Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 476.

Chapter 476. Reunion. (3/4)

“I might as well bring this up now, but… even if I break up with Dawn, you do realize I have no control over what she does, right?”

Aurelia furrowed her brows and asked, “What do you mean?” 

“All I’m going to do is break up with her. But will she just accept that? If she continually chases after me and I continue to push her away, then what? What if she gets suicidal or something? Well, that’s none of my concern I guess. If she goes and kills herself... I guess that would be your responsibility rather than mine, wouldn’t it?” I shit her fiendish smile.

Aurelia ground her teeth together and glared at me menacingly.

“Why are you bringing this up?”

“Well, I was just thinking, though I won’t remove any of the clauses I put in, maybe you’d want to add a clause of your own? Since I put in that childish one, I don’t mind if you add in one of your own. Maybe a clause like forcing me to arrange a meeting between the two of you so you can expose me for the scum I am. The clause can even force me to acknowledge in front of her that everything you’ve said about me is the truth.”

“A meeting... with my daughter?”

“Well, I guess that’s too much of a task for a cowardly failure of a mother like you. Oh well, I guess Dawn will probably end up committing suicide. At least her blood won’t be on my hands but yours instead.”

“Shut up, I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it.”

“Then, want me to amend the contract to add this clause in?”

“Do it… I’ll meet with her and have her understand the vile scum you are.”

“Alright. As you wish.”

I snatched the contract back and added in the extra clause.

When Aurelia finished reading the entire contract over not once, or twice, but three times, she finally signed off to the terms set forth.

The sour taste in the back of my mouth affirmed the deal had been sealed. She had no escape now.

“Call her and break up now. We can set up a time and place to meet in the next few days once you’ve done that.”

“There won’t be a need for that.”

“What do you mean? Are you planning to go back on your words already?”

“Not at all.” I shook my head.

“What do you mean the-”

“M-Mom…” it was a timid quiet voice that came from behind Aurelia’s back a short distance away.

Her timing was truly impeccable. I couldn’t have asked for a better entrance. 

A wide devilish grin unconsciously crept onto my face as I sized Aurelia up. I nearly wanted to laugh when I saw her stiff face. The panicked look in her shaken eyes. Her quickened breath, chest heaving erratically. Lips opening and closing trying to find the words to say. The single word mom she hadn’t ever been called before was like a thunderous gong reverberating inside her head.

“… is that… yuh?”

Aurelia had been caught completely off guard by the suddenness. She hadn’t been given any time to prepare herself or sort out her thoughts.

“Dawn, we’re breaking up.”

Before Aurelia could even say a word, my words came crashing down ruining what should be their touching family reunion.

Dawn’s eyes opened a bit wider, they were filled with visible incomprehension the moment I made that announcement.




No one said a word and an awkward silence descended for the next few minutes. Nobody knew what to say. But thanks to that break in the natural flow, Aurelia had been given enough time to recompose herself.

I shot a glance Aurelia’s way with a smug look.

Aren’t I such a kind devil? Hehehe.

She just glared menacingly at me in return and naturally didn’t bother to thank me.

“Dawn… this boy is no good for you. He’s the lowest type of guy.”

“Huh? M-Mom? What do yuh-“

“Do you have any idea what he said about you behind your back?”

Aurelia turned around, brusquely approached Dawn, and started to rebuke her daughter as she went on a rant about all the terrible things I said about Dawn behind her back.

“He called you a stupid country hick. He said he’d be sure to bed you before he gets rid of you too! Then he even started boasting about how you can hardly be compared to the other women he’s sleeping with. But since he’s never done it with a girl from the country and you at least look good enough, he said he didn’t mind fulfilling your little delusional fantasy of getting together with a city boy before he dumped you.”

“It doesn’t end with just you though. First, he called me an old lady, then he called me a good-for-nothing incompetent cowardly mother. Well, I mean, about me, it’s all true, but he’s still an insensitive jerk!”

“He’s a brute. A thug. A pig. Delusional and immature, a child. Not only that, his writing looks like chicken scratch. He looks super gloomy. He’s a total creep.”

Aurelia placed her hands on Dawn’s shoulders and told her firmly, “He’s the absolute worst! And he’s sure as hell in no way deserving of my precious daughter’s love! You can do way better than him, so you can’t go and commit suicide because some lowlife like him breaks up with you!”

She really let that pent-up frustration toward me out all in one go. Well, she was furious, and rightfully so considering the things I said to her.

Rather than be angry about the things being said about me, I felt a little happy. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a masochist. I was just happy to see Aurelia so worried about her daughter. A mother’s love.

Dawn stood in place paralyzed not knowing how to react when her mother blasted her with so many complaints.

It took a bit before she was able to say, “Mom, Ran’s not like that at all. It must be a misunderstanding.”

Aurelia seemed hurt by Dawn’s doubtful words, her hands slid down off of Dawn’s shoulders as she said pained, “I knew... you wouldn’t believe me. Of course you’d believe him... He’s been with you longer than your moth- I have… but… ask him yourself whether I’ve uttered a single lie to you.”

She looked over at me perplexed and asked hesitantly, “Ran… are the things she said true?”

“She hasn’t spoken a single lie. I said everything she’s told you.”

Our eyes met.

This is your chance to get back on good terms with your mother. Just throw me under the bus. If you use me as a mutual enemy, it should be quite easy.

“Well, I’ve said what I needed to so I’m going now.”

Since Aurelia’s outburst just now, we were drawing quite a few eyes and I was getting a bunch of death glares from people who’d exited from inside the hospital to see what the commotion outside was about. I was the bad guy, the villain from everyone’s perspective, and my instincts told me I might really get shot by a passing busybody white knight of justice if I didn’t get out of here soon.

When I turned to leave there were hurried footsteps from my side. Two arms wrapped around me from behind. Someone’s head was buried into my back and I felt something wet through my shirt.

“Sniff. Ran’s not a bad guy, Mom. Sniff. He was never even my boyfriend to begin with.” Dawn’s head shook from left to right as she continued, “I asked him... to pretend to be my boyfriend today when I came to meet yuh... as a sort of moral support. He’s my good friend’s boyfriend. But... because I got cold feet at the last minute... he went and said all those awful things to make yuh mad… and stalled until I came back.”

It sounded like something was stuck in her throat as she did her best to ruin all my hard work.

“Now Mom hates Ran because of me.”

“Ah… Dawn… uh… it’s okay… uh… don’t cry. I don’t… hate him… uh ah what do I do? What do I do?” Aurellia clumsily approached while bumbling about with her hands up in front of her hesitant to reach out, clueless on how to handle the situation.

“Haaaaaah. You really are a clueless mother.”

I spun around and tore myself free of Dawn’s embrace sending her sun hat flying off her head. In doing so, I simultaneously grabbed ahold of Aurelia’s hands and wrapped them securely around Dawn’s head pulling her into her mother’s ample bosom. If there was anything motherly about Aurelia, it was no doubt this nuclear asset of hers. She was stacked after all.

“If you’re a mother you’d obviously do this to coax your child who’s on the verge of tears.”

“And you, stupid daughter who’s too afraid to face her mother, the one you should be hugging in this situation is your mother, not some random guy you’ve just met and only known for a few days.”

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