Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 26.

Chapter 26. ~Rewards for Her Efforts~ (4/7)

She entered the bathroom, stripped off her clothes, and returned to the living room with only a towel around her body. She laid down in the center of the fabric I spread on the floor.

I held onto her hair, tied it up with a scrunchie, and let it dangle overhead in front of her to avoid it coming into contact with her bare skin.

I placed a second towel over her bottom and told her.

“I’m going to remove the towel covering you for now. I’ll place a second towel to cover your lower body before I do. Is that okay?”

“Mmm. Do what you need to do.” She said meekly.

I slid the towel out from under her body so only her lower body remained covered. Her back was fully exposed to me.

I opened up the bottle of massage oil I purchased earlier today and squeezed some onto one hand. I unraveled her towel from behind and covered her lower body. The only thing I’d told her about the reward today was that it was a massage. I’d never mentioned the specifics. She may have originally thought I meant something like a simple shoulder massage, but I intended to give her a full body massage with oil.

With everything in place, after I warmed the oil up in my hands, I placed my hands on her bare back and rubbed it into her skin. I used my thumbs to press down onto her muscles to the left and right of her spinal cord between her shoulder blades and worked my way down to her waist. I then squeezed the muscles around the sides of her waist with my fingers and thumb working side to side and up and down. I then balled my fist and rotated my knuckles up and down rolling them across the back of her waist.

With my thumbs, I dug into the region near her hips and pressed down firmly. Her bottom raised up slightly, her waist sunk, while her upper body arched back a bit on its own in response to the massage. She wasn’t in pain though as she hadn’t let out a peep. Rather she looked unusually relaxed.

I moved my hands up to her shoulders. I used my fingers to squeeze the area in front while I pressed my thumb to massage the back of her shoulder. Her muscles were loosening up. Her body laid there limp without exerting a single ounce of energy. The only thing you could hear from her was her peaceful breathing indicating she was feeling completely at ease.

I placed my fingers under her arms and squeezed at her sides skillfully before I moved onto her left arm. I slowly worked my way down one segment at a time carefully, methodically without missing a single one. Her hand I used my thumb to massage in between each bone in her dainty little fingers. I used my other fingers to simultaneously massage the palm of her hand. I then reversed it and used my fingers on the back of her hand and thumb on her palm.

I repeated this exact same process for her right arm.

Once finished I tackled her neck. I lightly tapped with the tip of my fingers into the region behind her neck only digging in just far enough to gently caress those muscles enough to loosen them up. I didn’t want to apply too much force to this area in fear of hurting or injuring her. 

With her upper body on the back completed. I moved down to her legs. Once they were oiled up I squeezed them with my fingers and thumb. Starting from her thighs at the back and working around to the front. I worked lower until I got to her knees. I was very careful with the back of her knee by the joint and used minimal pressure with my thumb carefully rubbing it from side to side but not too far a distance. It wouldn’t be good to accidentally pull a muscle out of place here by being brutish and overly aggressive. A tender caring touch was required.

I eventually got down to her calves where I made good use of my thumbs. My fingers would apply some pressure on the opposite side, but my thumbs were what really did the work.

I eventually got down to her cute little feet. I used my thumb to press into the arch at the center beneath her feet. I then rotated my hand and slaps took care of the opposite side with my thumbs. I stretched her toes out a little one by one then carefully squeezed the balls of her feet with my entire hand. I also used my thumb to lightly press the area around the bunyan directly below her big toes. I did squeeze it dead on with my thumb though.

I lastly pinched the muscles in the area around her Achilles’ tendon together gently with just the right amount of force. My fingers were used on the opposite side by the joint moving it from left to right.

Finally finished with the back of her body I asked her, “Can you turn around?”

Without even questioning it she turned over. It was like she couldn’t even care if I saw everything with the state she was in.

I hurriedly covered her chest and lower body back up. With two separate towels. Her eyes were fully shut. It looked like she was floating on a cloud judging by the wide dreamlike smile on her face.

I immediately got back to work. I did a second pass over her upper thighs this time properly from the front. I worked upward until I reached her joints which I dug into with my thumbs. I did them through the towel trying to be a bit considerate but she raised her hand and pushed the towel out of the way as if it was bothering her. If any more of the towel were removed… well I’d have seen everything.

Shaking my head to shake off any strange thoughts forming I returned to my work. I raised one leg up and stretched it out by pressing it down against her body. I then bent her knee and pulled on her foot to straighten it out to stretch her calves out. I then lowered her leg until her shin was flat against the ground which stretched her hamstrings out fully. I kept them in each position for a minute or two.

I repeated this and process for her other leg as well.

Her muscles were quite flexible.

Finished with her legs I moved on. I angled my fingers downward and pressed into her lower abdomen while moving up and down. I then placed my thumbs on the sides of her waist and squeezed together with my fingers over her core moving upward from her abdomen, passing over her naval area until reaching a bit above her thorax where the lower part of her rib cage was located.

I used my thumbs to them press into the region directly below her breasts in line with where her rib cage came together. I worked around the sides of her breasts with my thumbs not touching them directly. Up until I reached her armpits where I pressed into with my thumbs and moved them around while squeezing the area around the socket with my other fingers.

I moved up once more and dug into the region under her collar bone with my thumbs. After that, I used my middle and index finger to massage above her collar bone. For the front of her neck, I very lightly pinched my thumb together with my index and middle finger. 

Finally, I moved up to her face. I pressed in my thumbs beside her cheek massaging the area where her gums were inside her mouth. Still using my thumbs to press inward, I moved to the sides of her jaw as I gradually worked my way up to her temples. I positioned both my thumbs over her temples and stretched my fingers out in a cross shape over her forehead before I squeezed it together and rubbed in a circular fashion. Lastly, I moved both my thumbs to the lower back of her cranium and used my fingers to squeeze from to the top of her skull. 

When I pulled my hands back, I was finally finished. The entire process had taken me an hour and a half.

She never opened her eyes once after I finished. Instead, she laid their unmoving still as a corpse. The only proof she was alive was her chest barely heaving up and down whenever she breathed in and out. She was so comfortable she appeared unwilling to move an inch or speak.

I covered her body up with the towel and let her remain flat on the ground in that glazed-over state of ethereal peace and tranquility for some time.

While she remained there, I filled up the bathtub with warm water and bubble bath.

After I figured enough time had passed I lifted her up off the ground and carried her over to the bathtub. I slowly lowered her into it and let her body submerged beneath the warm water with the towel floating over the surface to obstruct my sight. I kept her hair out of the water to avoid having to go through the trouble of drying it. I put my hand in the tub and raised up warm droplets of water and let them drip down across her cheeks and slide back down into the water from whence they came.

All her troubles, all her worries, everything, slowly drifted away as if they were all inconsequential. Her mind would remain in a completely empty state until she woke up from her peaceful slumber.

They would be washed away into nothing.

She had the most peaceful content smile I’d ever seen on her face up until now. 

I let her soak in the tub in this state for ten minutes before I scooped her out of the tub. I placed some towels on the ground and laid her down on top of them. I carefully swapped out the wet towel with a dry one with my eyes shut out of respect.

I thoroughly dried her body down before I picked her up for the final time. I brought her back to her room and covered her up with her bedsheet while pulling off the last towel covering her body from underneath.

At last, her reward for almost a full week of continuous effort was complete. She was already pretty much asleep by this point so I stepped out of her room and returned to the living room to clean up. I collected the piece of fabric I’d covered the ground with and threw it away. It wasn’t expensive and it was just intended as a one-time use to avoid making a mess with the oil. The wet towels were hung up outside the balcony in the living room to dry.

Done with cleaning up I collapsed on the couch and went to bed. Giving someone a massage for so long left my fingers stiff and sore. It wasn’t something I was by any means used to. I was far from a professional and couldn’t even be called an amateur. In all honesty, I know nothing about massages at all, I’ve never researched them or studied them but I used to have to do so for my mother after work when I was young. Her feet, legs, and back were always killing her working three jobs.

I’d just provided a massage based on instinct and familiarizing myself with her body. That was all. Thankfully it worked out successfully in the end. It turned out to be quite a good reward which made me a bit happy.

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