Redraw Me

PART TWO: (18+) Second Draft of a Girl

Content Warning: misgendering and deadnaming, explicit descriptions of bodies

Jamie KurokawaJamie was used to creeping back into her house in the early morning. Well, not so much creeping in as stepping in, quietly? She wasn't a teenager anymore, she didn't have to sneak in and out--but it felt more polite, unobtrusive, less noticeable, to enter quietly. Ever since she'd started feeling increasingly alienated--noticing more and more how she was treated differently than other parts of the family--she'd become all about "less noticeable." Today wasn't destined to be an unobtrusive day. She closed the kitchen door; a second later she heard her Uncle Andy cough in that nicotine-ravaged voice of his.

"Jimmy boy. Coming home at the ass of night again, eh?" The big man, eldest of four siblings, was hunched over an aluminum container of fried chicken. He must have just finished the swing shift, thought Jamie. It figures; with so many firefighters in one household, someone was always coming or going, returning from a stay at a firehouse or departing for one.

"Hey, Andrew." Jamie pitched her voice lower than she was used to, suddenly incredibly self-aware of the shape of the bra around her shoulders and ribs. She hunched her shoulders.

"You working today? Damn, boy. That shortie of yours is a fine piece, no lie... but you gotta get some rest too, if you wanna make it past your probationary period." He tossed a chicken bone in the trash can and picked a stray piece of meat from his wiry, russet beard.

"Yeah, you know," Jamie said gruffly. "I slept some over there. Got maintenance work to do today, but not on full active duty, so..." She shrugged, pretending he was in the same "sullen teen" facade that her family had been accustomed to seeing her in since the age of fifteen. Once, it had been a real expression of how she was feeling; now, just like every part of pretending to be a guy, it was only an act, wearing thinner and thinner.

Uncle Andy chuckled as he took another bite from his chicken thigh. "You're still getting used to being a firefighter," he muttered. "Just remember what I told you."

"Which part?" asked Jamie innocently. Andy was fond enough of doling out "advice to remember" that he could be referring to any of dozens of things he'd told her.

"That you're not supposed to be sleeping with 'em while you're on call, or else you'll end up like Uncle Pete."

Jamie winced. Her Uncle Pete was one of several reasons she didn't want her family to know that she'd been dabbling with magic. He'd been having an affair with a married woman during on-call hours, another firefighter's wife. But then Pete had tried to "kick it up a notch" with some kind of magical performance-enhancing sex supplement. Jamie still remembered seeing him wheeled into surgery, blood all over the sheets covering the lower half of his body; it had been the last time she'd seen him alive.

Pete wasn't the only one; she had a second cousin who'd been on the receiving end of a misfortune curse that had only been lifted after years of misery and multiple missing limbs, and a family friend who'd been found beheaded under mysterious circumstances; Jamie's mom still believed she had been sacrificed by her Satanist ex-boyfriend.

Jamie sighed. Now, she was poised to become the next family scandal. "I'm not on call until later," she pointed out. "You don't have to worry so much."

"Well," said Andy, "Of course I worry about you." His growl had grown tender. "You're my only nephew, Jimmy. Your mother would kill me if anything happened to you. And it's not like the rest of us have such great prospects for future generations, you know? You're the next man of the house after me and Will are gone. Gotta carry on for the McConnells. And uh, the Kurokawas. I'm sure they care about your future too." Andy knew even less than Jamie did about her father's family.

Jamie couldn't meet Andy's gaze; she looked at the window next to him, and through it, out across the hilltop neighborhood and over the river. She could see the distant smokestacks of the city's rooftops, shrouded in morning fog. She wondered how long she'd have to pretend to be a guy before they'd stop looking at her that way, like she was the crown prince, however flawed and unsuitable, who'd have to inherit the tatters of their hopes and dreams. Forever, she guessed. Instead, she'd have to stop pretending.

Andy was on his feet, stretching. "Besides, you're such a beanpole. Every time I see you, you look like you've got less meat on you. How'd you even pass the physical?"

She shrugged, trying not to let her embarrassment show. "It's not easy being skinny," she admitted finally. "I've been trying to bulk up this whole week." With curves, she thought to herself.

He nodded knowingly. "Yeah, well maybe you oughtta keep working out. There ain't much point in taking shortcuts." He made a move to clap her on the shoulder and she panicked momentarily. Oh god he's going to feel my bra through my shirt oh shit and then she'd stepped aside awkwardly, so that he clasped her bicep instead, and grunted a laugh before moving towards his bedroom.


Jamie's mother was with one of her support groups at the hospital. Uncle Andy was asleep, and Will was probably on a shift. Jamie felt a rush of excitement--she finally had a chance to look at Alexandra's handiwork. She stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, the mirror she'd originally begged from her mom to practice dance moves, and slipped her oversized clothes off, revealing her naked body.

Yesterday she would have seen only another guy in the mirror, tall and lanky, ethnically ambiguous, a little androgynous in an emo or skater way. Today she saw something else entirely. The person in the mirror had hips that were quite a bit wider than they had any right to be, thighs rounder than most guys had, and angled inwards in a tapering silhouette. Not to mention her breasts: two soft mounds that sat proudly on her rib cage, high and small with nipples that had been unremarkable nubs yesterday.

Once again, she touched her nipples tentatively as she stared at her reflection, watching with fascination as they hardened under her touch, the skin of her brown areolae wrinkling. Her fingertips tingled slightly with pleasure. She hadn't realized that her chest could have these kinds of sensations, nor that flesh like this could feel so natural, all hers. Now that she knew these feelings were possible, she wanted to explore further.

She ran a hand down her smooth stomach, less defined than it used to be; the layer of core muscle was still there, but smoothed over with a layer of fat that made her just a little bit curvy in the "pooch." Her pubic hair had been trimmed away to a bare patch, but her clitoris was now growing fully erect, sticking out from her body obscenely.

She had an incredible distaste for terms like "chick with a..." -- she didn't even want to think about the end of that term, that's how gross she found it. But she found it hard to deny that she looked like a particular kind of fantasy right now. Pre-op? Was that the least insulting term? Plus, she looked like a gender-ambiguous hottie who really had been training for the Fire Department of New York's physical aptitude test, carrying and climbing, dragging hoses and hauling a pack of weights.

Alexandra had been considerate; she'd left the sinewy muscles that ran along Jamie's back and arms, her legs too. It looked as if she hadn't redrawn anything outside of Jamie's torso, and she felt a twinge of regret.

There was no going back now, she decided. She couldn't just stop here; there was no place to rest, and be herself. She'd just have to find out what happened next, moving forwards.


Alexandra threw her bag on the tiny loveseat she'd squeezed into her dorm room as she and Jamie came inside. She'd gotten out of class to find Jamie waiting right by the entrance; she'd finished her own firehouse shift a couple hours before. Her gaze roamed up and down her lover's newly redrawn body, and her lips bent into a huge smile.

"I still can't get over how great you look. Where'd you get that top?" Jamie was wearing a tight, ribbed black tank that tended to ride up just slightly, exposing her belly button. The clingy fabric hugged her breasts and waist perfectly, showing off the modest but unmistakable new curves of her body.

"Oh, this?" Jamie shrugged off the black blazer covering the top, and let Alexandra's gaze roamed over her muscular shoulders. "I've had this for a while. I bought it when I started thinking about transitioning seriously. It fits me better than it did before." Jamie smiled faintly. "Thank you for making it a worthwhile purchase, by the way."

"You're welcome," Alexandra said softly, stepping forward to kiss her cheek gently. "I'm glad you like it." She pulled the tank up over Jamie's head and tossed it onto the bed, "So... you were at work today. How'd that go?"

Jamie groaned as she flopped backwards onto the bedspread. She rolled over onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow, resting her chin on her hand and turning to face Alexandra. "It's fine," she said dismissively. "You kept my back and shoulders plenty strong. My center of gravity's a little different, lower--that was a little embarrassing. A trainee body-checked me and I lost my balance, went over backwards... but other than that it went okay." She frowned at Alexandra's curious look. "What? Thought I'd flunk out right away?"

Alexandra raised her hands. "No way! I know how hard you've worked. It's just... you seem pretty bummed about how you managed."

"... yeah." Jamie lay back and stared at the ceiling. "I just don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I'm obviously still pretending to be someone I'm not."

Alexandra sat down on the edge of the bed beside Jamie. She leaned close, touching a fingertip to Jamie's nose. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "I wish we could make your life easier."

Jamie looked up. "You can. You already did. I mean... I think I'm ready for the next step, already. Is that... okay with you? If we just... keep going?"

"Yes." Alexandra nodded slowly, leaning closer still. "I'm here for it, with you. As long and as far as you want. Are you sure?"

"Yeah," said Jamie, closing her eyes.

Alexandra kissed her lightly on the lips, then pressed their mouths together more deeply. She clambered back onto the bed, then straddled Jamie. "We can still make this gradual. There are some more things I don't think will be all that noticeable. Especially since I'm really getting the hang of using the Burin on bodies."

Jamie wiggled her hips, getting comfortable and bouncing Alexandra, who giggled. "So... what's next?" the taller girl asked.

Alexandra grinned wickedly, reaching to the side to squeeze Jamie's ass. Her girlfriend gasped. "First," she said. "You have to ask me nicely."

"Oh please," moaned Jamie. "Please don't tease me anymore!"

The red-headed minx tossed her curls and laughed loudly, squeezing harder. "I love you so much," she murmured against Jamie's earlobe. "But you need to say please, one more time. Like you mean it."

"Please," Jamie breathed hoarsely. "I want this so bad."

"You want what so bad, Jamie?" Alexandra bounced up and down on Jamie's crotch. "Tell me what you want."

"Please... make me into a girl," Jamie pleaded helplessly. "I need to feel like myself for once in my life."

Alexandra kissed her forehead gently, then her nose. Then she slid a hand over Jamie's flat belly and caressed it with her fingers. "All right," she agreed quietly. "What kind of girl should I make you into?"

Jamie looked confused for a moment. "Just me... as a girl?"

"Of course," Alexandra said reassuringly. "But what else?"

"Well..." Jamie began hesitantly, glancing up at her with wide eyes. "I want to be... your dream girl."

A light flared in Alexandra's eyes, not too dissimilar from the glow of the magical stylus. "That's what I like to hear. But I have to know that's what you want, too. How badly do you want that?"

Jamie swallowed nervously. "I've always wanted to be your perfect woman," she said shyly. "The girl you'd fall in love with instantly if you ever met."

"What would you do to become my perfect work of art, Jamie Kurokawa?" asked Alexandra. She picked up the stylus, twirling it absently. "What would you give up... to be my perfect girl?"

"Everything," said Jamie quickly, looking into Alexandra's eyes. "I'll give up everything." She took hold of the red-haired beauty's wrists and pressed them tightly together. "I don't want to... you know I don't want to lose my family, my job... but this is more important. For me and us."

"I promise we'll try to keep everything that we can, together. Whatever's in our power." said Alexandra gently. "You just have to trust me." She reached between their bodies, stroking the length of Jamie's clit through her underwear until she found its tip. "Shall we begin?" she asked.

Jamie shuddered and closed her eyes. She wriggled out of the rest of her clothes, slipping out from under Alexandra, and lay naked on her back. Her breath came faster, and she let out a ragged exhalation as the first wave of anticipation washed over her. "Yes."

The glowing point of the stylus touched the base of Jamie's clit and pushed inward. The sensation was unlike anything she'd imagined: it tickled, but also felt very good. Her eyelids fluttered open to see what was happening and she saw the tip of the pen gliding around her as Alexandra drew spirals around her shaft.

"Oh god," she groaned, arching her back as the tingling grew stronger and stronger. "What are you...?"

"Shhh," said Alexandra. "Let me work. I've been studying a lot of anatomy for this." The feathery strokes of the stylus felt like they were dissolving her, turning her into a pliable vibration of pleasure. Time started to lose meaning as Jamie was lost in sensation.

At one point she felt the stylus push against one of her testicles, sliding deep into her body, moving softly inside her pelvis. She gasped with surprise, only to feel Alexandra's calming touch on her hipbone. "It's okay," said Alexandra, kissing the nape of her neck gently. "I'm going slow."

Her orgasm built up slowly, like a storm rolling in from the ocean, growing steadily bigger and hotter. When Alexandra started drawing lines down the middle of her scrotum, separating her flesh into folds, it sent shockwaves through her entire body. She cried out, clutching at Alexandra's arms and covering her face with a pillow as every nerve in her body exploded in a flood of sensation.

She heard a soft chuckle behind her and turned her head to see Alexandra smiling at her with an amused expression on her face. "You're not done yet," she said. "But you've got this far."

Jamie shook her head as she tried to catch her breath and calm down enough to speak again. "Please keep going. I can be good."

Alexandra chuckled and moved around to sit cross-legged beside her. She ran the tip of the pen along Jamie's new labia, pressing it into the opening, which caused Jamie to yelp.

"I know, it feels funny at first..." said Alexandra. "I want to make sure you'll feel really good inside, so I'm not going to draw you a hymen or anything. Who needs 'em?" Jamie's mind was reeling, coming to terms with the dream she'd been contemplating for so many years, and the reality of it happening right now... she was being penetrated with a magical stylus?!

The tip slipped inside her easily, starting to detail the shape of her pussy, tracing the inner lips with gentle pressure. The sensations were incredible; even the slight friction felt amazing. As soon as she realized how pleasurable it was, she started trying to move herself further onto the pen. Alexandra gently pushed her back.

"Save that feeling for a moment, babe. I'm going to draw you a G-spot now," Alexandra said. "I'm not even sure I would have been able to figure out how without some recent research, but this will hopefully feel... fantastic. Gonna redraw your prostate, for one thing."

"Oh fuck yes!" said Jamie, thrusting herself up towards the pen. "Please!" She felt her muscles contracting uncontrollably as the stylus began to probe deeper and deeper inside her brand new cunt, sending bolts of pleasure racing through her body. She couldn't stop herself from crying out when Alexandra pressed the stylus against her anus for the first time, and she clenched her sphincter reflexively. The feeling of fullness in both holes, as Alex probed in one with her fingers, and the other with her stylus, was intense. She knew she wouldn't last long if this went on any longer.

"Almost done," said Alexandra. "But mmm, I love a pretty pussy. I want to add some details. And taste test." She bent down and ran her tongue down Jamie's slit, lapping at it delicately before running it across her clit. Jamie arched her back and bucked against the pen in her ass as a fresh wave of pleasure crashed over her body. As she relaxed, she felt the styles making delicate strokes against her clit in a steady rhythm. It was almost hypnotic, and she didn't realize until it was over that she had come several times.

She blinked dazedly at Alexandra, who smiled warmly down at her. "A fine piece of ass, if I do say so myself. And nobody's going to notice as long as you don't get too, too aroused thinking about me at work."

Jamie reached down wantonly and slipped a finger between her own puffy lips, rubbing her clit gently while she watched Alexandra cleaning herself off with a cloth from the bathroom. "You made me cum so hard," she whispered. "I feel like I could go forever." She brought her finger back to her mouth and sucked on it, tasting herself for the first time. She felt like such a slut doing that in front of her girlfriend, but she loved it anyway.

Alexandra sat next to her and leaned close. "You probably won't be able to stop thinking about me, will you?" she asked teasingly.

Jamie nodded slowly. "Yeah," she said, " I'll be thinking about you in every spare moment. Anytime we're apart I miss the taste of you, the smell of you, the feel of you.""

"Good," Alexandra said firmly. "Because that's part of what makes you my perfect girl. Now, are you ready to finish?"

Jamie blanched slightly. "Again? I mean... I really like being multi-orgasmic, but this is a brand-new organ. Maybe we should let her rest?"

Alexandra buried a guffaw in a pile of blankets. "No, silly!" she declared as she sat back up. "Other parts of your body. Still low-key, but I can tell what's been bothering you."

Jamie stared at her with a mixture of gratitude and confusion. "...and what's that?"

"Your breasts," Alexandra explained matter-of-factly. "They're too small for your frame." She reached down and grabbed both of Jamie's tits roughly, pinching them between thumb and forefinger. "And your arms and legs. I should have just gotten rid of that body hair for you. I know you hate it... but wouldn't you rather hide smooth skin with long sleeves and pants, especially since it's autumn now, instead of feeling so dysphoric about it?"

"You know I would," said Jamie quietly. "But isn't this getting risky? Big breasts is... asking for everyone to notice what's going on."

Alexandra smirked at her. "I'm not talking about outfitting you with double-Ds. Just a little bigger, to make you more comfortable in your skin."

Jamie smiled. "There's no use in resisting you when you're determined," she admitted. "Not that I want to." And she lay back, feeling more complete in herself than she ever had in her life.

"That's my girl," said Alexandra, kissing her lovingly and picking up the stylus again, running her finger along one of the feathers. Jamie closed her eyes, savoring the sensations once more as Alexandra began grazing her legs with long, painterly strokes.


The next two weeks involved a more precarious dance than ever for Jamie. One one hand, she was exulting in her new ability to move around the world looking like a woman--at least if she did her makeup properly and tried to show off her modest curves. On the other, she was trying to maintain her old, dwindling life as a son, nephew and probationary firefighter. She absolutely loved her new breasts; just slightly larger, they fit snugly in her hands and looked much better than she thought possible when she put on a push-up bra. She was still having trouble accepting how well the transformation worked on other people, on how they saw and treated her.

Alexandra had done her best to leave her muscle tone while making her limbs and shoulders more rounded, graceful. Her legs and arms seemed more slender, not to mention completely hairless, and she no longer felt self-conscious about showing them off--at least away from home. It had been a leap to go out in public wearing a dress, but it felt liberating after months of hiding from the world behind baggy clothing.

She'd gone out several times already to test out the few dresses and skirts she owned, and she found that most people didn't seem to notice anything noteworthy about her. Well, other than that she was a tall, long-legged girl in her early twenties who felt addicted, at least temporarily, to tight tops and bare legs, even in the cooling weather. She'd attracted some unwanted attention from a few men (mostly drunk guys wandering the streets), but none had dared approach her because of her practiced scowl, and the fact that her toned body still gave her the aura of an athlete.

Alexandra had been right: Jamie hadn't stopped thinking about her, all day and night. She wasn't spending much time at home, and jumped eagerly back into her girlfriend's bed whenever she could. The two of them were spending far too many hours making love, in all sorts of new ways that Alexandra was teaching her, and Jamie was enjoying every minute of it. She was a woman, and also a lesbian. A trans dyke? She couldn't find words for her exact experience, but she loved eating her girlfriend's pussy like it was a juicy slice of cake. She loved it when Alexendra expertly stroked her clit, first with fingers and then with her Hitachi Magic Wand, until she came over and over again. She was even getting into strap-ons for the first time, and from both sides.

At home with her family, she had strange dreams: about sex with Alexandra, of course, but once about being taken roughly from behind by a faceless man, and multiple times about being choked by an unseen presence. The latter was no surprise; terrified of being discovered, she'd taken to sleeping not only in a sweat suit, to hide her smooth limbs, but in a compression bra to flatten her apple-sized breasts.

It couldn't continue in the same way forever, of course. Maybe it was something mystical responding to Jamie's desire to live forever as a woman, or maybe Alexandra really had transformed her testicles into hormone-producing ovaries, but Jamie kept on "blossoming," as she thought of it. Her body was growing rounder, every ounce of fat she had going towards her ass and hips, or into her breasts. She still looked like a beanpole, but one with curves. It was only a matter of time, she kept thinking to herself, until someone noticed something. Then the shit would hit the fan.

If you're enjoying "Redraw Me," check out the other stories set in the same universe, although with very different characters: Succubated!, a long ongoing light novel, and "Samira’s Curse", a quick and short story. They're both a little less serious and down-to-earth than "Redraw Me," but with more supernatural gender transformations and relationships.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.