Red Princess

Chapter 7: Turning The Sides

When the first rays of sunlight shone through the glassy window and upon Maren's closed eyelids, he slowly began to wake, and he felt utterly… strange. Sleepiness was still tugging at his eyes, however, his dried cheeks reminded him of all the tears he had shed once all of his bottled up emotions broke free. It felt… so very relieving. 


But when he actually grew aware of his surroundings, he also came to realize that the warmth he was feeling in his chest didn't stem from that. Laying almost upon him, Amaragi was peacefully sleeping with a sweet smile upon her lips, their arms and legs entangled while her head rested against his own. Her crimson hair was tangled as well, and even though they had both been asleep with all of their attire on, when he glanced at her face as it was highlighted by the sunlight, he felt as though he was watching an angel sound asleep. 


Albeit it didn't last forever, since his own movements soon caused her to stir too, and her eyes slowly began to blink. At least, until they settled upon him, and her smile turned even sweeter. 


"Good morning~" her voice was light and carried a cheerful undertone as she raised her head slightly. Whereas Maren was internally overwhelmed at all the sensations he felt, as well as the position he found himself in, Amaragi didn't consider in the least to cease her hold upon him anytime soon. 


If he asked himself why, Maren would have too many questions flooding his mind on why he felt so much… out of place. She was still the crown princess… seeing her so carefree, so open, so… revealing, to him, it didn't feel just. 


But all these thoughts were silenced the moment she suddenly cupped his cheeks and claimed his lips with her own, caressing him under her gentle touch as she held him. When she slowly, almost hesitantly pulled back, the biggest and most pressing question of them all coursed through his head. One that had merely been suppressed the night prior, but it had never faded away in the slightest as it resided in the depths of his mind. 


She actually… 


I forgive you, I am here for you, you needn't worry about anyone else anymore who only wishes you harm. I love you


… his mind was blank. Confused. Scared


About the sheer amount of care that she was directing at him, and everything it implied. 


Why did she… her position… she couldn't possibly… 


His attention was suddenly drawn to a certain amount of commotion that could be heard from outside, and even though it only mildly interested Amaragi, she reluctantly followed his gaze. 


Down on the streets, an even larger crowd than usual was gathering at the main market place. A multitude of soldiers and guards were assembled as well, and for once, the sight which caused such a scene in the first place also caused many people not to really pay attention to the large number of military that was present. 


Quite the contrary, actually, for the gruesome scene which was displayed made the people feel more secure with the soldiers around. 


"So that is why the night patrol was not present yesterday…" Amaragi left the sentence openly hanging while Maren was still staring at the scene down below. There, four dead guards were carefully being covered with thin blankets, the dried blood still covering parts of the street as the corpses were brought away for a proper burial. 


And once again, the guilt was tugging at his heart as the scene from the night before replayed in front of his mental eye. 


But before it could take root, Amaragi engulfed his hands with her own, tearing his attention away from the sight and towards herself. Thus, he couldn't avoid the gentle smile she was directing at him. 


"Everything I told is the truth… I know that, in your heart, you don't want anyone to come to harm. But still, you decided to fight against them…" a small gasp escaped him when her arms suddenly enveloped him, her head pressing against him as she hugged him dearly. 


"... I can't thank you enough for trying to protect Kiel." he was almost paralyzed in her hold, the sheer amount of warmth that he felt tearing him apart. He didn't deserve it… he betrayed his own allies, he… all that he was is-


-almost as if she had read his every thought, Amaragi slowly but surely pulled back until she could gaze into his eyes directly. 


"You are one of us… never think otherwise. From now on, and forever after…" her eyes were almost hesitant, as if she hesitated to speak further, but instead, she simply hugged him once more, holding him against her. 


She didn't need to voice her mind, not when she could show it instead. 


And soon, he would come to realize it as well. 



Leaning against a wall, Namagi was patiently waiting near her sister's bathroom until the door finally opened and Amaragi stepped outside with her attire straightened and her hair freshly washed and combed. 


However, when the latter spotted her sister leaning against the wall, obviously having waited for her, Amaragi stopped to glance at Namagi with a questioning glimmer in her eyes. Unlike most of the time, Namagi was not carrying her favored saber with her as she idly flipped a coin with her right hand, at least until she spoke up. 


"I was looking for you after I heard about what happened last night. I couldn't close an eye before I checked upon Kiel and saw him safe and sound myself…" Namagi heaved a deep sigh, and despite her normal lack of expressing emotions, the distress upon her face was clearly evident in that moment. 


"... I just wanted to talk to you personally afterwards. Figured it would be rude to intrude that late at night… so here I am, I guess. Most of the guards and soldiers I have spoken to had no useful information, and I didn't want to confront Kiel with this at any cost." almost curiously, Namagi looked at her older sister with a slight tilt of her head, her blank gaze showing almost that she was internally deep in thought. 


"... you seem… quite in good spirits regardless, though." it was merely an observation, and Namagi patiently waited for a reply as Amaragi raised her eyebrows slightly. 


"I just… desperately needed a long rest after what happened. I'm still utterly grateful that I came in time to stop Kiel's assailants." now, it was Namagi's turn as her eyes widened slightly in surprise. 


"I didn't know that it was you who saved him, thank goodness that you are alright as well. Albeit I have less to fear when it comes to your combat skills." a hint of a smile showed upon Namagi's lips, but her sister merely shook her head slightly. 


"You are giving me too much credit when it was not me alone, Maren had helped me greatly as well." for a second time, Namagi's eyes showed no small amount of surprise. However, Amaragi was merely staring at her younger sister in a humble and genuine manner. 


"He did? Then I will be sure to thank him later as well." however, upon hearing this, Amaragi merely held her hands up slightly with a small smile. 


"There is no need, I know that he does not favor any open attention from others. He is just as glad as I am, truly." Namagi regarded her sister for a small moment with her usual blank gaze, albeit the hint of curiosity in her eyes still remained. 


At least, until she shrugged slightly in the end and simply nodded her head. 


"If you insist… then I will probably see you later, have a good day, Magi." with a last flip of her coin, Namagi caught it in her hand before she slightly pushed herself off the wall. And with that, she finally took her leave, the sounds of her steps slowly fading away as she rounded a corner. Amaragi continued to look ahead where her sister had been standing a moment prior, and internally, she all but smiled, her hands crossing behind her back as she closed her eyes in pure and utter content. 


Yes… her day was absolutely going wonderfully




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