Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 484. (R18+)

Chapter 484. Heading to the Peak: The Peak. (2/3)

“Fuck~” Rosa gripped my shoulders as she cried out in ecstasy.


Going off the night before, it seemed she was pretty weak to this.

“Like that~”


In tandem with my thrusts, her hips wriggled about ensuring my erection ground firmly against every section of her inner walls. She was meticulous and made sure the tip kissed every last spot that could conceivably be reached inside her womb.

Going at it on the ground in this position was really taking a toll on my upper back due to all the rocks. The pain from my upper back mixed together with pleasure from my lower body creating a strange sense of incongruity.

But none of that mattered as the two of us knew we were quickly approaching our limit. Our bodies were still tired after a full day spent climbing. Rosa was better at hiding her fatigue on the way up, but by the end, I could tell she was definitely tired to a degree. Even if we’d rested for hours since we arrived, without a comfortable place to relax up here it was difficult to get proper rest.

“I’m abou u-” It was difficult to get a word out with her breast pressed up against my lips.

“Cum~?” Rosa wrapped her arms around my head and embraced me tightly.

“Mmm.” I couldn’t get out a word and could only make a sound of acknowledgment.


“We… hah… shouldn’t.” With great difficulty, I tilted my head to the side and got out two words with a gasp for air in between. Physically exerting ourselves in combination with the thin air was a recipe for disaster stamina-wise. No wonder people aren’t crazy enough to have sex on top of a mountain. Only crazy people would do this sort of thing.

“I want it~ please~ I’m about to too~” Rosa positioned my head between her cleavage so I couldn’t escape again. Was she trying to suffocate me to death?

Rosa buried her face in my hair as her muffled orgasmic words leaked out, “Mm Cming~” 

In sync with those words, her hips jerked back right as I gave one final thrust up off the ground. Her body formed a seductive arc as her upper body and waist jerked up pulling my head along in her embrace.

Her thighs clamped down on my sides and her legs wrapped behind me locking together.

Only my upper back and feet remained firmly planted on the ground. In that moment, my body remained locked in place with my waist spasming as I supported her full weight with only those two anchor points.

The semen rose up through my shaft and burst out 

“Ish sho hot~” Rosa couldn’t speak coherently while her body convulsed and sucked me in. The way her inner walls and the entrance to her womb contracted in a wave starting at the base moving up to the head left me feeling lightheaded.

A cyclic electric-like current of contractions flowed along, slightly ahead of Rosa’s contractions, within the shaft as semen squirted out in bursts within the deepest recesses of her body.

It splattered everywhere as my erection throbbed and thrashed about violently inside her womb as though it were desperately trying to rip a hole open and penetrate even deeper inside her body.

When it was over my body sank back down to the ground. Rosa didn’t release me. She kept her face buried in my hair. I could feel saliva leaking out from her mouth and the way she breathed in deeply.

It took a minute before Rosa broke the silence and asked, “Ready for round 2~?”

I adamantly shook my head between her cleavage.

“Whaaaat~? Why not~?” She pulled only her upper body back away from my head but kept her face buried in my hair.

“There’s no way… hah... I can immediately… hah… go for another… hah… round… with how sore... I am right now.” 

“Laaaaame… but, I guess I’ll let you off for now.” Rosa sat up straight and put her top back on.


“Well, it’s fine.” Rosa placed both her hands down on my chest and applied a bit of pressure through her fingertips lightly caressing my sore muscles as she continued, “I know how tired you were after the climb up here and in spite of it you still tried your best immediately after waking up. It honestly felt better than I imagined it would just because someone was trying so hard to make me feel good. It’s honestly my own fault for not considering this yesterday before we went at it like crazy but it was so hard to hold back last night when you honestly admitted that you wanted to do it.”

“Things never end up working out as you’ve planned in your head. Reality’s a real bitch.”

“Yeah. Still though... I’m definitely never going to forget these last two nights.” Rosa had a warm smile on her face.

“You’re really okay with just doing it once?”

“Yeah. So you better not forget about it either this time or I’ll really kill you. Since I don’t want you to forget like last night, it’s probably better we take it easy.”

“Not only that, did you forget we still need the energy to descend the mountain? Aren’t you tired, Rosa?”

“Honestly, I am pretty tired. Let’s go over there and take a rest. There’s a pretty good rock I found while you were snoozing that we can sit down on and relax not too far away.”

“Sure, my back’s killing me. Somewhere better to sit than here would be great.”

“Jeez, that’s what you get for falling asleep here despite me warning you. You should listen to your girlfriend more.”

“Girlfriend? Don’t you mean the wild animal who attacked me the second I woke up? Seriously, how was I supposed to know I’d really get attacked by a wild animal up here?”

She giggled with an avaricious grin, “Hehehe, it’s not like I didn’t tell you I’d attack you.“

Rosa picked up her mini jeans from the ground and stood up. I looked around but didn’t see her bag anywhere.

“Did you lose the bag you brought?” I asked as she slipped her legs into her mini jeans and pulled them up. Though she’d put them back on, she seemed too lazy to button and zip it up and ended up just leaving it open at the front.

“I left it by the rock I found. Come on, get up, let’s go.”

I stood up, zipped up my fly, and asked, “Mind telling me what was in your bag now?”

“Oh? You want to know?”


“You sure you want to know.”

Her smile somehow looked scary and ominous.

“Uh… if we’re going off stories I’ve read I think it’s better if I don’t know.” 

Rosa turned away from me and asked seriously right as she started to walk, “Would you... believe me if I said there’s a dismembered corpse in the bag that I plan to dispose of on this mountain?”

“... surely you’re kidding, right?”

“Am I?”

She peeked over her shoulder. I caught a glimpse of a terrifying grin.

My face stiffened up and I felt the blood drain from my face.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

No yandere. 

Please no yandere.

Yandere be gone!

The power of Christ compels you!

I recited all sorts of nonsense in my head praying it was a joke. The scariest thing in the world was a full-blown yandere. Assassins I could somehow cope with, but a full-fledged yandere, I couldn’t. Their level of obsession is too scary for my feeble little heart.

“Pfft hahahaha!” Rosa burst out into a bout of laughter clutching at her stomach. “The look on your face is priceless.”

“You can still see my expression?”

“Yeah, my night vision is pretty good.”

“Haaaaah. So it was just a joke after all. Don’t scare me like that. I was starting to worry I’d be next.”

“Yeah, I was just kidding… probably.”

“Stop messing with me.”

“But it’s fun messing with you~”

Pop. Screech. 

When we suddenly heard those two distinct sounds the two of us looked in the direction they came from.


Was it the explosion of a missile?


Then what was it?

A firework.

It was early into July. Fireworks going off today was only to be expected. But to be able to see any out on a mountaintop was pretty unexpected to me due to the trees. It seemed there was a town in the distance we couldn’t see shooting them off.

The explosions continued popping off one by one.

“So there really is a fireworks show we can see from here after all,” Rosa mumbled.

“It seems so. They’re pretty far away though.”

“At least we can see them from here.”

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