likely an indication. 


However, he internally pushed these thoughts away and instead, he tried to memorize each section of the palace as best as he could. He could not forget his purpose and his mission… 


Amaragi was calmly leading him ahead, and it was only then that he realized where they were actually going. If his previous assumption was correct, and they were right about heading towards the throne room… 


… a shiver coursed through him. He had never seen the Emperor before in his life, but the many tales preceded him. And they were enough for him to picture him in his mind. 


"I hope all of this is not too overwhelming for you, I know it all might seem a bit overly monumental." her voice sounded a little louder within the grand hall, almost echoing ever so slightly. 


Even though it didn't help immensely, the small distraction at least served to calm his nerves a little bit, for he still couldn't really fathom why she would lead him to the Emperor himself. In general, it was still almost impossible for him to try and fit into the situation which he had more or less been forced into. 


"It sure is quite imposing…" in comparison, he tried to keep his voice as small as possible, especially as they ascended the large staircase and passed another pair of guards. A small chuckle tore him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see that she was glancing at him with a smile. 


"Imagine if you grew up within this palace as a child, the entire building would be nothing but a giant maze and playground for you. You'll get used to it, really." she returned her eyes ahead, leaving him to ponder about that. That comparison… actually made him see it in a slightly different light. 


"Sister!" just as they reached the end of the staircase, he perked up once more when a young boy seemingly charged towards them, and Amaragi barely had the time to catch him in her arms as he practically threw himself at her. 


"I'm glad to see you, Kiel." he watched the scene unfold as she hugged him back, and from what he had witnessed, that was her younger brother. Which meant, in turn, another member of the Royal Family. Much like her, his hair was a fiery and deep crimson in color, matching her own as much as her eyes. Clad in a similar kind of fashion, it was still a bit surprising to see that he was already carrying a sword upon his belt as well. 


However, when the young boy noticed Maren's presence, he parted slightly from the hug to look at him with curious eyes, albeit he momentarily remained behind the safety of Amaragi's back as he stared at him. 


"Who's this…?" Amaragi reassured her brother with a gentle stroke upon his head before she turned to face Maren. 


"A friend, his name is Maren. He is a traveler and has only recently come into town." internally, Maren winced ever so slightly whenever he heard the lie about himself, but it was only amplified once the young prince began to stare at him with wide eyes, which were filled with nothing but pure wonder and amazement. 


"You must have seen a lot of places before, right? Will you tell me stories about them?" Maren was slightly taken aback as he shifted in place, albeit he couldn't avoid the innocent stare he received from Kiel. 


"Yes, of course… I'd be happy to…" and suddenly, he was almost thrown to the ground when Kiel tackled him, hugging him with a large smile that reached from ear to ear. 


"Yesss! You're the best!" from his left, he could hear the stifled chuckle as Amaragi held a hand to her mouth. 


"Looks like someone has already grown fond of you." Kiel parted slightly from Maren once he had used the majority of his energy for his bear hug, albeit he still cracked a mischievous grin towards Maren as he 'whispered' to him in a faked manner. 


"My sister can be a bit weird at times, but she's a good person inside, promise… but shhh, you haven't heard that from me- ahh!" Kiel yelped the moment he was pulled slightly at his ear, all with Amaragi staring at him with narrowed eyes and two hugely raised eyebrows. 


"I see how it is. Perhaps we should delay the storytelling for a little while." 


Maren watched the whole scene in earnest, and in the end, he had not even realized that a smile had started to tug at the corner of his lips. 


However, Amaragi gently let go of Kiel as she ceased the playfulness, and her expression grew more serious. 


"Kiel, I need to see father, and I believe he wanted to talk to me as well. Is he unoccupied?" just like that, so, too, did Kiel grow more stiff as he glanced at the ground. 


"He is, but… if you want to see him, he's in a foul mood today." Kiel almost whispered these words as he fumbled with his gloved hands, but Amaragi merely hummed once. 


"When is he not?" 


Just as she motioned for Maren to follow her, Kiel suddenly perked up again with a determined expression. 


"Can I come with you? If he's mad, I'll share it with you!" Amaragi stopped briefly as she glanced at Kiel, and in the end, she allowed a small smile to show upon her lips. 


"I'll remember it for another time. But this is solely for me, it does not concern you as of now."




"No." in the end, Kiel heaved a long sigh as his shoulders slumped, but he heeded her words and slowly took his leave. 


Amaragi watched him go before she heaved an almost inaudible sigh herself, albeit she said nothing further and motioned for Maren to follow her once more. Somehow his mental picture of the Emperor had only grown worse, and as they approached a large and beautifully decorated double door, he noticed how his breathing began to fasten. 


Albeit suddenly, he felt a hand around his own. 


"Please leave the speaking to me unless he addresses you directly, alright? Do not fear." he felt how she gave him a light squeeze in reassurance before she let go of his hand and the guards at the entrance opened the doors towards the throne room. 


Silently, they both entered before the doors behind them closed again, and Maren was left to take all of the sights in. Whereas the main hall had already been marble and beautifully, albeit sparsely, decorated, the throne room was even more imposing. Several grand pillars were leading up to the throne, along with the same crimson carpet, and banners with the Empire's insignia were dominantly hanging down on each and every one of the columns. Not many structures or decorations were filling the room, but the objects that were present emanated an imposing atmosphere. 


And there, at the very end of the room where another staircase was leading up towards the throne, sat the ruler of the whole nation. 


"I have returned, father." Amaragi's voice rang out and broke the silence as she approached up until the beginning of the staircase, keeping a respectful distance. Maren kept an even greater distance, but he heeded each advice that she had given him. However, it was hard not to shrink back as the eyes of the Emperor stared him down from above, having settled upon him the moment he had entered the throne room. 


"... so I see…" 


Despite the few words that he had spoken, they already emanated an oppressive and authoritative sensation. However, despite that, his eyes had never shifted away from Maren. 


Maren knew of the Emperor's name, Sumeragi. But this being the first time that he saw the man for himself, he could not deny that all the tales he had heard fit right upon the description in his head. Unlike the armor of all the Imperial guards and soldiers, his was colored in a pure shade of black, merely stripes of red clothing decorating the imposing armor at certain parts and places. 


From what he could gather, Sumeragi seemed to be fairly old, his hair having long turned gray for the most part, but a certain amount of its original red hue was still evident nonetheless. A black and modest crown was resting upon his head, thin and simple in shape, but equally decorated with crimson rubys. 


And beside his throne was an oversized battle axe, leaning against the marble stone wall. 


"Your escapades are beginning to occur on a regular basis. Must I remind you again that your combat prowess and knowledge alone do not free you from your duties, child?" each word he spoke echoed deeply along the walls, and each word seemed to be colder than the last. 


"That is not needed, father." but the first thing Maren noticed was the change in Amaragi's entire attitude. Unlike before, her posture was straight almost like a statue, poised with elegance and authority. And if her father was staring at her with cold eyes, she was returning it in the exact same manner, not a single feature upon her face even hinting at the kind of smile which she had worn before. 


A deep hum echoed through the room and Sumeragi shifted, the clattering of his armor sounding in the air as he leaned his chin forward upon his hand, his elbow resting upon his knee. 


"And yet you bring an outsider before me, one who holds no significance, or am I mistaken?" 


"He stands under my protection. If you want to blame me for sneaking away outside the palace, you might as well shift it to your soldiers instead. It is shameful enough that a pair of thugs managed to threaten an innocent person on the open street without being punished." Amaragi's voice never raised in volume, but each word carried more and more venom and spite, shrouded in a cold and emotionless exterior. 


Again, another deep hum sounded along the walls. 


"Answer me my question, child, and tell me who this is. And more importantly, why you brought him here." his eyes were entirely fixated upon Maren, and the latter couldn't even begin to discern what kind of thoughts were coursing through Sumeragi's mind. 


"A traveler. The same victim that I have saved in place of your soldiers, who have failed in their task. I offer him shelter and protection as a compensation, he stands under my care." just as she spoke these words, a deep chuckle suddenly sounded within the entire throne room. Amaragi narrowed her eyes in response, her hand clenching ever so slightly. 


"And by what chance do you think I will oblige?" Sumeragi leaned further down, a challenging look in his eyes as he stared her down. 


"It is simple."


The whole room turned deathly silent the moment a sword was drawn, the metallic sound echoing like a poisonous shrill. 


"If you oppose my intentions, you will have to fight me for it first."




Maren could barely stop a gasp from escaping him as he watched Amaragi in utter horror and shock, even though her stance never faltered and her sword was clasped tightly in her hand, her eyes boring into the ones of Sumeragi. 


Why would she do that…!? 


Even as his entire mind was screaming at him to stop her as well, to do something to prevent her from getting into trouble for standing up for him once again, Sumeragi suddenly stood up from his throne. 


Steps echoed and sounded in the entire hall as he descended the stairs, but even so, Amaragi didn't move an inch, her eyes merely following each and every movement of her father. All until he stopped a mere meter in front of her, standing much taller than herself. And his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. 


"Sheathe your weapon, child, not a single drop of blood will stain this room through either of us." silence reigned for a long moment in which the both of them gazed each other down, but in the end, Amaragi sheathed her sword once again. And it was then that Sumeragi's eyes shifted back towards Maren once more, this time being much closer. But after everything Amaragi had done, he only looked back with a blank expression. 


"... so be it. You may do as you wish, allow him shelter if you seek to do so, under one condition…" almost immediately, Amaragi narrowed her eyes, but Sumeragi didn't spare her a glance. 


"Our soldiers are currently present in the nearby village of Amaranth, along with your sister. I will have you assist and command them there to suppress the seeds of rebellion which have begun to sprout, as punishment for your neglect of your duties. However, if you wish to keep him, he will assist you in this endeavor and fight alongside our troops."


"What!?You cannot be serious, I will accept going there on my own, but you cannot expect this from him, he is not versed in combat-" 


"Silence." Amaragi held her tongue with gritted teeth once Sumeragi spared her a threatening glance. 


"You may have proven that your attitude befits that of a member of the royal family, but I have a limit for my patience, and you are no exception to that. You say that he is not versed in combat…" 


Sumeragi had turned his back towards Maren as he spoke… 


… until suddenly, he unsheathed a sword from his belt and moved to strike him with a crushing blow. Having only a brief second to react, Maren's eyes shot wide open with a gasp before he instinctively pulled out his own sword beneath his cloak and revealed it as he blocked the vicious strike with all of his might. A second strike followed, predictable in its movement, but crushing in strength, and Maren struggled to block it in its path, albeit he stood his ground. 


Amaragi had unsheathed her own blade immediately after the shock, but even before she could make a move of her own, Sumeragi smirked before he pushed Maren back with a swipe that was merely meant to disengage the both of them. 


Maren was breathing heavily, adrenaline coursing through his blood, but Sumeragi merely sheathed his blade again. 


"... to me, it seems that he possesses more than enough knowledge in combat. Your awareness is lacking, child." and with that, Sumeragi didn't spare either of them another glance before he took his leave, retreating back into his chambers. But his order remained clear. 


However, even as Maren slowly recovered from the shock, so too did he miss Amaragi's slight staring as she looked at the blade in his hands, internally replaying the scene of his quick reactions in front of her mental eye. 


But in the end, she sheathed her blade again and pushed her thoughts aside. 


Albeit her curious stare never ceased. 




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