Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 493.

Chapter 493. Rekindling Old Flames before Parting Ways at the Break of Dawn. (1/3)


I woke up with a mild headache, nothing too bad.

Wisteria was by my side but she wouldn’t budge an inch. She definitely drank too much last night. She said she’d check out herself later on her own. Her flight was set for later in the evening today.

We parted ways there.

By the time I got on my motorcycle, I was already starting to miss her.

When I got a sudden text from her with a video attached, that notion flew out the window.

It was a clip of her masturbating beside me on the bed before I woke up.

Why did she always have to ruin things?

Well, it wouldn’t be her if she didn’t do these sorts of things I guess.

She’d been so well behaved yesterday too. She was a good girl at heart… if only she wasn’t like that.

Haaaaah. Whatever, I’m sure we’ll see each other again eventually.

I drove back to the farm early in the morning to pick up Rosa but it seemed they spent the night in the city together and they weren’t back yet.

I should have contacted Rosa beforehand. I blame the vodka from last night.

I sent her a text.

‘I’m back at Dawn’s farm, where are you right now?’

I received a response a few minutes later.

‘Sorry! We had a girls' night out with Dawn’s mom. We got wasted. We’re on our way back right now.’

‘You got drunk last night?’


‘You’re underage, what is Dawn’s mother thinking?’

‘Don’t be so stiff. Dawn’s mom’s pretty chill.’

‘Has she been drinking her sorrows away all these years?’

‘Yeah. She likes to drink.’

‘Did she say anything about yesterday?’

‘She… didn’t. What happened? You were pretty out of it yesterday too and Wisteria wouldn’t tell me anything either.’

‘Sorry. The target died right in front of me yesterday. It shook me up a bit more than I expected.’

‘Then the reason Dawn’s mom drank so much last night was because of that?’

‘Yeah… it wasn’t exactly a pleasant sight, to say the least.’

‘I don’t get it. He was a scumbag, what’s there to feel so bad about?’

‘He was a scumbag who betrayed her, but he was still her friend of many years. He did some messed-up things, but he wasn’t completely irredeemable. In the end, I couldn’t come to hate him. I might even feel a bit sympathetic.’

‘You’re sympathizing with the enemy? Aren’t you getting a bit too soft?’

‘Maybe. What’s Aurelia doing now?’

‘She’s out cold in the passenger seat.’

‘Wait, she finally decided to meet Dawn’s father?’

‘Decided to? Nope. I dragged her ass into the truck while she was out cold with a reluctant Dawn. Enough dilly-dallying around, she needs a push so I’m gonna push her.’

‘What if things go south?’

‘Who cares?’

‘She does.’

‘Well, I don’t.’

‘By the way, how did your date with Wisteria go after we dropped you back off at the cinema?’

‘Well… it’s a bit hard to say. We just bought a bottle of Vodka, rented out a hotel room, got drunk, and passed out on the bed.’

‘What the hell? And to think you had the nerve to criticize me for underage drinking? You’re no better than me.’

‘Haha… sorry.’ I mean, at heart, I’m over forty now so there’s a difference. I do not condone underage drinking. It’s an especially bad idea if you’re someone with little self-control.

‘Vodka’s pretty hard, how was it?’

‘It was awful. What’d you have?’

‘Red wine~’

‘How elegant of you.’

‘I’m a classy lady after all~’

‘How’d it taste?

‘It was really good~ the one I tried had a dark, sweet flavor.’

‘Dark? What the hell does that mean?’

‘Hehe~ heavy and tannic, dry with an astringent taste.’

‘You just searched that online to try and sound classy, didn’t you?’

‘I… did no such thing. How dare you falsely accuse me?’

I could practically feel her eyes averting away suspiciously to one side through her text.

‘Well, whatever. How long until you guys get back?’

‘Hmm… maybe in about ten to twenty minutes.’

‘Alright, I’ll be waiting for you here then.’

‘See you soon~ xoxoxo ♡♡♡’

So embarrassing… how do girls include stuff like that in texts without wanting to jump in a hole and die?

Feeling my face heating up a little, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and refused to continue staring at that embarrassing text.

A few minutes later I noticed Dawn’s father headed my way from out in the field. 

When he noticed me he called out, “Oh, kid, yuh’re back?”

“Yeah.” I waved at him awkwardly.

“Weren’t yuh and yer girlfriend supposed to be leavin today?”

“Yeah, we are.”

“I see... Are they inside?”

“No. They’re on their way back right now.”

“Yuh weren’t with em yesterday?”

“No, they were having a girls' night out.”


“What’re you sighing for?”

“My daughter. Just when she made a good friend she can have a girls' night out with, she’s already leaving. I can’t help but feel a bit sad for my daughter.”

“Well, that’s just a part of life. Meeting, parting, and reuniting one day again in the future, isn’t it?

“True. For my daughter’s sake, I only hope that day comes sooner rather than later. She’s still young, unlike her old man who it’s too late for.”

“Too late for? What do you mean?”

“Nothin, don’t worry bout it kid.”

It was pretty obvious what he meant.

“What if it’s not too late for you?”

“It is too late. I’m already in my forties now. I’m too old for those kinds of things.”

“So what if you’re in your forties?”

“Yuh wouldn’t understand.”

“I think I would though.” We were in the same club.

“What would yuh understand? Yer just a little teen even younger than my daughter.”

“Maybe. But how about we make a bet then?”

“A bet on what?”

“Whether it is too late for you or not.”

“Oh? And what do I get if I win that bet?”

“What’s something you’d want if you win?”

“Yuh sure yuh want to leave that up to a scheming old man like me?”

“Go ahead. I’m confident I won’t lose no matter what.”

“Oh? Confident enough to break up with yer girlfriend if yuh lose?”

“Sure, bet. You’re on.”

“What? Are yuh crazy, kid?”

“Not at all, I don’t take bets I’m not certain of winning.”

“Heh. I see, yer probably not takin it seriously and don’t even plan to go through with yer words even if yuh lose.”

“You don’t believe me? Then how about we get it in writing?”

“Yuh mean a contract?”


“Hold on. What do yuh even get out of this bet? What do yuh want if yuh win?”

“How about… your farm.”

“Pffthahaha! Take a hike, kid.”

“What? You’re not confident?”

“It has nothing tuh do with me bein confident or not. Yuh can hardly consider the wager equal.”

“I see. So your daughter’s happiness isn’t comparable to your farm. What a cold father.”

“Shut the hell up, brat. I know what yer tryin. Yuh think I’m an idiot who’d fall for a kid’s provocation. Get lost. I won’t play little games with me an my daughter’s livelihoods.”

“Hahaha. Well, it was worth a try. If the farm’s a no-go, then… let’s see… how about your house?”

“Kid, I’m about to throw yuh in the stable and let the horses trample all over yuh.”

“Hahaha! Okay, okay. I get it. I’ll try something more reasonable.”

“If yuh can’t think of anything, why not just ask me for my daughter.”

“Would you actually agree to that?”

“It seems it’s time for the stable, boy.”

“Honestly there really isn’t anything much I want. How about if I win you have to promise to get down on your hands and knees and beg your ex-wife to get back together with you if you meet her?”

“What the hell sort of condition is that? It’s basically the same thing that the bet’s about tuh begin with, isn’t it?”

“Huh? Weren’t we just betting about whether it was too late for you to do something that you didn’t specify because you were too old? Who said anything about your ex-wife?”

“So yuh were tryin to scam me outta my farm and house by playin words games.”

“Hahaha. It’s a shame you didn’t fall for that.”

“No wonder yuh were so confident in winnin.”

“Naturally. I told you I don’t take bets that I’m not confident in winning.”

“This bet’s not gonna happen I guess.”

“Sure it can. Let’s just go with those terms. If you ever meet your wife in the future you have to get down on your hands and knees and beg her to get back together with you. I bet she’ll say yes. If she does say yes and agrees to get back together with you, it’s your loss and you have to propose to her on the spot right then and there to get remarried. If she says no, then I’ll break up with Rosa. Sounds fair to you?”

“Well, I guess. But there’s no way she’d say yes if I put on such a pathetic display getting down on my hands and knees begging her to get back with me. Yuh’re obviously going to lose.”

“It’s precisely because you’re doing that that it will prove it wasn’t too late for you. It’ll show you were just too cowardly to chase after her this whole time is all.”

“But nobody may ever win this bet, kid.”

“True. If you never meet then the outcome of the bet will just be up in the air. But that’s not a big deal, is it? If it ever does happen you can just have your daughter contact Rosa to inform me of the outcome.”

“Fine. Yuh’re on. I’ll take this idiotic bet of yers. Just don’t come cryin to me when yuh have to break up with that pretty girlfriend of yers.”

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