Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 175: Lunar Luxuries and Luminous Lunacies Pt 5

"Only three times as strong?" I asked, and the single eye narrowed at me. Then, the entire moon condensed into a ball of white energy that shot to the ground right before me.

The energy reformed into a mean-looking hottie Amazon, a good six inches taller than me. I knew she was pissed at me, but I was pretty sure that the look she was giving wasn't that far from her regular resting face.

"Huh?! What do you mean, only three times as strong?! Are you trying to pick a fight with me?!" Kandora demanded as she bore down on me, clearly trying to intimidate me, but I didn't even feel any pressure from the spirit.

"If you want to fight, I suggest we do it somewhere more private. You might wipe the floor with me, and I would hate for everyone to see that," I lied, but then focused, activating Chrono Vortex to speed myself up and slow down Kandora.

I drove my fist into her stomach but stopped right before it hit, and then stepped around in time to brace her for the impact of the air. The air force generated from my fist moving so fast hit Kandora slowly as I could sense her body trying to react, but at the last second, I pulled her body to the side, preventing any further damage. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I had only slowed her down, not her body.

There was no way to stop her, so I just released Chrono Vortex and could only wince as, in the next instant, the guard house exploded with a portion of the wall. That didn't happen as planned, but I hope she survived. Just in case, I pulled out my trusty power tool and put on the Bit of Regeneration.

Suddenly, the rubble from the middle of the wall exploded out to reveal a very angry-looking and very banged-up Amazon. Did I mention she looked angry? I feel like that is worth mentioning a second time.

"You!" Kandora screamed and then rushed me, but I felt like I should let her get at least one hit after that cheap move. I just wanted to give her a taste of our power difference, but I made a big whoops.

I raised my hands at my side, and Kandora slammed into me, knocking me to the ground. She pinned my arms down as she straddled me, but things got weird really fast. Instead of trying to attack me with her fists, it looked like she would use her lips. What the shit was going on here?!

Right at the last second, I flung the spirit off me into the air, hard enough that she was nothing more than a twinkling star heading up to just the rest of her kin within seconds. Crazy ass women.

"I am sorry about Kandora... but I didn't expect you to be that much stronger than her. This might pose a problem for you since Kandora has been looking for a husband who is stronger than her, and radiant-rated spirits are rarely ever seen. They have extraordinary and enigmatic personalities. None of them are what anyone might consider attractive," Luminara explained as I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Nope, not interested. I am not looking for another wife, and I also already have a brute of a tsundere girlfriend who likes to bully me as a way of showing affection. My roster is full; we are out of days of the week," I explained without a hint of remorse.

This comment made Luminara burst out in laughter, and I shrugged. “It is what it is. I am sure she is a nice woman, and she will make someone really happy someday, just not me. I already almost have to pull out a calculator when dividing up my time with the current girls I have. I am also fully devoted to them,” I said and crossed my arms. “While this last distraction was of my own making, I think it is time you came clean about why you invited me to this world. Something tells me that you knew this would happen with Kandora, and you were hoping it would make me a bit more considerate of your plight. One of these gods is not like the others, and I think you are the problem I was warned about.”

Luminara stopped laughing and then nodded to me. “It is as you feared, and I wish to ask for your help, but I did not expect you to best Kandora. Come, let us get to the tea that I have promised, and I will explain everything.”

I shrugged. There was no point in making a scene, and it wasn’t like I was really in a hurry. I just didn’t like all the dragging on with things. I wish the woman would just come out and say what the problem was from the get-go. I would still come for tea, but at least I would have time to mull over whatever task she wanted me to complete.

Regardless of how ass-backward this all was, I gestured forward, and Luminara took the lead. She remained silent, so I didn’t bother trying to make small talk as we entered the palace. The inside was as breathtaking as the city itself, with walls that seemed to be made of liquid light, shifting and flowing with colors that danced to an unseen rhythm. The floors were a mosaic of stars; each step I took sent ripples of light across the ground, echoing into infinity. The ceiling was a vast expanse of celestial beauty, a miniature night sky that mirrored the cosmos outside, complete with shooting stars and nebulae that seemed to move with purpose.

As we walked, the air was filled with the soft hum of energy, a melody that seemed to resonate with my very soul. It was calming and exhilarating, a paradox that somehow made perfect sense in this realm. The palace corridors were lined with statues of beings made from crystal and light, each one different from the last, representing the diverse souls that Luminara watched over. Their faces were serene, etched with the wisdom of the ages, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence as I passed by them.

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